Chapter 21: A Narrow Escape!


Wang Dali signaled to the graceful beauty beside him.

Gracefully, she nodded.

Only then did Wang Dali focus on observing.

"Wow, such ferocious big fish!"

Wang Dali was amazed. In the river, fish measuring seventy to eighty centimeters leaped out of the water, attacking the black bear, tearing at its paws and body.

The black bear roared in pain, roaring repeatedly as it scratched and bit back.

The advantage between species was enormous. Despite the prowess of the large fish, they were no match for the black bear.

Fish after fish had their necks bitten off, thrown onto the pebbles by the shore by the black bear, while some were swatted away by the enraged bear's massive paw, landing on the opposite bank of the river.

Wang Dali was in awe.

The force of the black bear's paw was terrifying. If it were to land on a person's face, their head would likely turn into a smashed watermelon!

The footage captured by the super camera was impeccable, with close-ups and slow-motion shots of the black bear fishing and battling the fish.

In the morning light, the sparkling river surface, the flying water splashes, the natural struggle, all of it was exhilarating and incredibly spectacular.



"The black bear is truly a master fisherman of the wilderness—"

"But those big fish, they seem like dragonfish, and when they get angry, they're extremely ferocious—"

Countless spectators exclaimed in wonder once again.

Suddenly, an unexpected situation arose!

The black bear suddenly swatted a forty-centimeter-long big fish flying.

The fish flew far, and by chance, landed in front of the rock where Wang Dali was hiding.

The fish's vitality was remarkably tenacious, as it didn't die. It hopped closer and suddenly lunged at the beautiful girl's shoes, causing her, brave as she was, to let out a scream of surprise.

The black bear, alert, suddenly turned its head and fixed its gaze on the hiding spot of the beautiful girl.


The black bear suddenly abandoned the big fish in the river and dashed towards the rocks where Wang Dali was hiding.

"Oh no, we've been discovered!"

Wang Dali was startled, grabbing the beautiful girl and running towards the cluster of rocks.

"Oh no, what should we do, it's all my fault, it's all my fault!" The beautiful girl cried in panic, her face drained of color.

The black bear spotted the two fleeing, growing more excited, roaring and charging towards them at an unbelievable speed.

It's said that a black bear can run at a speed of 48 kilometers per hour, twice as fast as a human.

Therefore, if encountered in the wild and being chased by a bear, chances are slim, almost impossible, to outrun it!

"Oh no, the beautiful girl is in trouble—"

"They've been discovered, run—"

"They won't be able to escape, oh—"

"Quick, think of a way to hide—"

"It's over, it's over, the anchor should play dead quickly—"

"Oh no, quick, someone save them—"

Wang Dali didn't have the mood to listen to the spectators' nonsense.

At this moment, Wang Dali was already drenched in cold sweat, his brain spinning rapidly, thinking at an unprecedented speed. In just a few seconds, countless thoughts had crossed his mind.

"We're doomed, we're doomed."

Wang Dali was truly frightened because he couldn't think of any way to escape.

This was a giant bear, nearly four meters tall, and its running speed was absolutely deadly. Humans couldn't possibly outrun it!

Its strength was also surprisingly great; one swipe could either kill a person or break their bones!

Suddenly, the panicked two spotted a narrow crevice between the rocks, just wide enough for a person to squeeze through.

"Beautiful, quickly, get in there!"

Wang Dali was overjoyed; there was indeed a way out in desperate times!

In an instant, Wang Dali experienced a whirlwind of emotions, from falling into despair to soaring to heaven. In just a few tens of seconds, he was drenched in cold sweat.

"Ah ah ah!"

The beautiful girl also saw hope, quickly climbing into the crevice and squeezing deeper inside.

The young girl was indeed very agile, with a petite figure. She disappeared into the crevice in an instant.


The black bear was faster than imagined, already at the rocks. Its speed didn't diminish as it continued its pursuit.

Wang Dali shot an arrow in panic!


The black bear's mouth was hit by the arrow, which got lodged between its sharp teeth.

The black bear had to pause momentarily to remove the arrow, then it became thoroughly enraged, going berserk. Its speed increased once again as it lunged towards Wang Dali.

"Oba, come in quickly!" Pei Xuemei was already in a state of extreme anxiety, screaming and waving her hands.

Wang Dali dodged, agile as a cat, and slipped into the rock wall, swiftly climbing inside like a gecko.


The black bear rammed into the rock wall, clawing at it, tearing Wang Dali's sleeve in the process.

Due to the bear's impact, the entire rock wall shook!

"Damn it, that was close!"

Wang Dali was shocked once again, drenched in cold sweat. It was a hair's breadth away from being caught by the cursed black bear.

It's imaginable that if caught, his arm would definitely be torn apart, bones and all.

"Wow, the anchor is mighty, narrowly escaping death once again!"

"Snow, scared the hell out of so many cells in my body!"

"Got scared to pee, anyone else?"

"Oh my, the anchor is so awesome, scaring several classmates into screaming. Mind you, we're still in Chinese class? Trouble, the bald teacher's gonna blow up!"

"Thrilling, the anchor almost became Yang Guo!"

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