Chapter 17: The Scumbag is Exposed

"Wow, Zhang Fan is so handsome, so handsome! I must have misjudged him."

"Yeah, how did he become so handsome? Did he get plastic surgery?"

"I think he just got more muscular, his muscles are so defined now. And let me tell you, Zhang Fan's physique is explosive. He's got abs and everything. Here, let me show you a picture." Xiao Qian shared the picture in the group chat, and the group fell silent before the girls started becoming more active.

"Oh, by the way, Xiao Qian, ask Qiang Wei if she's interested in this guy. I'm willing to take over if she's not."

"Who cares about Qiang Wei? She's willing to be the third wheel anyway."

"Wait, did they break up?"

Xiao Qian tapped her fingers on the phone screen and said, "Yeah, Qiang Wei resigned. It seems like she's become a lady now. I just found out that they were just pretending to be a couple. Let's go to the building and see if we can still catch them. The car should still be parked there." Oh, damn. I feel like I've been fooled by the whole world.

Indeed, as they guessed, Zhang Fan was standing at the door of the building, slightly surprised. Meanwhile, Qiang Wei was fixing her hair and tying it up before taking the car keys from the maid and pressing the button.

The car door opened.

A streamlined car.

Its appearance immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The roar of the engine turned heads.

"What are you looking at? Surprised?" Zhang Fan said.

"I regret saying I liked rich guys. Now I just want to like someone who's more down-to-earth," Qiang Wei replied. "Is it okay if we exchange numbers and keep in touch?"

"What do you mean?"

Inside the car, Qiang Wei handed the phone to Zhang Fan and asked him to make the call.

The call went through.

The voice on the other end sounded weak.

"Hey, sis, it's okay."

Zhang Fan looked at Qiang Wei and asked, "What's going on?"

"She's pretending," Qiang Wei said.

Upon hearing the man's voice, Qiang Wei quickly regained her composure and said, "Hey, is this Xiao Zhang? Oh, sorry, I mean, Zhang Fan asked me to give you a call to say hi. He's not very good at talking."

"It's okay, it's okay, being not good at talking is fine. Being honest and reliable is better. By the way, when will you bring Qiang Wei to the hospital?"

"Tomorrow, probably. We'll most likely go tomorrow. Oh, is there anything you like?"

"Yeah, just buy two pounds of oranges. It's been a long time since I've had oranges." This is really strange.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Fan said, "It's really strange. If you're looking for a boyfriend, you can find one anywhere. You can just pick one up on the street. There are so many guys out there. Only idiots are willing to do this."

"Those guys are boring. Who knows what they're thinking? At least this way, it's more real. If they're hungry, they're hungry. If they like it, they like it. Let's go, let's go buy something. Since you're planning to change yourself, you might as well go all out."

This time, it was Zhang Fan who encountered a knowledge barrier. After all, Zhang Fan was still a guy. Asking and answering questions in a brief and indifferent manner was actually the best way to handle a breakup.

Responding to messages after a breakup would definitely lead to too much back-and-forth. Just two words were enough. Saying too much would easily lead to getting trapped in a loop again.

"Wow, it looks like it's true. I totally misjudged him."

"What do you think, now that the seven days are over? We promised not to disturb each other. Thank you for everything. We each have our own lives to enjoy."

"I understand. Rest assured, I'll keep my word. By the way, what happened to make you change so suddenly?"

"Maybe I just had an epiphany. Who knows?"

With one hand on his chin, sitting in the convertible, Zhang Fan looked like a lonely philosopher gazing out the window.

Occasionally, Qiang Wei would glance at Zhang Fan, but it was just a glance. Handsome as he was, it was rare to see someone as handsome as Zhang Fan.

They arrived at Wanda, and Qiang Wei pressed the button to unlock the car before linking her arm with Zhang Fan's and heading into the mall.

"Do you regret wearing high heels now?"

"Of course not."

With her chin held high, Qiang Wei strutted like a peacock, as if to say, "Look down if you like, but you'll fall in love eventually. Who wouldn't fall for such beauty and perfection?"

Zhang Fan seemed indifferent, even though Qiang Wei was standing so close. Even though Zhang Fan himself knew he was in control, the feeling was still enjoyable.

"Ma'am, sir, hello. May I help you with anything?"

"The most expensive suit and shirt."

"Okay, ma'am. Let me help you choose."

Ten minutes later, Zhang Fan changed into a suit from a famous brand. It was the top choice for successful gentlemen.

There was no need for a watch, but as Zhang Fan lowered his head to adjust his sleeves, it was like a frozen moment in a painting.

The little shop assistant discreetly took out her phone and started taking pictures.

This scene attracted even more attention than the models in the shop window.

"Is that everything?"

Qiang Wei looked at him, slightly surprised, and said, "You look really good. With your looks, you definitely have the capital to pick up girls. Okay, let's go."

"Sure thing, ma'am."

After paying by card, they left together and went to another place.

"Is this guy going to eat?"

"It seems like he's going to eat. He's also willing to pay for it." "Hmm, I don't see any problem with that."

The first stop was the suit shop, and the second stop was the watch shop. They chose a watch worth over ten thousand, which was directly fastened to Zhang Fan's wrist.

The last stop was where Qiang Wei went alone to make a selection.

"Are you tired? We bought so many things. Are we moving house or something?"

"Of course, I promised."

Endured it. I endured it. After seven days, we'll go our separate ways, and no one should disturb anyone.

Invisible, but visible.

See you when the time comes.

Next Chapter

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