ABT ### Chapter 130: The Arrival of the Big Black X?

After careful consideration, Li Fanyu decided to set up the super production line in a coastal factory under Zhengxin Power. Although the location was remote, it was quiet and deserted, which was exactly what he needed.

While Zhengxin Auto was located in the suburbs, it was still too conspicuous. The used car business there meant that a poor location would affect performance. Zhengxin Power didn’t have such concerns; being in a remote area actually reduced a lot of hassles.

However, after Li Fanyu applied the production line to the empty factory, it didn’t complete the upgrade instantly as it had in previous instances. Instead, a progress bar appeared in the virtual space—“Waiting…”

The progress bar moved so slowly that he wondered if the space needed a memory cleanup.

After waiting for more than two hours, it became clear he wouldn’t see the super production line in action tonight, so Li Fanyu reluctantly went home.

Recently, he had been so busy that every time he returned home, it was in a rush. His mother had nagged him several times over the phone.

"Once a son grows up, he can’t be kept at home..."

"All grown up now, with strong wings..."

"Ungrateful little brat..."

This was how Li Fanyu’s mother had been talking about him recently.

Parents are like that. When you’re always around, they think you’re doing nothing. When you actually get busy, they complain you don’t have them in your heart. The constant worrying—that’s love.

Luckily, today the whole family was home. Seeing her son back, Li's mom busied herself with preparing a table full of dishes. Li Fanyu, with one ear in and the other out, helped her in the kitchen, learning a few cooking skills along the way.

Though it’s said that it takes a hundred days to heal from a serious injury, the endless supply of expensive supplements Li Fanyu had been bringing home had sped up his uncle Jian'guo’s recovery. Now, apart from not being able to exert too much force, he was moving around quite well.

His uncle had been closely following his progress. In less than three months, Li Fanyu had developed from an ordinary college student into what he was now, making his uncle, his initial mentor, extremely proud.

With joy, Dong Jianguo often joked with Li's parents; since his injury, Xiao Fan had started to flourish, and he credited himself for much of his success.

Dong Jianguo’s marriage had been a failure, ending after three years without children. To him, Li Fanyu was like his own child, so his eyes were filled with affection when he spoke.

Amidst laughter and joy, the family had a wonderful meal together.

After dinner, as the family crowded onto the sofa, Li Fanyu began to feel that their house was a bit small.

Since his uncle’s repair shop had been destroyed, he had been homeless, temporarily staying in Li Fanyu’s room. Without Fanyu being frequently away, the small apartment wouldn’t have accommodated the four of them.

So, as all the TV channels switched to the news, Li Fanyu squeezed in beside his mom.

"Mom, let’s buy a bigger house."

Hearing this, his dad craned his neck like a swan—he had discussed this with his wife after Li Fanyu had brought home money three times. But the mom was the absolute boss at home.

Mom’s eyes narrowed, “Did your dad put you up to this?”

“Why do you always blame me for everything?” Dad quickly tried to prove his innocence. But despite his words, he gave Fanyu a knowing look.

It was clear: Son, keep going!

Trying to suppress his laughter at his father’s failure to assert authority, Fanyu said, “No, Mom, listen. First, we’re not short on money now. If I’m not mistaken, I’ve sent you five million so far. But that money is for you to spend; the house purchase will be my treat. Second, I think Uncle should stay with us after he recovers. We’re doing fine living together. If we get a bigger house, it’ll be convenient if Uncle wants to start a second chapter in life, right?”

### Chapter 130: The Arrival of the Big Black X?

Hearing this, Dong Jianguo raised his hand and smacked the back of Li Fanyu’s head, laughing, “No respect for your elders!”

However, Li’s mom hesitated upon hearing her son’s suggestion. She had considered changing houses before, but after living in their old home for so many years, she had grown attached to it. Besides, they were used to living simply, so the idea had been put on hold indefinitely.

But now, with Li Fanyu’s reasoning, it made sense. She had wanted to help her brother for a long time, especially since there was a significant age gap between them. Now that they were financially stable, she had been looking for a way to support him. Buying a house for him directly wouldn’t work because he would never accept it. But buying a larger house for the family to live together seemed like a perfect solution.

Seeing his mom’s attitude soften, Li Fanyu knew he had broken through enemy lines. Rubbing his head, he pulled out his ultimate weapon, “Third, this old house is a bit small. If I get married and you have a grandchild, seventy-some square meters just won’t be enough.”

At this, his mom’s eyes lit up with tiny flames. She tossed the remote control aside and decisively declared like a leader, “Buy! Old Li, Jianguo, we’re going to look at houses tomorrow!”

Li Fanyu grinned at his dad, who looked back at him with eyes also aflame. His uncle’s eyes... well, cough.

Alright! It seems this ultimate weapon can never be used again.

The next morning, Li Fanyu was woken up by a call from Sun Guoyi.

“Boss, a company came to our factory, and without a word, they started installing equipment in the coastal factory! Do you want to come over and check it out?”

Li Fanyu was confused. A company? “Which company?”

“They didn’t say, acting like robots. But the containers have a big black X on them.”

A big black X? Uncle, your description is ambiguous...

Wait... Holy crap! Xapp! Li Fanyu shot up from his bed, a sudden realization hitting him.

Could it be the developers of the X program?

All along, he had deep doubts about Xapp. He had assumed such a powerful entity capable of altering historical progress must be from the future or of extraterrestrial origin. Now that there was a clue about the X program, how could he stay put?

No way, he had to check it out!

Without even washing his face, he hurried downstairs. Unfortunately, it was rush hour, and he couldn’t find a taxi.

“Looks like I really need to improve my living conditions. I’m always dealing with cars; it’s time to get one for myself.”

Watching taxis speed by, he thought to himself.

In the end, he had to take a leisurely bus ride to Zhengxin Power, wasting a full hour on the way.

By the time he arrived at the factory, the big black X had already left. Seeing the newly installed, futuristic super production line, Li Fanyu ground his teeth in frustration.

Tomato! He had missed it!


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