ABT Chapter 0023: Twisted Live Broadcast

Pinche.com is the largest automotive portal in China.

Liu Xu, a senior producer at Pinche.com, immediately coordinated and arranged the live broadcast after receiving Li Fan Yu's call.

He directly contacted Baocheng Company, informing them that Pinche.com intended to produce a live broadcast program to educate netizens on how to choose a used car and asked if they could borrow the company's venue.

This was a great opportunity for exposure, essentially free publicity. Even if they were approached under normal circumstances, it might take hundreds of thousands of yuan to negotiate, and there was no guarantee they would agree to come.

Zhao Baocheng was very willing and immediately agreed. However, he had one request: the Baocheng logo had to be shown on camera during the broadcast.

Liu Xu thought about it and agreed.

This live broadcast would be pushed to the homepage of the website and simultaneously broadcasted on the mobile client, with added interactive segments for netizens.

The hosting duties for the live broadcast were handed over to Wang Dazui, a popular automotive reviewer at Pinche.com and the planner and host of "Big Mouth Talks Cars".

After receiving the task, Wang Dazui meticulously planned the live broadcast. After numerous revisions and optimizations, he sent it to Li Fan Yu.

Such high efficiency in handling things moved Li Fan Yu slightly. After expressing his agreement, he arranged to meet with him at Baocheng at 9 o'clock the next morning.

"Hello, I'm Wang Dazui, nice to meet you!"

Wang Dazui was already waiting at the door, and when he saw Li Fan Yu approaching, he warmly greeted him.

Li Fan Yu smiled and greeted him back. After exchanging pleasantries, they walked together to Baocheng's parking lot.

To facilitate the live broadcast, Wang Dazui contacted Baocheng and hoped to clear the area to ensure the smooth progress of the broadcast.

After getting Zhao Baocheng's approval, the parking lot was indeed empty, with no one in sight.

Naturally, Li Fan Yu was very happy to see this environment, as it was perfect for exposing any shady practices.

With no one around to eavesdrop, he wouldn't stop until he uncovered the truth!

Wang Dazui and the cameraman set up the equipment and then pulled Li Fan Yu in front of the camera.

After receiving the photographer's OK signal, Wang Dazui picked up the microphone and said, "Hello car enthusiasts, welcome to 'Big Mouth Talks Cars' produced by Pinche.com. I'm Wang Dazui, and today we have invited the internet celebrity Bread Brother. Together, we'll educate everyone on what to pay attention to when buying a used car. Hello, Bread Brother!"

Li Fan Yu waved to the camera and said, "Hello, everyone, I'm Bread Brother."

Seeing Li Fan Yu's slight awkwardness, Wang Dazui immediately set the tone, "Wow, I thought Bread Brother would be a middle-aged man, but I didn't expect him to be so young! How many years have you been driving?"

Li Fan Yu grinned, "I don't even have a driver's license."

With such great driving skills, and even doing stunts for movies, you say you don't have a driver's license? Who would believe that!

Wang Dazui laughed heartily, "It seems that Bread Brother is not only skilled at driving but also very humorous. In that case, let me reveal a secret too. Actually, I can't fit a lightbulb in my mouth. Anyway, let's get started! If you have any questions about used cars, you can leave a message on the website or participate in the interaction through the Pinche.com app. Bread Brother, we've received a question from an ID called Cool to the Extreme, who asked: How can you tell if a car is in good condition when buying a used car?"

Li Fan Yu pondered for a moment and replied, "Actually, there are many tricks to buying a used car. Many people judge the condition of a car based on its appearance, but that's not correct."

Wang Dazui timely interjected, "Then where should we observe?"

Li Fan Yu continued, "Firstly, we need to check the structural components of the car, such as the longitudinal beams, suspension, front and rear crash beams, energy-absorbing boxes, and chassis. If there are signs of welding or deformation in these areas, it indicates that the car is likely to be an accident vehicle."

