ABT Chapter 11

 After leaving the 4S shop, Li Fanxiu took a taxi to the hospital. On the way, he received a call from Officer Zhang.

Officer Zhang informed Li Fanxiu that the case had been re-investigated due to discrepancies found in the witness testimonies. He apologized for the minor errors in their work and expressed condolences to Li Fanxiu's uncle.

Li Fanxiu just hummed and hawed to get through the conversation.

Why the heck was he acting all serious now when he hadn't done anything earlier? Only now that things seem to be turning sour, he remembered to act all solemn and serious.

Actually, Officer Zhang didn't call for any other reason. He thought Li Fanxiu might have some background since he managed to repair the car's damage within a day. In his view, those two sheet metal parts must have been replaced with new ones. If these parts were sourced through normal channels, it would take at least half a month.

Li Fanxiu managed to get them in just one night, which must have involved some kind of help from someone.

Having worked in law enforcement for many years, Officer Zhang's biggest insight was that when doing things, you have to find the right people and observe them carefully. Moreover, don't offend anyone whose background you can't figure out.

The scene in the morning gave him a vague feeling of being unable to see through things.

Li Fanxiu didn't think too much about it. Anyway, he had Dongzi's statement and the appraisal form in hand. Regardless of what happened to his uncle, he was no longer responsible for it.

But he couldn't swallow this anger.

Almost at the same time as Dongzi, he also made a decision: to find out their background and avenge his uncle.

Li Fanxiu wasn't one to hold grudges, but when it came to family, he couldn't bear it.

When he arrived at the hospital, he handed Dongzi's statement to his uncle, which surprised Dong Jianguo and Li's parents.

Despite Li's mother's repeated questioning, Li Fanxiu didn't mention anything about Xapp. The whole thing was too strange and bizarre, and they wouldn't believe it if he told them.

It's better to just brush it off.

After failing to get any answers from Li's mother, she started nagging instead.

"Son, you've grown up since you can think about your uncle and accomplish such a big thing. But that chubby kid downstairs, Zhang Aunty's son who always comes to our house to play mahjong, brought his girlfriend home a few days ago. Look at you, you're not young anymore, you have to seize the opportunity... I think Cheng Ke that girl is not bad, you have to seize the opportunity..."

Li Fanxiu felt like he was being cursed, thinking to himself, Mother, I'm only in my second year of college and you're already pushing me to get married. Do you really have to be in such a hurry?

I also think Cheng Ke, the school beauty, is not bad. Not just "not bad," she's quite good, but your son, on his first meeting with her, threw her into a flowerbed. On his second meeting, he lost her wallet. Who knows how she'll scold your son.

He laughed awkwardly as he listened to his mother's earnest advice but didn't say a word. Non-violence, non-cooperation, Li Fanxiu has been like this since he was a child. He seems to have a very good temper, but those who know him know that this kid is stubborn.

As Li's mother vented her anger on Li's father, scolding him, Li Fanxiu sat next to his uncle and chatted with him for a while.

Apart from the serious injuries to his limbs, Dong Jianguo was fine, and the doctor said he could go home and recuperate in two days.

His uncle firmly refused to let Li Fanxiu stay in the hospital with him. Sitting in a wheelchair, he forcibly pushed Li Fanxiu out.

"I just thought what your mother said made sense. Finding a partner is important, but you should focus on going back to school and studying. With your dad and mom here, it's enough."

Li Fanxiu could only bid farewell to his family and return to school.

After two days of settling down, the incident of the tarnishing of the school beauty had faded somewhat. Except for the sadness of the male students at the university, there was a faint sense of excitement.

That smelly kid from dorm 401 managed to captivate the goddess. What am I lacking?

So, grassroots counterattacks are the way to go.

Li Fanxiu's story spread throughout the university in just two days, and even attracted many fans. Everyone enjoyed hearing about it, why is "The Voice of China" so popular? Because everyone likes to see the underdog rise and ordinary people become gods.

Getting off topic, Li Fanxiu returned to his dorm room to find those three guys playing games. The eldest was in the jungle, the second and third were dominating the bottom lane, one as ADC and the other as support. Their skills... were terrible. The jungler kept giving buffs away, and the bottom lane kept feeding kills. Before even reaching the 20-minute mark, they gave up and went AFK.

Seeing Li Fanxiu come back, the eldest asked him what happened. Li Fanxiu brushed it off and buried his head in his bed.

The second and third felt a bit awkward and gathered around his bed. Li Fanxiu lifted his head from the pillow and saw the two of them acting suspiciously. He asked them what's up.

The third rubbed his hands and said, "Brother Four, since you're getting along with Cheng Ke, shouldn't you introduce her to us as roommates?"

Li Fanxiu was sweating bullets. You're being too ruthless here, and your change of heart is too sudden, isn't it?

He put on a serious face, put his hand on the third's shoulder, and said, "Third Brother, Cheng Ke and I really have nothing going on. What you guys saw that day was just her leg getting injured, and I helped her to the clinic."



"So, does that mean I still have a chance?"

"Yes, I wish you good luck. The future is yours."

"Damn, don't say that, it reminds me of Duncan."


Although the four brothers had very different personalities, their bond was strong. Little fights and squabbles were inevitable, but they quickly returned to their usual selves with laughter and jokes.

So the three black became four black, still getting thrashed as usual.

Just as they were getting wrecked in a team fight, Li Fanxiu's mind suddenly went blank.

"Congratulations, you have driven more than 10 kilometers with the X program activated, earning you 1 point. This is your first point, and you have reached level 1. You can now draw one prize within the X program."

WTF! Leveled up? Right, I used two tools to fix the car, so points must be calculated.

This was a big deal. Li Fanxiu put down his mouse and ran to the bathroom.

Just as he took out his phone to enter the X program, he was surprised to find that his phone had changed.

The thousand-yuan phone he got for recharging had transformed from being low-end and poor to high-end and handsome, from Liu Zichen to Ning Zetao, from Ma Rong to... well, she's still Ma Rong, she can't change anything.

The shape of the phone had turned into a diamond-cut design, and the material was the same as the material used for the suction cup spray gun.

Opening the phone, the screen was much clearer than before, even surpassing the iPhone 6s that the third brother had.

Opening the X app and entering the space, a panel with a pointer appeared, displaying various categories.

Li Fanxiu eagerly clicked on start, and the pointer spun wildly, slowing down before coming to a stop.

"Congratulations, you have obtained the user attribute [Intermediate Driving Expertise], increasing your driving skills by 100%."

What the heck! I don't even have a bicycle, what use is this for me?

Li Fanxiu looked at the newly added skill in the user options, feeling frustrated. In the spirit of being well-equipped for the journey, he reluctantly applied it to himself.


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