ABT Chapter 0122 Axle Break Event

Zhengxin Power resumed operations.

After returning from Jinmen City, Li Fanyu notified Sun Guoyi. The puzzled old Sun thought that his young master had lost his mind. Without orders, who would they sell the production to?

However, in the afternoon, the television and media reported the cooperation between Red Flag Company and Zhengxin Power, announcing that the ZGX888 engine would be installed in the Red Flag Shengshi C-Class.

As a result, the entire factory started running.

Originally, engine supply was supposed to start with the mass production of cars, but Lv Heming, who had already been frightened, found Li Fanyu cautiously and asked with a negotiating tone if it was okay to order five thousand units for the first batch.

Li Fanyu inwardly chuckled and agreed, reminding him with veiled threats about the progress of the Shengshi C-Class.

Lv Heming, who didn't dare to have any crooked thoughts anymore, naturally nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice. After seeing off Li Fanyu, he immediately summoned the project team, mobilizing all manpower and research funds. He demanded that the project team tackle the gearbox and platform technology with the fastest progress and the greatest effort, striving to put the Shengshi into mass production as soon as possible.

The members of the project team were surprised—why did the boss suddenly change his tactics? But the grassroots technical staff all liked the feeling of getting money and resources.

Actually, is talent scarce in China's automotive industry? Compared with countries with developed automotive industries like Japan and Germany, of course, it cannot be compared. But the base is not small. It's just that the domestic industry environment is limiting, making it difficult to exert effort.

Now with strong support from above, the entire team immediately exerted its energy.

Speaking of which, although Li Fanyu made money from this order, he did not feel satisfied. Money was made, and Red Flag had money. Even before delivering the goods, they prepaid half of the nearly fifty million yuan.

But he knew very well how this order came about.

So despite making money, Li Fanyu was not happy. He even felt a deep sense of frustration—indeed, he still had to rely on Xapp.

Without this thing, he was as fragile as a newborn sprout in the face of power.

Feeling disheartened upon returning to Tiancheng, he went to Zhengxin Power for a stroll, then came to the laboratory. Because he felt that among everything he had, the least involved with Xapp was here.

In the laboratory, Lao Zhang was leading students in some instructional research. The laboratory itself was owned by Zhengxin Enterprises, but with subsidies, it needed to be opened appropriately to cultivate talent for the industry. So, the government wasn't just doing charity. But this rule was fair, as there were regulations; the results produced in this laboratory were eligible for Zhengxin's shareholding intervention as the owner of the property.

As a result, the laboratory was open to the research team, and once the team's projects were approved, they could generate profits for the laboratory. This formed a small ecosystem and industry incubator.

This was welcomed by both the government and Zhengxin, as well as the research team.

A true win-win situation.

At this moment, the research team in the laboratory was none other than the three academic overachievers. Seeing Li Fanyu's return, the three immediately put down what they were doing and approached. After exchanging a few words with them, Li Fanyu came alone to the data collection room and lay down on a chair.

Ah... comfortable. Li Fanyu chuckled self-deprecatingly; what more could he ask for? Others couldn't even dream of such an encounter. He was just trying to compete with himself, pathetic, melodramatic.

Looking on the bright side, no matter what, the ZGX88 engine finally made its debut. Although the means were... a bit low. But treating villains like this, Li Fanyu didn't feel the slightest guilt. And in a bit of black humor, Fang Heming, this person's leverage was now in his hands, which would be quite a good puppet in the future.

After daydreaming for a while, Li Fanyu slumped in the chair, dazedly entering dreamland. In his dream, he transformed into a giant eagle, soaring to the highest heavens, overlooking the myriad of creatures below... If it weren't for a dark phone tied to his talons, it would have been a perfect dream.

Regardless of whether he slept well, he finally fell asleep. But for some people, they tossed and turned, unable to sleep.

Hong Rui, a small computer shop owner on the outskirts of Nanhe City. At this moment, he lay on the bed, smoking one cigarette after another. The events of the past few days made him feel more and more aggrieved.

He got involved in a car accident.

To understand the situation, let's go back a year and a half.

Hong Rui's family situation was average, neither rich nor poor. But the older generation always wanted to give their children the best. So, before Hong Rui got married, his parents, determinedly, bought him a Mitsubishi Pajero Sport SUV.

Two months after bringing the new car home, Hong Rui noticed occasional steering issues. After several inspections at the 4S dealership, each time being told there were no abnormalities detected, he was sent away. Thinking that the overall condition of the car was still okay, and considering the hefty expenses incurred for miscellaneous labor fees at the dealership, he didn't pay much attention to it and continued driving.

Just five days ago, while on the way to pick up his wife from work, an accident occurred.

Hong Rui was chatting with his wife when suddenly, there was a strange noise from the car. Then, the steering wheel lost control and turned sharply to the left. This sudden anomaly caused Hong Rui's adrenaline to surge as he desperately tried to regain control of the car by forcefully turning the steering wheel. But no matter what he did, it was in vain.

The nearly new Mitsubishi Pajero, traveling at seventy kilometers per hour, veered off the road and crashed into a stall selling honey.

The stall owner, unable to dodge in time, fell into a pool of blood. Hong Rui's wife also hit the windshield due to not wearing a seatbelt.

Shaken, Hong Rui tremblingly called the police. When the police car and ambulance arrived and the injured were taken to the hospital, he finally glanced at the car.

What he saw made him explode with anger.

The left front axle and tie rod of the car were both broken, and the entire left front wheel lay silently more than a hundred meters away from the car.

Seeing this, Hong Rui finally understood why the car suddenly lost control and why he couldn't move the steering wheel no matter what.

He had encountered the legendary broken axle!

But at that time, he didn't have time to think about it and immediately rushed to the hospital.

After preliminary examination, the stall owner suffered from multiple fractures in both legs, a fractured skull with intracranial hemorrhage, requiring emergency surgery to remove the blood clot, otherwise risking brain death.

His wife suffered from a concussion, plus a head injury to the forehead, with a wound seven centimeters long. Even after stitching, it would leave an ugly scar.

Before Hong Rui could even mourn, he was beaten up by the injured person's relatives who had rushed over. No matter how he explained, they wouldn't listen.

Lying on the ground, holding his head against the angry relatives, Hong Rui made a firm decision in that moment.

He must, absolutely must, demand an explanation from Mitsubishi!


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