Chapter 15 Desperate Fight!

The audience watching the live broadcast exploded once again, and the comments section never stopped scrolling!

"Daoli, I support you in rescuing her!"

"Don't go, you'll risk your life, those natives are so cruel!"

"If you want to court death, then go back--"

"Stop it!"

Wang Dali adjusted his quiver and spoke resolutely, "From the moment I fell off the ship into the water, I, Wang Dali, have been racing against death. Now, it's time to show the dignity of life!"

"I will definitely rescue Xiumei, even if it costs me my life!"

With that, Wang Dali turned around and stealthily made his way back to the native village.

The comments paused for a few seconds, the atmosphere heavy. Obviously, everyone was at a loss for words regarding Wang Dali's decision!

After a while, the comments started pouring in again.

"Wang Dali, you're a true hero. Facing life and death, you chose not to abandon, not to give up. For many, this choice is extremely difficult, but you made it. That's courage--"

"I support you, Daoli, no need to say more, I'll give you a spaceship--"

"Good luck--"

"Once a hero sets off, there's no turning back. Take care--"

"Take care, may God bless you--"

"Bless you--"

"All the best--"


Everyone didn't have high hopes for this rescue mission. This live broadcast wasn't a movie, there were no retakes even if there were mistakes!

Wang Dali's decision was simply risking life and limb!

And Wang Dali had indeed cast aside the fear of death!

In dire situations, sometimes that's just how it is; courage can make people disregard the fear of death!

The messages in the comments became even heavier, but Wang Dali had no time to pay attention anymore. This time, the decision to go back and rescue someone was definitely not a good one.

But he had no regrets.

Not abandoning, not giving up, these were principles and bottom lines. If one couldn't hold on to something, even if they were alive, they would be like walking dead.

He, himself, couldn't lose his humanity and courage in this godforsaken place, in such dire circumstances.

If that were the case, then he would ultimately have nothing!

Wang Dali made his way back quickly, not much slower than when he was escaping.

Behind the stone wall, the native village was in a commotion.

Wang Dali lay on the other side of the stone wall, seeing Xiumei screaming, tied to a ladder and hoisted into the dense forest in front of the stone wall.

From deep within the dense forest came the long howl of a giant ape.

Suddenly, all the natives in the village were on high alert, each holding a spear as if facing a formidable enemy, staring at the dense forest beyond the stone wall.

Wang Dali seemed to understand the intentions of these natives.

But, this cursed mysterious island actually had giant apes, this was not scientific!

"Dear viewers!"

Wang Dali turned to the camera, serious: "Although the situation is dire, it's not the worst yet. If I'm guessing correctly, they are conducting a sacrifice, like in ancient times when girls were thrown into the river as sacrifices to the river god. Xiumei has been chosen as the sacrifice for the monster!"

"Perhaps by doing this, the natives don't have to sacrifice themselves!"

Wang Dali looked up at the highest point of the stone wall, where there was a structure resembling an observation tower, very high, with vines covering the stone wall.

Wang Dali made a plan.

"I'm going to climb to the highest point of the stone tower, then swing down from the vines to the altar below to rescue her," Wang Dali said with deep concern. "I hope I can make it in time, because I heard the roar of the giant ape, and from the looks of the natives, that is definitely not an easy opponent!"

Wang Dali started climbing towards the highest point of the stone tower.

In no time, Wang Dali had climbed to the highest point, with a commanding view of Xiumei and the natives behind the stone wall.

All the natives were captivated by the sacrifice and paid no attention to Wang Dali.

As Wang Dali climbed, he used a stone axe to cut off the vine tendrils. Whether he could swing successfully depended on these vine tendrils.

"666, the broadcaster can think of such a method, the broadcaster's imagination is vast--"

"The feasibility seems extremely high--"

"The broadcaster must find vines long enough, otherwise not only will he not swing to the right spot, he might also get caught and end up in the giant beast's mouth--"

"Wang Dali, come on, rooting for you--"

Wang Dali had already made up his mind. If he didn't succeed, then so be it!

The roar of the ape was getting closer, and in the dim light, the trees in the dense forest swayed, revealing a ten-meter-tall giant black ape in everyone's sight.


Pei Xiumei screamed, struggling incessantly, but her hands were bound by vines.

"I don't want to die, I don't want to be eaten!" Pei Xiumei cried in fear.

The audience watching the live broadcast was in shock!

Damn, is there really a ten-meter-tall black ape? This isn't the illusion from a movie, but a real monster!

This kind of shock left everyone pale.

Wang Dali gritted his teeth, couldn't wait any longer. He tied one end of the vine to the top of the wall, then quickly swung down the vine, ensuring that he created enough distance on the stone wall to ensure a swinging angle that would allow him to land on the altar.

"Dear viewers, I'm about to attack!"

Wang Dali smiled determinedly, "If I fail, I'll also die in the hands of the giant ape and become its food. Please pray for me, and also for Xiumei!"

"God bless--"

"Oh my tofu, I don't want to see the broadcaster and Xiumei die in the mouth of the giant ape--"

"Take care, broadcaster--"

"Broadcaster, you're mighty, I'll reward you with a spaceship--"

It seemed like everyone knew Wang Dali was risking his life. Various blessings and rewards poured in like a waterfall. Everyone could only support Wang Dali in this way; besides this, they were powerless.

If Wang Dali checked the online viewership, he would find that the number of viewers had been skyrocketing at a terrifying speed, never stopping.

It seemed like the whole world was being ignited by Wang Dali's live broadcast, with more and more people opening the international website WDL (Wang Dali). 

The name Wang Dali had become the most searched character on major search engines worldwide five minutes ago, and it had become the most visited website on major browsers.

Wang Dali naturally didn't know any of this. He had already decided to make a desperate move!

"Xiumei, here I come!"

Wang Dali took a deep breath, grabbed one end of the vine, and swung down fiercely.

Next Chapter

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