Chapter Twelve: This Time It's Definitely Going to End

This time, I'm definitely prepared.

Waking up the next day, Zhang Fan washed up and stood in front of the mirror, carefully examining his face. After much contemplation, he decided to cover his head with a hat and hide it.

"Man, these clothes are so worn out. This outfit is too good, it's really too bad." The old Zhang Fan's way of life, to be honest, looked really pitiful to the current Zhang Fan. But now Zhang Fan understands, why should he be humble? Is this the ultimate form of transformation?

Is this what they call a fighter jet in disguise?

The second girl, the one he was chatting with, was a health worker named Qiang Wei. Zhang Fan couldn't recall any specific details about her, but he remembered having a few meals together, attending gatherings, and waiting for her at the bar.

Meeting this girl.

Damn it, what does she like about me?

I must break up with her, she must be given up.

Am I supposed to feed her to pigs in the coming years?

This time, the breakup must be clean. This kind of girl must be cut off.

Why keep a girl around who's clearly just using me as a backup plan?

The breakup this time has to give the other person an absolute chance to find themselves.

If the car can be driven, it must be driven.

It's better to ride a shared bike.

Early in the morning, Zhang Fan took a taxi to the destination, then grabbed a shared bike and circled around to the opening of the Fei Si Fitness Club. Looking at the huge building and the magnificent billboards, Zhang Fan sighed.

But then he thought, this time it's probably going to end well.

At the gym, since it was early in the morning, there weren't many people, so Zhang Fan sat in the lobby.

By around eight-thirty, the first batch of students arrived. The leader immediately recognized Zhang Fan and greeted him, saying, "Hey, Zhang Fan, here to have breakfast with Qiang Wei?" "Yes, I have something to discuss with her." "Qiang Wei drank quite a bit last night, she might wake up late today. Let's wait a bit and I'll go check on her." "Sure, thank you."

The girl nodded and went to check on her colleague.

Zhang Fan took out his phone and started chatting in the group.

"Qiang Wei has a boyfriend now."

"Haha, again? Qiang Wei probably hasn't woken up yet, it's really good, I envy having such a boyfriend, taking care of everything." "Forget it, you know Qiang Wei, she must have brought another guy home last night. Eventually, she'll regret it."

Most of the conversation in the group was related to Zhang Fan. Zhang Fan's relationship with Qiang Wei was well known in the gym, and everyone knew that Qiang Wei had agreed to be Zhang Fan's girlfriend, but on the condition that Zhang Fan would adapt his lifestyle to her liking.

From Zhang Fan's speculation, Qiang Wei belonged to the independent type of girl, a representative of modern girls.

Zhang Fan was patient, waiting until around ten o'clock, before he finally saw Qiang Wei.

With a hat on his head, a cellphone in his hand, wearing a blue short-sleeved shirt, and jeans that perfectly wrapped around his legs.

No matter how you looked at it, from any angle, this girl was enchanting, the epitome of beauty among beauties.

Seeing Zhang Fan, Qiang Wei took off her earphones and said, "Here already?" Zhang Fan said, "Yeah, I'm here. I want to talk to you about something." Qiang Wei looked at Zhang Fan curiously and seriously, then said, "What's up? Let's talk here." "Alright, let's talk. Let's break up, let's block each other, and let's not meet again." Qiang Wei furrowed her brows, as if she couldn't believe her ears, and looked at Zhang Fan intently, saying, "Say that again." "Let's break up, let's block each other, and let's not meet again."

Just as the receptionist was about to greet them, she happened to overhear this conversation, shocking her to the point where she dropped the eggs she was holding.

What's going on? Break up?

And Zhang Fan is the one suggesting it?

Can it be true? Zhang Fan did it? They didn't even hold hands, and they're breaking up. Is he going to regret it?

"It's true, we broke up."

The onlookers in the gym put down the equipment in their hands and chatted in the group.

"Did they really break up?"

"I told you so, how could Qiang Wei possibly be interested in this loser? Unless she drank too much last night and got carried away." "That seems to be the case. Qiang Wei spends hundreds just on membership cards every day, and this gym is half supported by her."

The receptionist quickly typed, "Yes, it was Zhang Fan who suggested the breakup." The group fell into a brief moment of immersion.

"Don't get too excited, this joke is hilarious."

"Yeah, Xiao Qian, probably hasn't woken up yet, right? Probably drank too much last night and is feeling a bit fuzzy. Break up, and Zhang Fan suggested it? Can Qiang Wei even remember Zhang Fan's name?"

"They're watching. They're watching. Don't pull her, don't hit Zhang Fan." "Goddamn it, the goddess has been pushed away. The goddess seems a bit sad."

"Damn, is it really a breakup? Is it really over?" 

And then, in the eyes of everyone, Qiang Wei reached out and grabbed Zhang Fan's hand, pulling him back into the gym, directly into the private gym area, and the door slammed shut.

The matter is settled.

Next Chapter 

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