ABT ## Chapter 0100

 Li Fanyu's current mood was like stepping into a martial arts world. It was like falling off a cliff and landing at the bottom, half dead, only to be met by an old man holding a secret manual.

"Young man, here I have the blueprint for the third-generation EA888 turbocharged engine. From now on, the responsibility of maintaining world peace and promoting the Chinese automotive industry is entrusted to you!"

He ecstatically pulled out the A4 paper from the printer and began to replicate the blueprints that were deeply engraved in his mind.

Just these six parts' blueprints were already intricately detailed and daunting. Fortunately, Li Fanyu had previously put in some hard work in drawing, so his foundation was quite solid. He turned on the desk lamp and started drawing, one by one.

The wall clock ticked away until it was pitch black outside the window, indicating that the company's employees had already left work.

At that moment, there was a knock on the door. "Fanyu, are you there?"

Li Fanyu was startled by the sudden knocking and quickly turned to open the door, welcoming Anning inside.

"It's so late, why haven't you gone back yet?" Anning asked, concerned, as she noticed Li Fanyu's bloodshot eyes.

It turned out that Li Fanyu had been drawing for over six hours, and it was already well past nine in the evening.

After obtaining Xapp, Li Fanyu had made up his mind not to let anyone know about this mysterious thing. If it were leaked out, he would surely be in big trouble. So even to his parents, he kept quiet about Xapp, not mentioning a word.

Therefore, even though he wasn't good at lying, when it came to Xapp, he had practiced bluffing.

Rubbing his dry eyes, he casually explained, "I had a sudden inspiration about the engine, and I was afraid I'd forget it later, so I decided to draw it. I lost track of time. Why haven't you gone back yet?"

Anning finally felt relieved and nodded. Seeing Li Fanyu still in the office late at night, she thought he was worried about the laboratory.

She took out a wet tissue from her pocket and approached Li Fanyu to wipe his eyes. "The workers have just left. These days, this is the time they usually leave. Have you drawn some sketches? Let me have a look. I'll give you some advice."

Li Fanyu handed her a drawing, which happened to be the top-view cross-sectional drawing of the cylinder body.

Seeing him enduring this late into the night, Anning thought he must have encountered some difficulties and obstacles. She intended to help him and offer some advice.

But the moment she saw the drawing, she was shocked. What lay before her was something she could only admire; there was no room for her to give any pointers.

The analytical drawing had already meticulously planned out the specifications and materials of the engine cylinder body, even detailing some aspects like the suspension positions. If Li Fanyu hadn't said it was his work, Anning would have thought it was a blueprint for a currently produced engine!

This wasn't a mere sketch; it looked like a fully designed product ready for production!

"Is this... is this your design?" Anning asked in astonishment.

"Uh, just a doodle," Li Fanyu said, scratching the back of his head, looking up at the ceiling.

Anning furrowed her brows and glanced at him sideways, saying with a hint of irony, "You don't even tell the truth to me. Are you treating me like a naive student from your school?" She picked up a pencil and made some marks on the drawing.

Those detailed data could hardly be called a doodle; it was just a blatant lie.

Feeling uncomfortable under her gaze, Li Fanyu chuckled awkwardly, trying to appear innocent with his eyes darting around.

"Cough, actually, I'm a genius."

After looking at him steadily for a while, Anning said, "Alright, my genius little brother." She carefully examined the drawing again, becoming more amazed by the minute. Some design concepts were even comparable to those of Mercedes-Benz. Many aspects were beyond her understanding.

After suppressing her astonishment, Anning transformed into a curious version of herself. "Why did you arrange the valve position like this? What kind of transmission structure do you plan to use?"

"Um, initially, I planned to use a rocker arm. But I felt that with this cylinder design, the crankshaft pulley would definitely conflict with the rocker arm, so I decided to add a roller to the rocker arm."

"And what about this?"

"And this?"

"And this one too!"

Li Fanyu hadn't had the chance to fully grasp these technologies yet. Along with explaining to Anning, he was also exploring the technical features of the EA888.

Before the alteration of the historical timeline, the EA888 engine could be considered quite famous. However, its fame wasn't due to its outstanding performance but rather its biggest flaw.

This engine was equipped in the Audi A4, A6, and Volkswagen Passat, leading to a peculiar phenomenon at the time due to their high sales volume and market share.

The owners of these three models always kept a bucket of engine oil in their trunks, needing to top up every one or two thousand kilometers. Hence, the EA888 was jokingly referred to as the "mixed-fuel engine."

Of course, this "mixed fuel" didn't refer to diesel and gasoline but rather engine oil and gasoline.

Regarding this matter, Li Fanyu had some vague awareness before. With Anning's probing, he gradually understood the construction of this engine. It was then that he suddenly realized and resolved the problem that had previously troubled him.

The main reason for the oil consumption issue turned out to be—cost-cutting!

Cost-cutting involved substituting or outright eliminating some high-cost components with low-cost ones to reduce expenses and increase profits.

Li Fanyu had seen the process of changing engine oil for Audi A4L at his uncle's repair shop, so he had some understanding of this EA888 engine.

Comparing the EA888 in his memory with the one in the blueprints, Li Fanyu sadly discovered that Audi was simply deceiving people!

Take the A4, for example. The standard wheelbase version imported from abroad was called A4, while the domestically produced long-wheelbase version was called A4L, with "L" indicating "Long."

The blueprint Li Fanyu had just obtained was for the imported standard wheelbase version. Comparing it with the EA888 engine in his memory from the domestically produced A4L, he found that there were actually several additional structures.

MPI+FSI dual-injection system, IAGK, turbocharger pressure limiting valve, and rotating valve-type coolant pump.

None of these four components were present in the EA888 produced domestically at that time.

The dual-injection system, simply put, adjusts the fuel injection mode according to the engine's condition to improve fuel economy.

IAGK, short for Intake Manifold Integrated Cylinder Head, integrates the manifold, the channel through which exhaust gases produced by combustion in the engine cylinders are expelled. Normally, due to the high heat generated during operation, they are separately arranged. However, the layout of IAGK utilizes the coolant inside the cylinder head to cool the manifold.

As for the turbocharger pressure limiting valve, it controls the turbo pressure to protect the engine throttle.

The rotating valve-type coolant pump is also for better cooling.

Li Fanyu could understand why the dual-injection system was omitted; after all, the quality of domestic fuel wasn't good. While this component might save fuel, it also required higher gasoline quality. Originally, using 93-octane gasoline would suffice, but with this component, you would have to use 97-octane gasoline. The amount of fuel saved might not even cover the price difference between the two grades of gasoline.

But omitting the IAGK, pressure limiting valve, and rotating valve-type coolant pump? That's simply taking advantage of the Chinese people!

The structure of a turbocharged engine is more complex. The turbocharger bearing and the lubrication parts to ensure the operation of the vacuum pump all determine that it consumes more engine oil than a naturally aspirated engine.

Moreover, the additional high temperature brought by turbocharging will inevitably cause the engine oil to deteriorate and reduce in viscosity, leading to oil burning.

With all three major components omitted, not burning oil would be damn near impossible!

Li Fanyu patted his chest, feeling a bit suffocated. Damn, thank goodness the version he exchanged for in the X Space was the unmodified one. Otherwise, when it's released, it would definitely get roasted!

Audi, you deserve to be criticized in this timeline!


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