Automotive Black Technology

 Automotive Black Technology

Author: Foolishness QD

Li Fanfu fell asleep in class and woke up to find that familiar car brands were all gone.

There were no BMWs or Audis, no Land Rovers or Bentleys, no Porsches or Ferraris...

Even domestic cars had regressed by ten years, with the domestic market dominated by foreign capital.

Even more absurdly, there was now an Xapp on his phone, with powerful technology and tools that came with black technology, even capable of directly exchanging car production lines!

With his phone filled with black technology, Li Fanfu declared war on all the car manufacturers.

"It's not that I'm targeting anyone, but what I mean is, everyone here is rubbish!"

Fish can't live without water, flowers can't live without the sun, luxury cars can't live without beautiful women—how can life go on without showing off?

Chapter -1

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