TEEOGLB Chapter 27: Deadlock

"Who just said they'd eat shit for three months if it's a dinosaur? You can start eating now -"

"That's not the point. The point is that there are living dinosaurs in this world -"

"I bet the anchor and the girl are about to become snacks -"

"Dali, don't act recklessly, you'll only end up dead if you do -"

"Pray to God, save these two kids -"

"This isn't a movie. Damn, it's a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Once it's dead, it's over -"

Everyone was on edge, and the super camera, true to its high-tech nature, didn't forget to give Wang Dali and the Tyrannosaurus Rex a few close-ups at this moment.

"What should we do, Dali? I'm scared. Are we going to die here?" Suimei's face was drained of color from fear.

"No, we won't. We need to stay calm. That's the only way we'll have a chance to survive!" Wang Dali reassured her in a low voice.

Perhaps smelling the strong scent of blood, the Tyrannosaurus Rex turned its head towards where Wang Dali had just dissected the Ammonite, sniffing the bloody scent on the riverbank.

Wang Dali felt a chill run down his spine in an instant, as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

Damn, this Tyrannosaurus Rex's sense of smell is too keen, isn't it?

Is it really going to discover us?

Just as Wang Dali was feeling anxious, the Tyrannosaurus Rex roared and ran not towards the rock where Wang Dali was hiding, but towards the cluster of rocks where the black bear had died.

Wang Dali breathed a sigh of relief.

Damn, I almost had a heart attack from fright!

The scent of the black bear's blood was too strong, attracting the Tyrannosaurus Rex, the ruler of the island.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex ran to the side of the black bear, sniffed the bear's blood-soaked body, and viciously tore into it.

Wang Dali nervously held Suimei's hand and whispered, "To our viewers, the situation is a bit critical right now. But I must first admit a mistake, that is, I clearly knew that the smell of blood would attract other wild beasts, but I still underestimated the danger on the island. This negligence may cost Suimei's and my lives. If we can escape this time, I will be extremely cautious in all future actions."

"Now, I'm going to quietly slip away without disturbing the Tyrannosaurus Rex. If it discovers us, we're probably done for!" Wang Dali said as his final words before taking action.

"Anchor, I'm impressed. You still dare to talk nonsense at a time like this -"

"Quick, run for your life -"

"I don't think the anchor can escape -"

"Dali has a crow's mouth. He didn't leave earlier and dawdled around -"

"It's too late for regrets now. Let's not speak too soon. Let's quietly watch and pray to God -"

Wang Dali pulled Suimei and whispered, "Quietly, let's go!"

Suimei nodded hurriedly.

Wang Dali half-crouched and crawled around the cluster of rocks, quietly moving downstream along the riverbank.

"Pup pup pup pup"

A dense sound of footsteps came, and a pack of hyenas suddenly rushed out of the forest, blocking Wang Dali and Suimei's path.

"Damn -"

Wang Dali felt like he was about to die. Damn it, what kind of day is today? He felt like he was in a nightmare, with death looming over him.

"One, two, three, five hyenas, each the size of a mule, snarling with bared teeth, staring at Wang Dali and Suimei.

Suimei was pale with fear, clutching Wang Dali's clothes tightly, her face filled with despair.

"Calm down!"

Wang Dali's face was also pale, but the unprecedented crisis forced him to remain calm.

With hyenas blocking their path in front and a Tyrannosaurus Rex behind, what should they do?

Damn, this is a deadlock!

Wang Dali already had his bow drawn, using his body to shield Suimei as they retreated step by step.

The five hyenas also advanced step by step, pressing closer and closer!

"Pup pup pup pup pup"

Another round of dense footsteps, and more than a dozen hyenas surged out of the forest, darkening the sky and semi-encircling Wang Dali and Suimei, snarling with bared teeth.

Seeing this scene, the viewers were terrified!

"Suimei is doomed -"

"Oh God, please let a miracle happen -"

"It's a hopeless situation. Hyenas in front, Tyrannosaurus Rex behind, and a river blocking the way -"

"I can't bear to watch -"

"It's too terrifying -"

"Retreat into the river!"

Wang Dali's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, but he remained unusually calm.

Damn it, five hyenas aren't enough. A dozen more suddenly appear, making the situation even worse. Is God trying to end my life early?


The leading hyena suddenly let out a low roar and pounced forward.


Wang Dali decisively shot an arrow, and with a howl, the leading hyena instantly fell, shocking the other hyenas.


Without hesitation, Wang Dali grabbed Suimei and ran towards the river. This was definitely their only way to survive.

Next Chapter

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