ABT Chapter 0026 The Great Bust of Baocheng

After a few rounds of negotiation with the operator, the call was finally connected to the Criminal Investigation Detachment.

As soon as he heard it was related to smuggling, Lin Lei, who happened to be on duty today, snatched the phone and answered. With just a sentence from Li Fanyu, Lin Lei saw through his disguise.

Lin Lei had an excellent memory, and coupled with their recent contact, he naturally couldn't forget Li Fanyu's voice.

"Your name is Li Fanyu, right? Stop pretending, tell me, is what you said true?" 

Li Fanyu felt a chill down his spine, instantly feeling the urge to avoid breaking the law. The criminal investigators in our great China are too formidable!

"Uh... it's me. Captain Lin, everything I said is true. Hurry up and come. The address is the 11th warehouse in the underground parking lot of Baocheng Company. I'm afraid they'll move the stolen cars if you're late!"

After a brief thought, Lin Lei asked, "Is there anyone guarding the parking lot?"

"There are five or six security guards."

Lin Lei instructed, "Find a place to hide, don't let them see you. We'll be there soon!" Then he hung up the phone.

Li Fanyu quickly disappeared, finding refuge in a nearby internet cafe.

About ten minutes later, several seemingly ordinary off-road vehicles roared past and headed straight for the underground garage.

The security guards on duty immediately moved to intercept, but before they could reach the cars, they saw more than a dozen people pouring out.

The middle-aged man leading them took out his credentials and said, "We're from the Criminal Investigation Detachment. Is this Baocheng Company's garage?"

Seeing that something was wrong, the security guard turned to run, but was restrained.

The middle-aged man was naturally Lin Lei. He called out, "Control everyone, don't let anyone escape!"

The other team members immediately surrounded them. In just five minutes, all six security guards stationed around the parking lot were subdued.

Lin Lei obtained the keys from them and, along with the other team members, opened the garage door.

After turning on the power and basic lighting of the 11th warehouse, they found exactly what was described in the tip-off call: over a hundred luxury cars neatly parked.

The team member responsible for technical identification nodded to Lin Lei after identifying each vehicle one by one.

The members of the Criminal Investigation Detachment cheered and congratulated each other.

Over a hundred luxury smuggled cars, if nothing goes wrong, this would be the largest car smuggling case cracked in the province, or even the entire country, this year, right?

And the process of cracking it was so easy, it felt like a piece of cake!

Lin Lei raised his hand to signal for silence and said, "Leave two people behind to wait for backup. The rest of you follow me to control the people at Baocheng Company. We must not let the main culprit escape!"

"Yes!!!" Everyone responded loudly and immediately began to act.

Zhao Baocheng was sound asleep when suddenly his phone vibrated, waking him up.

Rubbing his sleepy eyes, he saw it was a call from his deputy.


"Mr. Zhao! It's over, everything's over! The police have sealed off the 11th warehouse and are downstairs in the company with people!"

Zhao Baocheng felt his heart skip a beat and his mind went blank. He sprang up from his chair, "What! How could this happen... it must be a mole leaking information! Go out there and stall them, make sure they don't move!"

On the other end of the phone, the deputy's voice sounded bitter, "Mr. Zhao! It's no use, both the front and back doors are blocked! It's over, we're finished this time."

Zhao Baocheng slumped back into his chair, and after a moment, he trembled and said, "Lao Liu, help me take the fall for this, take the blame for everything! As long as I'm not brought down, I'll definitely get you out of this! If I fall, I'll lose everything!"

There was silence on the other end of the phone, leaving Zhao Baocheng's heart suspended.

It wasn't until he heard the sound of the detectives knocking on the door that the deputy spoke again, "Mr. Zhao, if it were ten years ago, I would have agreed without hesitation. But now, with what happened to Dongzi, I can't take the blame for you. You... take care of yourself."

Zhao Baocheng's expensive phone slipped from his hand and fell to the ground with a clatter. He stood still for a moment, then immediately opened the window of his office.

Third floor, third floor! How did I end up putting the office on the third floor?!

Through the rear window, Zhao Baocheng looked down at the ground, gritted his teeth, and jumped.

But just as he was about to leap, a strange-looking mosquito, as if it had been waiting for a long time, viciously stung his neck.

In mid-air, Zhao Baocheng's eyes rolled white, as if he were a statue, and he fell to the ground at lightning speed.

On the ground, Zhao Baocheng lay in a strange position, his face covered in blood.

A mosquito hovered over his face as if to say, "Trying to escape? Ha! I'll damn well make you fall!"


Li Fanyu sat on his bed in his underwear, enjoying the morning news.

"Last night, the Criminal Investigation Detachment of our city successfully cracked a major smuggling case..."

The eldest brother looked at Li Fanyu's lecherous grin and walked over curiously.

He looked at the computer screen and joked, "Brother, you can make a face like that when watching the news, you're really a rare breed in the world of perverts."

Li Fanyu was enjoying the satisfaction of revenge and impatiently said, "Go away, don't disturb me watching the news."

The eldest brother twisted his butt, leaned on the bed, and looked curiously for a while. After confirming that it was indeed the news, he made a hushing sound and turned away.

The news continued, "It is reported that there are over 120 vehicles involved in the case, which have been handed over to Tiancheng City People's Court. These smuggled cars, after being disassembled, will be auctioned off by the court after the trial."

Auction? A thought suddenly occurred to Li Fanyu.

He had observed these cars with his expertise in diagnostic observation; the mainframes had been cut and welded, and various components had suffered serious damage during transportation. They definitely couldn't be put back on the road.

Originally, smuggled cars couldn't be registered, they belonged to the black market, and he hadn't thought much about it.

But through auction, they would be legally recognized.

He remembered that he had a universal component repair device in his Xapp space!

If he could repair all of them and turn these wrecked cars into beautiful ones...

No, I have to find a way to get them back!

Li Fanyu closed his computer with a bang, his eyes shining with excitement.


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