ABT Chapter 0030 Thick VISA Forms.

It was already evening when they boarded the plane. After a nap on the plane, they arrived in Doha. They yawned as they got off the plane, waiting to transfer at the foreign airport.

A journey:

If endured alone, it's a journey of contemplating life while gazing out the window.

If two people go together, it's an opportunity to deepen understanding and familiarity.

If three people travel together, it's a chance to test each other's skills and engage in intense competition.

Thus, Li Fanyu and Cheng Ke, who had previously just chatted casually, became playful companions, teasing each other.

Naturally, the three academic elites were disdainful of joining them. After a verbal duel, they felt their intellectual superiority wasn't being showcased, so they pulled out a deck of cards and started playing Landlord.

Just as the two were engrossed in conversation, the three approached them.

"Look, aren't they also going to Munich for the competition?" Liu Qing patted the two and pointed ahead.

Li Fanyu looked over and indeed saw six or seven young Asians carrying large bags and various boxes, heading their way.

After pondering for a moment, Li Fanyu rubbed his chin and said, "Most likely, just not sure which country they're from. Japan, or South Korea?"

"You guys are so boring, why not just ask and find out?" Cheng Ke stood up abruptly, shoved the potato chips into Li Fanyu's lap, and confidently walked over.

Cheng Ke, naturally beautiful, looked even more innocent and cute in her loose top and tight bottoms.

As she blocked their path, the group was all stunned.

Cheng Ke playfully glanced back at the others before turning and asking, "Excuse me, are you going to Munich?"

A bespectacled young man with acne all over his face immediately responded upon seeing the beautiful girl greet them, "Yep, and you?"

Cheng Ke didn't answer but continued, "Japanese? Korean?"

(Apologies for not continuing the dialogue in English, as a 70-point English proficiency, that's beyond my capability...)

After chatting for a bit, Cheng Ke trotted back and said, "Hey! I found out. They're the South Korean team. They have a lot of stuff, seems like equipment and tools, very well prepared."

As she spoke, Cheng Ke looked at the others, feeling a bit disappointed. They had no competition experience whatsoever. Apart from clothes and daily necessities, they hadn't even brought a pencil.

Liu Qing scratched the back of his head. "What now? Should we try to get close to them, find out what we need to prepare?"

Wang Yu crossed his arms, coldly saying, "Do you think they're stupid? We're competitors; why would they tell us?"

Xu Fufang nodded. "What Yu Ge said is right. We need to find a way to approach them indirectly."

Looking at Cheng Ke, Xu Fufang immediately caught on and pointed at her nose. "You're not suggesting we use the beauty trap, are you!?"

Xu Fufang almost choked on his own blood. "What do you take me for! I meant only you're good at languages, nerd!"

Li Fanyu chuckled and put away the cards they hadn't finished washing, saying, "It's not that complicated."

He then got up and walked over. Though he was terrible at English, he could manage simple greetings.

"Hey! Boys, Waiting is too boring. Play together?"

The two bored groups, either lying down or sitting, immediately perked up at the suggestion of some entertainment, laughing and gathering around.

So, over a dozen people used two decks of cards to play the game "24" at Doha Airport. Li Fanyu and his companions, harboring ulterior motives, seized every opportunity during the game to gather intelligence. With Cheng Ke's presence, which had the effect of lowering the IQ of male participants, they successfully extracted a lot of information.

It turned out that conceptual design was divided into three parts: first, overall layout, modeling the internal structure of the car on the computer. Second, styling design, sketching the appearance and interior design by hand. Third, making models, creating a 1:5 scale clay model of the original car.

The combination of these three steps constituted the complete form of a competition entry.

Although the organizers would provide some necessities like clay, you still needed basic drawing and modeling software, right? Basic drawing tools, right?

But with no similar competition experience in China, they hadn't prepared anything.

Li Fanyu was also a bit annoyed. Xapp, you really know how to mess with me...

But seeing the morale of the group a bit low, he decided to do something. After all, achieving results in the competition required teamwork. Relying solely on himself wasn't enough, especially in this kind of competition where Xapp seemed unlikely to offer any more help.

Xapp's meaning seemed pretty clear: go win the prize, kid. If you do, we're still buddies. If not, we're done. So, this was destined to be a battle based on ability and strength.

Moreover, the instructions Lao Zhang gave when they left were still vivid in his mind.

He clapped his hands and said, "This kind of competition, it's our first time participating, and it's also the first time Chinese students have appeared in such a competition. Don't worry about money. But we must show determination. Lao Zhang has worked hard to secure this opportunity for us, not to see us moping around!"

The others had always thought Li Fanyu was just a rich kid who wanted to gain some experience with money. They never expected him to step up and encourage everyone at this moment.

After a moment of silence, Xu Fufang suddenly stood up, extended his hand, and exclaimed, "Right on! Professor Zhang has sacrificed so much for this competition. In broad terms, he's working for the national automotive industry. In detail, he hopes we can have a bigger platform, a higher starting point, and farther goals. For Lao Zhang, for ourselves, let's go!"

Liu Qing: "Yes! Well said!"

Cheng Ke: "Your words almost made me cry..."

Zhang Yu: "Thanks for Fanhao's sponsorship. I've always wanted a MacBook."

Li Fanyu: "..."

Five hands stacked together, after counting to three, they cheered loudly.

The South Korean boys sitting opposite them were also infected by their enthusiasm, giving them a thumbs up and praising, "Good luck!"

The boarding announcement sounded through the airport, and Li Fanyu and his companions quickly boarded the plane.

Munich, here we come.

Jet lag is a nasty thing. You just woke up, but it's still dark when you arrive at your destination. You've been up all day, but it's only dawn when you get there.

So, on Zweibruckenstrabe Street in Munich, five Chinese students resembling pandas appeared. Their eyes were blackened, carrying bags of various sizes, energetically shopping for drawing boards and Apple computers.

Li Fanyu, holding Cheng Ke's two big bags, trudged along behind the others, looking at the stack of Visa card receipts in his hand, feeling a twinge of toothache.


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