SAS Chapter 1 Activation of the System


It hurts!

My head hurts so much!

This was the first feeling Ye Fan had upon waking up after being unconscious for a whole day and night.

Slowly opening his bleary eyes, he found himself in a clean and tidy hospital room.

"Thank God, you're finally awake," said the nurse, after checking the numbers on the instruments, she turned around to meet Ye Fan's gaze.

"How long have I been asleep?" Ye Fan asked weakly, suppressing the exploding pain in his mind.

"You've been unconscious for a whole day and night. Just wait here, I'll go call the doctor," said the nurse, not waiting for Ye Fan to ask anything before briskly walking out.

"Dr. Liu, Dr. Liu, the patient in the intensive care unit is awake," came the nurse's voice from outside the door.

In the hospital room, Ye Fan closed his eyes and carefully recalled everything that had happened before.

Just as he was feeling troubled by his recent breakup with his girlfriend, Ye Fan, wandering aimlessly, happened to see a young boy running into the middle of the road while playing. At that critical moment, a van came speeding by. Ye Fan pushed the boy out of harm's way but was himself hit by the van.

Thinking of this, Ye Fan looked down at himself. He was covered in bandages, with several stitched wounds, and bruises all over his body. He also had an IV drip attached to one hand.

Looking at his sorry state, Ye Fan couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Gurgle gurgle!"

Ye Fan's stomach protested.

Struggling, he lifted the hand without the IV drip, picked up the milk on the nearby table, and gulped it down.

As the milk entered his mouth, a sweet electronic sound suddenly echoed in Ye Fan's mind.

"Energy level meets activation criteria!"

"Ding, congratulations on successfully activating the Super Omni System!"

Ye Fan's eyes widened in disbelief!

"A system? Is there really such a thing as a system in this world? Could it be that I've been chosen by the legendary system, turning a disaster into a blessing?"

He had read quite a few online novels, but he had always thought they were just nonsense!

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva with difficulty, as if the pain in his mind had been ignored at this moment, Ye Fan hurriedly asked, "Um... system... why are you called the Omni System? What functions do you have?"

However, Ye Fan's question did not receive a clear response from the system.

"Ding! System successfully activated, Level 1, Energy 10!"

"Feeling extreme weakness in the host, automatic activation of recovery mode."

"Ding! Host status restored, deducting one unit of energy, current energy 9."

Several consecutive electronic sounds rang out.

"Recovery? Energy? Does that mean all my injuries are healed now?"

Ye Fan checked and found that all his discomfort had disappeared, and even his wounds had healed completely, without a single scar.

At this moment, Ye Fan finally believed that he had truly been chosen by the system.

"Energy? What's this again? Does my system have a battery?" Ye Fan wondered.

In a flash of thought, a translucent screen appeared in his mind.

Host: Ye Fan.

Gender: Male.

Age: 23.

Realm Level: LV0 (Mortal).

System Level: LV1.

System Energy: 9 (Completing system tasks or upgrading system level can increase or restore energy).

When system energy is 0, it will no longer provide assistance to the host.

Ye Fan gradually understood that just now, to heal himself, he had already reduced one unit of energy. However, it seemed that his system was really powerful, and there were probably many things waiting for him to explore...


Just as Ye Fan was immersed in his thoughts, his attending physician walked in. He called out several times in a row, but Ye Fan didn't react at all. His brow furrowed, realizing that Ye Fan's current condition was not good. If it weren't for luck, avoiding vital areas, he would have died long ago.

"Now that the wounds have been treated and he's awake, but... he seems to have become silly. This won't do, it's been instructed by the hospital, he must be cured!" Dr. Liu frowned. Although the hospital fees for Ye Fan had already been paid by someone, he still wanted to inquire about the patient's family, whether there were any previous medical histories, and why he woke up acting like a vegetable.

"Still no contact with his family?" Dr. Liu asked. Although Ye Fan's hospital fees had been paid, he wanted to ask about the patient's family and medical history, as he woke up acting like a vegetable.

"His phone was smashed, and even the SIM card is missing. We've asked around the neighborhood, but no one knows him," the nurse shook her head.

"You stay here and keep an eye on him. I'll go make a call to the hospital director," Dr. Liu said as he walked out of the ward.

He needed to report the situation to the hospital director. The boy saved by Ye Fan wasn't just anyone; he was the younger brother of Su Yurou, the most famous powerful woman in Bingzhou City.

Inside the ward, the nurse kept watching Ye Fan, feeling somewhat puzzled by his blank stare.

"How was he fine just now, and now he's like this?"

Just then, Ye Fan finally snapped out of it. Now he was eager to go home and figure out this system of his. Besides, his wounds were healed, and he didn't want to waste another second in the hospital.

So Ye Fan sat up and pulled out the IV drip.

"What are you doing? Lie back down!" The nurse was frightened by Ye Fan's actions and hurried over to stop him. At this point, she really thought the patient had gone... mad!

"I'm fine now. I want to leave. I can't afford the hospital fees," Ye Fan grew up in an orphanage, living frugally. True to his name, he had always been ordinary, and his expenses were usually covered by his part-time job.

"Your hospital fees have already been paid. Lie back down. You're still injured, and without several months of rest, you won't fully recover," the nurse said dutifully.

"No, I can't wait for months. I really am fine now, and I want to leave," Ye Fan's tone was firm as he got out of bed.

"You really can't leave now!" The nurse stood up straight to show her determination.

"What's going on?" Dr. Liu had just finished his call and walked in.

Upon entering, he immediately saw Ye Fan getting out of bed.

"Who allowed you to get down? Lie back down. You still need rest!" 

"Doctor, I'm fine. I want to leave," Ye Fan looked at Dr. Liu resolutely.

"No, your wounds haven't healed yet. You can't leave!" Dr. Liu couldn't agree to let Ye Fan leave; it had been specifically instructed by the hospital director to ensure Ye Fan's recovery. If Ye Fan were to leave like this, he didn't know how to explain it to the director.

"I must leave. I know my body, and I'm really fine now. I just need a few days of rest at home," Ye Fan said, walking slowly toward the door.

If he weren't afraid of shocking the mundane world too much, Ye Fan would have taken off the bandages on his body to show them.

Seeing Ye Fan's firm attitude, Dr. Liu was at a loss for what to do. After all, this was a hospital, and they couldn't forcibly prevent a patient from leaving.

Just then, the door of the ward was pushed open again, and a young woman walked in.


That was Ye Fan's first impression of her. With a fiery, tall figure and delicate features as if meticulously carved, she didn't use much makeup, yet her beauty was fully showcased.

Ye Fan had seen many beautiful women in his life, including celebrities on TV, but compared to the woman in front of him, they all paled in comparison.

Not only Ye Fan, even Dr. Liu was stunned.

But Dr. Liu quickly reacted, lowering his head and not daring to look at the woman in front of him. "Miss Su, you're here."

She was none other than Su Yurou, the first powerful woman and the most beautiful woman in Bingzhou City.


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