Chapter 007 A Monthly Salary of One Hundred Thousand, It's Really Too Little

She knew Ye Xiu was broke.

She almost pursued Ye Xiu before.

But when she found out Ye Xiu was broke, she decisively gave up.

Sure, Ye Xiu was handsome, but can you eat just by being handsome?

No money means you're just a loser!

Watching the two of them putting on a show in front of her, Ye Xiu almost burst out laughing.

Do you know who you're trying to impress?

I can earn a hundred thousand just by sweeping the streets, and I'm also the largest shareholder of Horizontal Vision Group, worth fifteen billion.

Ye Xiu really wanted to tell them that they looked like fools.

But reason told him that a true gentleman behaves like a true gentleman.

Engaging in competition with trash like this would only lower his own value.

With that in mind, Ye Xiu turned around and prepared to leave.

However, at that moment, the sound of brakes caught everyone's attention.

A pink Ferrari elegantly stopped in front of everyone.

Click! The door opened.

A pair of captivating long legs emerged.

Dressed in a wine-red slit dress, with long flowing hair and extremely beautiful features, a woman walked down from the car.

"Wow, such a beautiful young lady."

"So elegant!"

"I like her car even more, a pink Ferrari, it must be expensive, right?"

Ma Jianguo also stared at the woman getting out of the Ferrari, his eyes glued to her.

In his heart, he secretly thought, this kind of woman is my dream for the future!

However, as he was thinking this, he suddenly realized that this woman, who was at least a 95 in terms of looks, was walking towards him.

Does she have feelings for me?

But why don't I remember her?

Regardless, I must maintain my composure, can't panic!

"This lady, are you…"

As the woman approached, Ma Jianguo skillfully extended his hand and greeted her with a smile.

Then he dumbfoundedly watched as the woman, who was at least a 95 in looks, passed him by.

And walked towards Ye Xiu!

"This is the highest internship salary we have discussed with the company for recent graduates.

You have been pre-accepted by our company.

After you graduate, you can come directly to work at our company.

What do you think?"

After finishing speaking, the woman smiled at Ye Xiu.

Although the onlookers couldn't see all the contents of the acceptance letter.

But those shining zeros undoubtedly struck a chord in everyone's hearts!

One hundred thousand! Exactly one hundred thousand!

One hundred thousand per month, that's one million two hundred thousand per year!

Once he agrees, Ye Xiu will be a millionaire!!

Ma Jianguo's BMW, which costs one million, can be bought in just ten months!

And with his own money!

You see, Ma Jianguo's car was bought with money from his father.

Where did Ma Jianguo earn his money?

He doesn't even have a job yet!

Looking at that acceptance letter, everyone's breath was somewhat stifled.

Does Ye Xiu know this beauty?

Otherwise, did he just win the lottery?

Why did a pie suddenly fall from the sky?

They want it too!

And among them, the most dumbfounded was Ma Jianguo.

He had just finished humiliating Ye Xiu, and then a beautiful woman came out of nowhere.

And she offered a monthly salary of one hundred thousand!

After a year, Ye Xiu would definitely be a millionaire!

What about Ma Jianguo?

Besides relying on his dad, what can he do on his own?

Moreover, this Ferrari was bought with five years of his father's salary!

Looking at the woman's eyes, why did it seem like she was interested in Ye Xiu?

In comparison, Su Xiaoxiao seemed like a village girl!

Clear distinction!

This counterattack hit Ma Jianguo's face hard.

The woman who came, Ye Xiu naturally recognized her.

She was the woman, Liu Yanrou, whom he helped park the car before.

But he also had some doubts in his heart.

How could helping someone park a car lead to a job offer with a monthly salary of one hundred thousand?

Is this what people often call hitting the jackpot?

If it were before, Ye Xiu would have agreed without hesitation.

But now...

He had the system.

Just by casually stopping a car, sweeping the streets, he could earn a hundred thousand.

If he worked harder, earning two million a day would be no problem!

This monthly salary of one hundred thousand, he really looked down on it.

"Sorry, Miss Liu, I can't accept this job," Ye Xiu smiled and declined.

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