TEEOGLB Chapter 31: Python's Lair!

"Holy crap, the streamer got shot while lying down—"

"Hurry, the dinosaurs haven't noticed you—"

"Oh God, save them—"

"That was too sudden, scared the hell out of me, those two Tyrannosaurus rex are too bloody—"

"The streamer's luck is terrible, how did they manage to run into the barrel of a gun—"

"God bless you—"

At this moment, Wang Dali could only think of crying. This jungle was not a place to wander randomly. Out of nowhere, they ended up blocking the path of a Tyrannosaurus rex hunting for prey. This wasn't just a case of causing trouble for others; this was pure recklessness!

The Tyrannosaurus rex outside the tree hollow took a step forward.

Wang Dali breathed a sigh of relief, thinking they had narrowly escaped.

Suddenly, a sudden change occurred!

A wild boar, running for its life, collided with a tree trunk, then unexpectedly saw the tree hollow and darted inside.

The Tyrannosaurus rex, already past the tree trunk, inexplicably turned its head and charged towards the tree hollow again, its large mouth ready to bite down!


As if the sky was collapsing, the almost rotten tree trunk broke apart, letting in the daylight, exposing Wang Dali and Xiumei to the open air!

Damn, they've been exposed!

Wang Dali's face turned pale. He suddenly saw the wild boar, just a stone's throw away, being bitten directly by the sharp teeth of the Tyrannosaurus rex.

The Tyrannosaurus rex shook its head, its teeth crunching and tearing.

The wild boar was instantly torn apart and crushed, its hot blood splattering all over Wang Dali and Xiumei.

Xiumei couldn't hold back anymore. In fear, she opened her mouth and screamed instinctively!

The sharp scream immediately caught the attention of the two Tyrannosaurus rex.

"It's bad!"

Wang Dali was filled with horror, feeling like the Grim Reaper had descended upon them.

Somehow finding strength from somewhere, Wang Dali suddenly pulled Xiumei up and shouted, "Run!"

Xiumei seemed to be spurred by the instinct to survive and dashed away.

The two Tyrannosaurus rex roared and paid no attention to the scattering wild boars, pounding towards Wang Dali and Xiumei.

The tens of millions of viewers were instantly on edge, each one shocked to the core, their scalps tingling!

"Run, now—"

"Oh no, they've been targeted—"

"It's over, it's over, my dear Xiumei—"

"Damn it, Xiumei is about to be fed to the dinosaurs. I'm scared to death—"

"It's all Wang Dali's fault for choosing this path. I want to smack him—"

In the Pei family in Han country, Xiumei's mother rolled her eyes and fainted directly, causing a flurry of activity in the house.

In China, Wang Dali's father, Wang Zhiguo, closed his laptop with a slap, tears filling his tiger-like eyes. The whole family sat there, full of sadness and despair.

How could they bear to watch? It was too agonizing, as if every minute and every second was heart-wrenching!

Wang Dali suddenly tackled Xiumei to the ground, narrowly avoiding the sharp teeth of the Tyrannosaurus rex from behind.

Without much thought, Wang Dali hugged Xiumei tightly and shouted, "Run!"

Xiumei seemed to have found the will to survive amidst the fear, and they sprinted away.

The two Tyrannosaurus rex roared and pounded after them.

The viewers watching the live stream were stunned.

The journey so far had been enough to give them heart attacks, just watching Wang Dali's heart-pounding escapades. Now, Wang Dali had plunged them into another terrifying ordeal.

In the snake's nest, the countless giant eggs made one's scalp tingle.

Damn, with so many snake eggs, how many pythons must be nesting here?

"Streamer, run quickly, you've stumbled into a python's lair—"

"Hurry up and run, don't be reckless—"

"This is bad, earlier I thought the streamer had the luck of the goddess, now, I take back those words—"

"If the streamer dies, so be it, just don't bring my dear Xiumei into the jaws of the snake—"

"Wang Dali, please, find a way to escape quickly, don't give me a heart attack—"

Wang Dali felt that the situation couldn't get any worse. He took a deep breath, holding Xiumei protectively behind him, and cautiously scanned the surrounding labyrinthine cave.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it seems that Xiumei and I have stumbled into a python's lair. Fortunately, we haven't detected the presence of pythons yet. Perhaps, they're out hunting."

Wang Dali addressed the camera, feeling a bit relieved and composed.

"This isn't a place to stay for long. For Xiumei's sake, I must find a way to find an exit and leave the python's lair. Otherwise, what awaits us will be a snake's kiss!"

Wang Dali breathed a sigh of relief, slightly calming down. But as he looked around the cave, his whole body shuddered in horror.

In the cave, water dripped steadily, and next to a cluster of phosphorescent rocks, there was a pile of dry grass, with dozens of giant eggs stacked densely within it!

Each egg had a diameter of at least ten centimeters.

"Oh boy, what is that?" Xiumei's legs went weak, almost collapsing onto Wang Dali.

"It's nothing, don't be afraid, they're just snake eggs!"

Wang Dali forced himself to remain calm, gripping Xiumei's hand tightly, but inside, his heart sank. This damn bad luck—just escaped the jaws of a Tyrannosaurus rex, only to end up in a python's den.

It seemed like heaven wasn't giving him a way out!

The viewers watching the live stream were equally shocked.

The journey so far had been enough to give them heart attacks, just watching Wang Dali's heart-pounding escapades. Now, Wang Dali had plunged them into another terrifying ordeal.

In the snake's nest, the countless giant eggs made one's scalp tingle.

Damn, with so many snake eggs, how many pythons must be nesting here?

"Streamer, run quickly, you've stumbled into a python's lair—"

"Hurry up and run, don't be reckless—"

"This is bad, earlier I thought the streamer had the luck of the goddess, now, I take back those words—"

"If the streamer dies, so be it, just don't bring my dear Xiumei into the jaws of the snake—"

"Wang Dali, please, find a way to escape quickly, don't give me a heart attack—"

Wang Dali felt that the situation couldn't get any worse. He took a deep breath, holding Xiumei protectively behind him, and cautiously scanned the surrounding labyrinthine cave.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it seems that Xiumei and I have stumbled into a

 python's lair. Fortunately, we haven't detected the presence of pythons yet. Perhaps, they're out hunting."

Wang Dali addressed the camera, feeling a bit relieved and composed.

"This isn't a place to stay for long. For Xiumei's sake, I must find a way to find an exit and leave the python's lair. Otherwise, what awaits us will be a snake's kiss!"

Wang Dali breathed a sigh of relief, slightly calming down. But as he looked around the cave, his whole body shuddered in horror.

In the cave, water dripped steadily, and next to a cluster of phosphorescent rocks, there was a pile of dry grass, with dozens of giant eggs stacked densely within it!

Each egg had a diameter of at least ten centimeters.

"Oh boy, what is that?" Xiumei's legs went weak, almost collapsing onto Wang Dali.

"It's nothing, don't be afraid, they're just snake eggs!"

Wang Dali forced himself to remain calm, gripping Xiumei's hand tightly, but inside, his heart sank. This damn bad luck—just escaped the jaws of a Tyrannosaurus rex, only to end up in a python's den.

It seemed like heaven wasn't giving him a way out!

Next Chapter

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