ABT Chapter 0066 One Surprise After Another

Lin Lei's home wasn't large, but it was kept very clean, even with an active and lively child in the house, everything was neatly arranged. It was evident that his wife, Xu Juan, was very diligent.

Lin Lei was a latecomer to fatherhood. Despite being forty this year, his daughter was only five years old. For some reason, they had chosen the name Lin Lingzhang for her.

After exchanging greetings with the family of three, Li Fanyu entered the house.

Li Fanyu, despite not being handsome, had one advantage—his friendly appearance, which children especially liked. Lin Lingzhang took a liking to him immediately upon their first meeting, and when he sat on the sofa, she immediately stuck to him, asking him questions left and right.

Lin Lingzhang: "Big brother, my dad said you're a college student, is that true?"

Li Fanyu: "Of course it's true!"

Lin Lingzhang: "Big brother, compared to kindergarten, which one gives less homework, college or kindergarten?"

Li Fanyu: "Of course college gives less homework, and let me tell you, college has a lot of holidays!"

Lin Lingzhang, her eyes twinkling: "Then how many days are there in a week?"

Li Fanyu blushed: "Uh, well, if you're as carefree as me, you might get seven days off in a week!"

Lin Lingzhang calculated using addition and subtraction within ten and sighed, "Ah? Only seven days off in a week! Big brother, Tongtong in my class said he wants to be my boyfriend. What's the difference between a boyfriend and a friend? Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Pfft!" Li Fanyu choked on his tea and spat it out.

Lin Lei also burst out laughing, pulling the little girl into his arms.

After chatting for a while, they heard Xu Juan from the kitchen calling them for dinner.

At the dinner table, the couple solemnly toasted Li Fanyu, thanking him and his car for saving Lin Lei's life.

This made Li Fanyu quite embarrassed. He knew what happened with the car. It was a complete mix-up in sales that led it to be delivered to the Criminal Investigation Division. Whether it saved Lin Lei's life was a matter of chance.

But regardless, his car, modified in his spare time, played such a significant role at a critical moment, which made him very happy.

Moreover, he had already keenly sensed a business opportunity and silently calculated whether he could use the X modification workshop to do business with the government.

Xu Juan's cooking skills were also good, roughly on par with Li's mother. Despite being forced by Lin Lei to drink three bottles of beer, Li Fanyu managed to finish two large bowls of rice.

After the meal, Xu Juan took the pouting Lin Lingzhang back to the bedroom to help her with her homework.

"Lin, I have an idea, I don't know if it's feasible." Li Fanyu sat on the sofa and looked at Lin Lei, who was sniffing the cigarette but hesitated to smoke, tentatively asking.

Lin Lei gave him a sidelong glance with a smile, "What, thinking of doing bulletproof modifications for police vehicles?"

Li Fanyu nodded foolishly, Lin Lei's eyes were too sharp. His own knowledge in this area couldn't keep any secrets from him.

Lin Lei secretly opened the window, lit a cigarette, and stood in front of the window puffing smoke. With a young child at home, his wife strictly forbade second-hand smoke. He hadn't worked today and had to endure all day, which was really hard.

He pondered for a moment before saying, "It seems unlikely. The city just finished re-equipping the police units with vehicles, so there probably isn't any extra budget left. Even if there's a lot of demand, there's nothing that can be done. Your car must have cost quite a bit to modify, right? Although I didn't pay much attention last night, a SUV that can keep up with the speed of a sports car must have required some effort."

Li Fanyu felt a bit disappointed, but then he thought about it and felt resigned. Dealing with the government isn't something that can be done unilaterally. It was already a pleasant surprise to have taken on that batch of vehicles before.

Furthermore, he hadn't properly studied the rules of X Modification Workshop, how the material units needed to be converted, and if the required costs were too high, given the current situation of the city's finances, it might not be affordable.

After chatting with Lin Lei for a while, Li Fanyu got up and bid farewell.

That night, Tiancheng Evening News published an article titled "Being Prepared Prevents Trouble - Shortcomings in Police Equipment," questioning the existing police equipment and providing a detailed comparison between domestic and foreign situations.

Many times in China, no one pays attention until a problem arises. Once it causes losses, it immediately stirs up waves.

Because the article detailedly compared the police equipment of China and the United States, the disparity was glaring.

Taking the Los Angeles Police Department as an example: the current police vehicles are mainly divided into patrol cars and support vehicles.

The patrol car model is a large sedan, currently using the Victoria Crown model, with a civilian version selling for $60,000. With added steel plates and bulletproof glass protection, it can reach international level I bulletproof standards. The equipment inside the car is very comprehensive; high-power radios, digital walkie-talkies, notebooks, and other office supplies are all available, making it almost like a mobile office.

In terms of weapons, in addition to the handguns carried by police officers, the car is also equipped with a rifle, a shotgun, riot shields, and gas masks, each in pairs.

The support vehicles are even more impressive, using full-size SUVs such as the Chevrolet Tahoe, with a civilian version selling for as much as $120,000!

Inside, besides electronic office equipment, it is essentially a mobile ammunition depot. It carries various standard weapons reserves that can even rival battlefield support vehicles, with five M4A1 automatic rifles alone. Various emergency response equipment is readily available.

The article roughly calculated that based on prices, a support vehicle from the Los Angeles Police Department with full equipment costs as much as $400,000 - equivalent to over 2 million RMB.

And in China? Our patrol cars are seven-seat minivans produced by Haifei Company... equipped with ashtrays and automatic lighters inside. Ahem, let's not dwell on this...

The comparison of equipment for special police forces is even more chilling. The full set of individual equipment for the Los Angeles SWAT team costs $36,000. In China, it's just over 10,000 RMB.

A difference of twenty-five times!

The article concluded with mourning for the four police personnel who had sacrificed their lives, leaving everyone who read it with a sense of sadness.

— Frontline police workers deal with crime every day. Perhaps our public security environment is good, and maybe much of the equipment isn't used often. But don't forget, in critical moments, it might save a life.

This life might be like Xi Jianguo, a father of two children.

Or like Liang Tiecheng, a woman's husband.

Cheng Gang, who had just finished a series of emergency meetings, held the newspaper in his hand, his face pale with anger.


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