Chapter Seven: The Year, Breaking Up is Normal

Inside the police station, early in the morning, they saw someone reporting a crime at the beginning of the year, which was quite rare.

An old police officer held a cup of wolfberry tea and sat quietly, listening to the conversation between the two.

Zhou Ke spoke first: "Uncle Policeman, I'm reporting a crime. There's someone selling date rape drugs at our school." The policeman couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Zhang Fan shook his head disdainfully and said, "Stop watching so many novels. Date rape drugs? What do you know?" Zhou Ke's face blushed, and she handed the prepared cup to the policeman, saying, "I suspect that the guy in our school's club, Chen Wei, drugged a girl." This matter was very serious.

The policeman's eyes widened.

Zhang Fan sighed and said, "Let me explain. This is a phone number for contacting the police. It's about the illegal sale of sleeping pills in the city. The drug's effect is to induce rapid sleep without consciousness." He handed over the phone, and the policeman looked at Zhang Fan with surprise.

"This matter has already been investigated. Don't worry, the suspect will turn himself in. By then, we'll know who bought this kind of drug. In addition, this list contains the phone numbers of the victims' families and some information about the girls. The policeman held the list in his hand and said, "Young man, you're well-prepared. I understand. We'll send someone to investigate. Rest assured, whether the investigation is successful or not, we'll protect the personal information of the informant." "Thank you, and please take care of it. I have an elective class, so I'll stay here." With that, Zhang Fan left his phone number and left.

"Hey, Zhang Fan, wait."

Zhang Fan turned his head and said, "Uncle Policeman, let's make it clear first. If this girl tries to commit suicide, whether it's by hanging or wrist-cutting, it has nothing to do with me. I'm just a witness." The policeman sighed helplessly. This kid could really talk. He had the demeanor of an old hand, even talking about suicide. Would a girl like this be willing to break up?

Unfortunately, the two had already left. The policeman then went to the school to gather evidence. In fact, the evidence was quite sufficient. They only needed to find the victims, check their medical records, and continue their investigations. For students, a little questioning was usually enough to confirm.

Every family has its problems, and when faced with such matters, anyone would give up.

"Hey, did you hear me?"

Zhang Fan was about to hail a cab when Zhou Ke stopped him.

"Are you crazy? Zhang Fan, hey, and don't argue anymore. We're really not suitable." What do you mean by "we're really not suitable"? This should be something you say in a serious conversation.

Zhang Fan really couldn't be bothered with Zhou Ke. He waved his hand, got in the car, and drove off.

Zhou Ke took the lead and got into a car without hesitation.

"This car looks good, let's take this one." Zhou Ke pointed to a sports car and prepared to get in.

Zhang Fan was helpless and had no choice but to accept Zhou Ke's choice of car.

"Hey, can we finally give an accurate reason now? Why did we break up, and where did I go wrong?" "Very good, very beautiful, 666, beautiful to the point of bubbling, sorry, is that enough?" "Is this a reason? Everyone knows everything, but you're pretending not to." Zhang Fan sighed and said, "No money, poor, can't even afford to buy a house." "Sorry, I'm broke."

"Well, can you give up a seat?"

"Sorry, there will be fewer classes. You can learn anywhere you sit. There's no need to reserve a seat." "I feel like grinding my teeth. There will definitely be a lot of conflicts in the future." "Then let's start by taking sleeping pills."

Damn it.

Is he a god?

Zhang Fan pointed to his face and said to Zhou Ke, "Look at me, then look at yourself. Do you really think I'm handsome?" Zhou Ke carefully examined Zhang Fan's face. She hadn't noticed before, but suddenly she felt that Zhang Fan looked pretty good, but she also felt that his edges were a bit sharp, and his eyes had a sharpness she didn't have. And his skin was even better than hers.

When did Zhang Fan become handsome?

It's hard to say. She had never really observed him seriously before.

"He's handsome, he looks really handsome. No matter how you look at it."

Finally, she admitted it, completely admitted it.

Even the driver listened in, wondering why these two were showing off their affection like this?

"Young man, your change."

"Master, let's drive, don't get involved."

The master said, "What a good match, what a good girl, you care about everything, even whether he's handsome or rich. Such a good girl can be found with a lantern. Breaking up is a pity."

"Moreover, today when I reported the crime, I discovered some new qualities in him. He's very just. Your values are very good. Now, can you tell me the real reason for breaking up?" Well, how can you still break up?

Is she poisonous?

Sure enough, this reward is so easy to earn. Fortunately, Zhang Fan broke up. Whether to continue or resume, it depends on fate.

"In fact, I like men."

This should finally be the reason to break up, right?

The driver couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Okay, I understand. Take the money and find a duck. Today is a happy day. Let those men have fun." "Are you finished? What do you really want to hear?" Zhang Fan suddenly got angry, startling Zhou Ke. She instantly lost her temper. Zhang Fan said, "When I threw the coin, the answer was already decided. Everything else is just what you want to hear. How about it? Didn't you suffer any loss? Did you accept the other person's blows?" In fact, this was the answer Zhou Ke wanted to know the most. The reason for the breakup, Zhou Ke would have cared about it, but she couldn't accept being dumped.

The top student, the goddess, always number one, other people's children, can't accept failure, nor allow themselves to fail.

"I didn't get to drink the soy milk I bought today, I've been thinking about it."

Zhang Fan's heart softened. Really, this move was effective.

Next Chapter

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