Chapter 11: Oppa, Why Are You Taking Off Your Clothes?!

Wang Dali's heart tightened, and he grabbed Xiumei's face firmly with both hands, shouting, "Xiumei, Xiumei, look at me, look into my eyes, listen to me seriously. You didn't kill anyone. You only knocked her out to save me. You're a hero—"

"Really?" Xiumei finally came to, her eyes gaining a hint of brightness.

"Of course, I swear. She just fainted. I'm going to tie her up now to prevent her from causing trouble when she wakes up!" Wang Dali heaved a sigh of relief.

Damn, it's good she snapped out of it. I almost scared myself to death.

With that relaxation, Wang Dali realized he was drenched in sweat. Just thinking about the scene from earlier made him shudder with fear!

Wang Dali couldn't imagine what would happen if the goddess-like Xiumei couldn't handle the psychological pressure and went mad with so many viewers. Would they beat him to death?!

The comments flooded in again.

"Wow, she's saved—"

"This girl is really brave and resilient—"

"Wow, that was close. Scared the heck out of me. Xiumei is amazing and courageous—"

"Xiumei, keep it up. Stay strong in the face of adversity. We support you!"

"Wow, Xiumei, you've saved the anchor for the second time. The anchor is really embarrassing—"

"I'll reward Xiumei with 10 spaceships, not the anchor. Xiumei really worked hard—"

Wang Dali looked at them and chuckled.

Why is all the praise going to the nation's first love, Xiumei? I, Wang Dali, am not just a piece of garbage!

If it weren't for our stalemate in the struggle with the old indigenous woman, how could Xiumei have successfully ambushed her?

Even if I didn't contribute, I still went through a lot of trouble!

Forget it, a real man doesn't compete with women!

Hehe, anyway, all the tips go to me, Wang Dali, into my encrypted World Bank account.

Wow haha, feel free to tip my lovely Xiumei generously.

I, Wang Dali, am perfectly fine. I can handle it!!

Of course, the audience had no idea about Wang Dali's sinister intentions.

Wang Dali had quietly rekindled the fire and thankfully, there were still several bundles of dry firewood in the cave, enough to last for a whole day.

Soon, the cave lit up.

Wang Dali found a vine and tied up the old indigenous woman. Finally, he stuffed a piece of rotten fur into her rotten mouth to prevent her from waking up and making a scene.

Alright, that'll do for now. Let's take a break in this old woman's cave.

There was even a stone oven in the cave, with a leg stewing inside.

Wang Dali was overjoyed. He picked it up, sniffed it, and took a bite.

"How is it? It's not—" Xiumei covered her mouth, showing a horrified expression. Her chubby, adorable face turned pale.

"Haha, you clever little brain, what are you thinking? You're so unreliable!"

Wang Dali tapped Xiumei's little head and chuckled, "This is crocodile leg. Look, there's still a bit of crocodile skin that hasn't been cleaned properly. But it's not bad. Crocodile meat is quite tasty. We're in for a treat tonight!"

"Oh oh oh!" Xiumei misunderstood, her face turning red, and her whole being looked adorable.

The screen messages started flooding in again.

"666, does Xiumei really think that's human flesh? Haha—"

"So funny, Xiumei thought these indigenous people were cannibals—"

"I was scared just now too, thinking it was really human flesh. Look at that old indigenous woman, she looks so ferocious—"

"Finally, we can breathe a sigh of relief. The anchor and Xiumei don't have to eat human flesh—"

"Dirty, shut your smelly mouth. How dare you curse the anchor and my lovely Xiumei sister—"

Wang Dali laughed and completely ignored these nutritionless words. He casually stoked the fire and then started taking off his clothes.

"Ah, Oppa, what are you doing?" Xiumei exclaimed.

"Taking off my clothes!" Wang Dali turned his head, grinned, and in the reddish glow of the fire, he looked somewhat evil.

Thud, thud, thud.

Xiumei retreated a few steps in shock, clutching her collar with both hands, crossing them tightly in front of her, and shouted, "Don't come over here, or I—"

"What will you do?" Wang Dali took a bite of crocodile meat, smiling ambiguously.

"I'll scream!" Xiumei tilted her head back, proud and stubborn.

"You scream, and no one will come to save you. No, wait. If you scream, a bunch of savage indigenous people will come swarming over, and then they'll eat you!" Wang Dali joked.

"No, don't!" Xiumei covered her mouth tightly.

Wang Dali chuckled and hung his clothes on a branch to dry.

Xiumei widened her eyes.

"Alright, alright, just now I said you're so clever, but now you're just being paranoid. What are you thinking?" Wang Dali beckoned to the nation's first love, Xiumei.

"I-I-I—" Xiumei's face turned bright red with embarrassment.

"Hurry up and take off your clothes to dry them. You'll get sick if you're soaked through!" Wang Dali chuckled and threw a branch at Xiumei's feet.


Xiumei snapped out of it, stomped her foot, ran over, and punched Wang Dali, calling out, "Okay, Dali Oppa, you're just teasing me, you're so bad!"

Wang Dali laughed heartily, feeling extremely content.

Is Xiumei really throwing a tantrum at me? Is this even real? It's an indulgence I've never dared to dream of.

Wang Dali grabbed Xiumei's pink fist and laughed, "It's all because you're overthinking. How could you blame me? Do you really think Oppa is a big villain? That would really break Oppa's heart!"

"Nope, nope, Oppa is a big villain who loves teasing people!" Xiumei stomped her foot.

"Alright, alright, Oppa apologizes to you. Don't be angry anymore. But no matter what, we have to face adversity with strength, right?"

"Yes, I can do it!" Xiumei nodded confidently.

"Alright, hurry up and dry your clothes, then eat some food, and then get a good night's sleep to recover your strength!" Wang Dali said.

"Oh." Xiumei glanced at the floating light ball, hesitating. "Oppa, this light ball won't take pictures of us, will it?"

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