ABT Chapter 0032 Shock and Awe

Convincing three academic geniuses was no easy feat. From technical challenges to the time required to complete the project, Li Fanyu truly exhausted all his persuasive skills.

But luckily, he had one ace up his sleeve—your plane tickets, the laptops in your hands, and the various tools piled beside you, all funded by yours truly!

Well, you could say that necessity makes the lion's mouth short and makes one's hands soft.

The three academic geniuses expressed their indignation, but in consideration of the funding, they allowed Li Fanyu to participate in the design.

The four of them each produced rough sketches, then integrated the concepts to see whose design had the highest completeness and could withstand scrutiny.

Li Fanyu smirked, comparing completeness with me. The cars I've seen, you guys can only fantasize about.

However, when it came to the actual design process, Li Fanyu was dumbfounded. He watched as the three geniuses opened their laptops, launched software, and with a series of clicks and clacks of the mouse and keyboard, erected a framework in no time—engine compartment, ignition system, cooling system... In less than an hour, a basic layout was done.

Then, they exchanged provocative glances and simultaneously picked up their drawing boards, swiftly sketching exterior designs.

Poor Li Fanyu was still grappling with lines on his computer.

The difference between a genius and a slacker lay right here.

Geniuses had great ideas in their minds and could immediately materialize them through technical means.

As for slackers...

Li Fanyu's progress was so slow that even Cheng Ke couldn't bear to watch. Cheng Ke's task this time, outlined clearly by Lao Zhang, was to leverage her language skills and technical know-how to assist the three in translation and support work.

Cheng Ke snatched Li Fanyu's mouse. "I'll do it," she said.

Li Fanyu felt embarrassed but also grateful.

Cheng Ke could have designed everything herself, albeit not as proficiently as the three geniuses. However, this was a global design competition; who wouldn't want their work showcased here? But for the sake of concentration, she chose to support the team.

Li Fanyu could see that.

Meanwhile, the other three were already supplementing and optimizing details, while Li Fanyu had just finalized the structure.

Cheng Ke sat beside Li Fanyu, holding a cushion, watching him awkwardly sketch the exterior design. At first, she didn't feel much, but as the progress approached completion, Cheng Ke became increasingly impressed.

At this moment, the three geniuses had finished and, after comparing notes, shifted their attention to Li Fanyu.

Liu Qing picked up Li Fanyu's laptop and pointed to the structural diagram. "With such a small engine compartment, can you fit both electric and gasoline engines?"

Li Fanyu smiled but remained silent.

After Zhang Yu glanced at it, he furrowed his brows thoughtfully, saying nothing.

Xu Youdao lightly exclaimed, "This car door is quite intriguing!"

The three of them put down what they were holding and gathered around Li Fanyu. After over an hour, when Li Fanyu finished drawing the exterior design, they were left speechless.

"Damn!" Liu Qing cursed, "This design is too futuristic!"

"Are you sure the current technology can produce this car door?"

"I think regardless of anything else, this design could win an award..."

Li Fanyu smiled as he looked at them. No kidding! This is the BMW i8! In the world where the progression of automobiles remained unchanged, international awards were as common as dirt!

Tremble, mortals! Submit beneath the greatness of my denim jeans!

"But this drawing looks too cartoonish, like something out of a comic book."

"Yeah, not impressive at all. I wonder how you attended drawing classes."


This is quite embarrassing, aren't the academic geniuses going to sneer at the slacker no matter what? Is it really okay to hurt a genius plagiarist in the automotive world like this? 

However, although the three of them were trash-talking, they were clearly enjoying themselves. They snatched Li Fanyu's laptop and drawing board, helping him remake them. With their cooperation, two drawings quickly emerged. 

As they looked at this rather futuristic work, the three suddenly felt that even a slacker could produce talent... After several rounds of questioning and nitpicking, Li Fanyu explained the technical concepts and even specific solutions for the i8. 

After all doubts were dispelled, the three quietly picked up the two drawings and began modeling. Cheng Ke and Li Fanyu exchanged a glance, smiling at each other. 

The Green Earth Automobile Design Competition, the entry from China Tiancheng Industrial University—Hybrid Sports Car, tentatively named: Pursuit of Dreams, i8!

The competition organizers provided several five-axis milling machines for participating teams. It was a magical device. Simply put, it created three-dimensional models on the computer, and then, once the data was linked to the machine, it could directly produce clay models. Of course, it was only for the exterior; details like headlights, windshields, and mirrors still needed to be refined.

When the five of them produced the i8 model on the five-axis milling machine, it caused a sensation on the spot. 

The Korean team next to another milling machine put down their computers and came over to observe with wide eyes. For Koreans, the appearance of cars was the most important, regardless of whether the internal structure was reasonable or the core technology was strong enough. That's why many Korean cars had high aesthetic value, even if they were economically priced. So, when it came to automotive exterior design, Koreans had never been inferior to anyone. 

But the i8 struck a chord with them. After a brief moment of distraction, the Korean students raised their thumbs in approval. For this design, they could only give a bold and emphatic approval!

Despite being well-versed in various cars from different countries, even the Germans couldn't help but be impressed by the sci-fi and powerful aura emanating from the i8, despite it being an unfinished product.

The teams from various countries keenly felt a sense of crisis. 

Johnny Wayne, leading the Art Center College of Design, abbreviated as ACCD.

Muramasa Hirokazu, leading the Automotive Engineering Department of the University of Tokyo.

Toyota Chinatsu, leading the Design School of the University of Mubai.

"Chinatsu-chan, the design from the Chinese team seems quite outstanding!"

"Yes, when I saw them on the participant list, I thought they were here to learn. I didn't expect that in an environment where the Chinese automotive industry is so weak, they could still produce such talent. Muramasa-kun, we have to work harder."

Toyota Chinatsu, the seventh-generation outstanding talent of the Toyota family, faced with the star-studded Li Fanyu, felt a burning fighting spirit inside her.

Muramasa Hirokazu, beside her, looked at her furrowed brows and smirked meaningfully at the unfinished i8 model.


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