SA Chapter 4: Your Buddy Takes the Job

“What? It’s Tianyi Company? Damn it, I just came from there. Zhang Mingyu is just a pure scammer. The cost for the renovation of that house should only be around 100,000 yuan without including appliances and furniture,” Sifan angrily said.

He’s getting more and more dishonest.

Upon hearing this, Fan Qiang was also fuming with rage. He had originally thought highly of the company since it was introduced by a salesperson from a reputable construction firm, reportedly the best in Jiangcheng. But it turned out they were incredibly shady—it was like losing money enough to buy a small car! And they even had the nerve to ask for overtime pay.

“Damn it! Of all people, they had to scam me. When I get the chance, I’m definitely going to make that wretched company bleed and let off some steam! Damn... this renovation is such a headache. If I just hire some random construction crew, I won’t have time to supervise them, and they’re sure to scam me too,” Fan Qiang said, his voice lowering in frustration.

He should’ve known better. He had acquaintances in all sorts of professions, yet no one in the renovation business. Those construction companies would help, but only if he owed them a favor, and this time it was just a salesperson who had recommended the company, so he’d be reluctant to ask for more help after this debacle.

Sifan thought for a few seconds, “Qiangzi, I’ll take care of your house’s renovation. I’ve just left Tianyi Company anyway and currently have no projects. I’ll do it for 100,000 yuan and work around the clock to finish it in time for your wedding. But then I won’t be giving you a wedding red envelope!”

Fan Qiang thought it over for a moment and then firmly decided, “Fine! Since we’re buddies, it doesn’t matter who does it. But make sure to get a good designer for the house plans. I’m okay with a slightly higher budget for that.”

Honestly, he was a bit worried, but he didn’t want to undermine his friend’s confidence.

Sifan knew he had to deliver a flawless renovation job. This was a showcase project; doing well could lead to more orders, unlike now where he was still a newcomer.

“No problem, I’ll bring the contract over to your place and have dinner there. Then I’ll show you the design plans. You can pick whichever you like! I guarantee it’ll look just like in the drawings,” Sifan promised, and then the two talked for a while longer before hanging up.

“Phew!” After the long call of over ten minutes, Sifan finally exhaled in relief, glad to have landed his first job.

He could now complete the first task assigned by the system.

After studying the system more thoroughly until two in the afternoon, Sifan began to make his move.

He realized that following his usual procedure wouldn’t get him the design drawings in time because he needed to conduct an on-site inspection that afternoon, and then submit all parameters to the Tianwang system.

Moreover, he needed to print out the contract beforehand—this was a standard contract stipulated by Tianwang, with no allowance for even a punctuation error. In the afternoon, he had to get it signed at Fan Qiang’s office, then visit Fan Qiang’s new house, and only then could he provide the drawings by evening.

With that, he needed to hurry.

He casually threw on some clothes he wore during his college days, which looked quite casual and relaxed, then he left his apartment, hailing a cab straight to the City Construction Bureau.

As for his electric motorbike, it remained at home. It had been half a year since it was almost on its last legs, sometimes doubling as a small truck. Riding it was as slow as a bullock cart, so it was best left behind.

Leaving home, it took him just about twenty minutes to reach the City Construction Bureau, well outside of peak traffic hours. The taxi ride was quick.

Nothing eventful happened during the ride, and Sifan spent the time studying his system. He was particularly concerned about the two "terminators" at home, which were much like new toys to a child, always demanding attention.

Upon reaching the City Construction Bureau, Sifan went straight to the third-floor office, where his buddy Fan Qiang worked. Fan Qiang usually spent his days in the office reading novels and playing games, rarely busy with anything serious as work was typically handled by others below him.

Indeed! It turns out Fan Qiang was the deputy head of the Municipal Engineering Department. His father was a high-ranking official, although Sifan didn’t know the exact details.

Fan Qiang never boasted about it, not because he didn’t want to show off, but to avoid putting pressure on others.

This was something only close friends like Sifan knew.

In the game, he even saw a record of 0 kills and 18 deaths. It was like witnessing an artistic giveaway!

Holding a contract of about seven to eight pages, which were all mandatory clauses set by the Tianwang system, the price section was left for Fan Qiang to fill out himself. Sifan silently entered Fan Qiang's office and stood behind him, quietly watching him show off.

The office staff were familiar with Sifan since he had been there countless times and had shared meals with them. Knowing he was their leader’s classmate, nobody stopped him.

After waiting for about five minutes, Sifan saw Fan Qiang getting ridiculed online as a "primary schooler" amidst a barrage of vulgarities, which was a pitiful sight to behold.

“Hahaha! Look at you now, you used to lead us in school games, boasting and flying high, and now you’re finally getting your comeuppance,” Sifan jokingly punched Fan Qiang.

Fan Qiang immediately retorted, "Damn! Back then, League of Legends wasn't this version. My signature hero, the Card Master, was all over the place, stunning groups with a yellow card, not like this trash version now."

“By the way, what brings you here so early? Weren’t we supposed to meet at my place tonight? My housekeeper was going to cook something nice for you.”

The deadliest form of boasting is the unspoken kind!

“Oh, look at you, moving up in the world with a housekeeper now. What’s next, a maid? You’re not far from getting sorted out yourself,” Sifan joked, then slapped the contract down in front of him.

“Here's your contract, sign it quickly and give me the keys to your new house. I’m heading over today to take measurements and get the blueprints ready as soon as possible. I even pulled some strings to have my mentor recommend a designer for your renovation. They agreed to design it as a favor to a student—don’t be ungrateful!” Sifan made up a story. How else could he explain the Tianwang-designed plans?

Fan Qiang casually grabbed the contract and skimmed through all the terms quickly. This was a system-generated contract that even Sifan hadn’t looked over in detail.

But... after Fan Qiang finished reading, his face turned red as he pointed accusingly at Sifan.

“Sifan, you're truly shameless. You’re renovating my house, and I can’t make any requests? I just provide the budget and you go ahead? What kind of renovation will that be if I can’t even see the engineering plans?”


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