Chapter 3: Time to Show Off!

But it's quite normal to think about it. With the global internet coverage, these 2896 people are spread across over 190 countries and regions, which means it's practically nothing.

Thinking about this, Wang Dali felt a wave of discouragement.

Damn, there are too few people. Even if I want to spread the first-hand news of the shipwreck, with so few viewers, it seems like it won't make much of an impact!

"Host, do you want to use 3 God points to enhance the global information coverage of the website, by forcefully displaying pop-ups on the thirty largest portal websites with the highest global internet traffic, for 60 seconds?"


"God points can be used like this? But 60 seconds is too short!"

Wang Dali was pleasantly surprised. Although he was a bit dissatisfied, 60 seconds wasn't bad. Now was the time to use steel on the blade. Spending 3 points would yield tremendous benefits, and whether his voice could shake the entire world depended on these mere 60 seconds!

"Use it immediately!"

With a thought, Wang Dali spent 10 God points, deducting 3 points.

"Usage complete!" The system's cold electronic voice announced.

At the same time, on the global internet, thirty largest portal websites were forcefully invaded by an unknown force, displaying pop-ups.

These websites included Google, Yahoo, Baidu, MSN, MARSF, NAVER, YANDEX, Abaexa, and more—basically the largest portal websites globally.

The pop-up consisted of a video frame showing the stormy sea and Wang Dali's image, along with a bright red global domain name, WDL, which was extremely eye-catching.

This domain name would become the number one search character in the world's major search engines within the next two days.

Of course, Wang Dali had no idea about any of this.

Wang Dali also didn't know that the official operators of the thirty largest portal websites in the world were in a frenzy!

Being hacked in an instant?

That's absolutely impossible.

Even the most powerful hacker alliances in the world couldn't pull it off.

So was it super black technology? Who could believe it, who could dare to assert?

In Yahoo's international headquarters in the United States, the executive director in charge of operations slammed the table, feeling frantic.

Yahoo's website was hacked, and huge pop-ups appeared out of nowhere. How could this be?

"Damn it, damn it, damn it! Team, get into action and shut down those damn pop-ups!!"

In less than ten seconds, all maintenance personnel were scanning and inspecting through various computer programs, looking for invading programs.

Meanwhile, around the world, the forced pop-ups continued.

People who were visiting these websites suddenly saw the live video frame and the arrogant domain name abbreviation of Wang Dali.

Many people instantly remembered the three letters, WDL.

Some clicked, and immediately saw the high-resolution live video frame on the extraordinary exploration website!

"Damn, even Yahoo is putting up ads like this, shameless!" An American Yahoo user slammed his keyboard. Unable to close the video, he could only watch it with resignation.

At the same time, countless others encountered the same situation. They couldn't close it, and there was no 'X' symbol. If they clicked, the webpage would redirect to the official website of Extraordinary Exploration.

If Wang Dali were there, he would definitely look down on this behavior, raise a middle finger in protest, and curse: Damn, how shameless do you have to be to not even leave a close symbol?!

Yes, the God System, this unknown black technology, was indeed so shameless. There wasn't even a close symbol, and it forcibly redirected the website.

This behavior was simply kidnapping the will.

No, it was forcefully hijacking the will!

This definitely annoyed quite a few people.

Wang Dali knew none of this. All he knew was that it was time to show off!

Yes, it was time for him to show off. In the past twenty-one years of his life, he had been obscure, lost in the crowd, a true loser.

Now, an opportunity to attract everyone's attention had come.

Should he go crazy and show off, or should he hide like a turtle?

The answer was definite; he had to go for it, go crazy, and go high-profile.

He absolutely had to make the whole world know him, let history know him, and let all living beings know him.

Even if, in the next moment, he would be swallowed by the tide of the stormy sea.

He glanced at the screen panel in his mind.

Online viewers.

In just 60 seconds, the number of viewers had skyrocketed tenfold.

Wang Dali immediately felt invigorated.

"Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen—"

Wang Dali shouted, performing a decisive and graceful military salute.

"This is a live broadcast. Let me introduce myself first. My name is Wang Dali, and I am a steward on the Queen of Brunei, which set sail for Sumatra today. I am currently in the mysterious waters of Sumatra. As you can see, I am being swallowed by the stormy sea here."

The super camera obediently gave Wang Dali a close-up shot of his face.

At this moment, the screen panel in his mind displayed the live video frame.

And it was flooded with messages like a waterfall.

"Damn, who are you? You're so awesome, you've hijacked my computer, and I have to watch your damn live video. Damn it!"

"Are you a hacker? Eat my ***—"

"I've called the FBI—"

"You're in trouble—"

"Are you trying to commit suicide, kid?"

"Bro, don't be so pessimistic!"

Wang Dali looked at these messages, not knowing which country these trolls came from. Perhaps they were angry youths, or perhaps they were just idiots, thinking he was broadcasting his suicide live?

Damn, what a bunch of idiotic trolls. If it weren't for the urgency of time, I would definitely give you a good scolding.

Next Chapter

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