Wang Dazui exaggeratedly exclaimed, "Huh? We need to check so many places? That's troublesome. But if you want to buy a car that you can trust, it's better not to be afraid of trouble. Haha! Then I'd like to ask, what happens if you buy an accident car?"

Seeing his exaggerated acting, Li Fan Yu was speechless, but he had to cooperate and said, "If the structural components are damaged and repaired through stretching or any form of repair, it may cause the car to make strange noises, shake, or even disintegrate directly in the event of a collision."

Wang Dazui nodded secretly. He originally thought Li Fan Yu was participating in the live broadcast just for show. After this Q&A, he realized that he really knew his stuff.

In the live broadcast room, many seasoned car enthusiasts supported Li Fan Yu's statements, and netizens continued to flood the screen with likes and comments.

"Alright, the user with the ID 'I Seek Reasons' asked a question. Besides accident cars, what else should we pay attention to?"

Li Fan Yu had already prepared his approach. He intended to steer the conversation towards flooded cars regardless of the second question.

With a smile, he walked up to a car and answered, "Another thing to be wary of is flooded cars. Flooded cars often look very new on the outside, and after refurbishment and repairs inside, they can be highly deceptive. Many unscrupulous merchants buy flooded cars at low prices, refurbish them, and then sell them to deceive consumers."

Wang Dazui's mouth dropped open in surprise. "Wow, then please tell the viewers how to differentiate flooded cars?"

Li Fan Yu looked at Wang Dazui's gaping mouth and couldn't help but want to laugh. He thought to himself that his nickname was indeed apt; his mouth was really huge.

He cleared his throat and said, "After a car is submerged, the internal structure is prone to oxidation. We can start by observing the details of the car to see if there are any signs of water damage."

With that, he opened the car door and squatted down. Seeing this, the cameraman knew that he intended to demonstrate it himself and quickly zoomed in the camera.

Li Fan Yu lifted the floor mat, "For example, mud often settles here in the driver's compartment..."

In the live broadcast room, an observant netizen immediately commented, "Holy cow, there's mud on the floor of this car! Could it be a flooded car as rumored?!"

Li Fan Yu switched to another car and pulled out the seatbelt, "For instance, after being soaked in dirty water, the seatbelt will have stubborn stains that are difficult to clean."

Netizen: "Damn! This seatbelt looks like a snake covered in grass!"

Li Fan Yu switched to another car again, opened the hood, and picked up a wire, "Various types of wiring in the engine compartment, such as fuse boxes or radiators. After being soaked and dried, the wires' insulation will change color and harden."

Netizen: "Not only has this wire hardened, it's even cracked! Where did they sell this car? This is outrageous!"

Netizen: "Didn't you see the sign in the background? This is Baoceng Used Car Trading Center in Tiancheng City! Deceptive merchants!"

Before departing, the cameraman received instructions from Liu Xu to capture more shots of the Baoceng sign during the live broadcast.

As a result, against the backdrop of Baoceng's used car trading center, Li Fan Yu systematically exposed one car after another.

Several consecutive cars all exhibited signs consistent with flooded cars, causing an explosion in the live broadcast room.

"Tiancheng City car enthusiasts are in luck! When buying a used car, come to Baoceng Flooded Car Trading Center!"

"Oh my god, the Baoceng logo has been prominently displayed in the frame the whole time. This is such a slap in the face. Mischievous cameraman, was that really necessary?"

"I'm from Tiancheng City. Baoceng Company deceives customers with their large store, and their cars often have problems."

"I bought a flooded car from Baoceng just a few days ago! When I went to confront them yesterday, their security guards illegally detained me for over an hour and repeatedly beat and threatened me. I have already filed a case with the police!"


Netizens fully embraced the entertainment spirit, turning what was supposed to be a technical live broadcast into a comedy competition.

The most impressive contribution came from a music enthusiast who compiled everyone's jokes and the story of the beaten man into a rap titled "I Made a Big Mistake, I Actually Bought a Submarine," which was uploaded to the Pinche.com forum.

Due to its high popularity, the rap was quickly reposted on various major websites.

Baoceng Company had become famous.


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