ABT Chapter 140: Brand Promotion

The release of the race video sparked a new wave of comments.

The unique race, recorded in full by high-speed cameras, meticulously edited by Wang Dazui, and set to a cool background score, resulted in a visually stunning final version that was incredibly exciting.

If people weren't already aware of the race's background, they might have thought it was a Hollywood blockbuster!

Sure enough, once the video was released, it caused a viral surge. Especially the clip where the X-power leaves the V12 and the Airbus A320 in the dust. It spread across Weibo, Moments, QQ chat animations, and Tieba GIFs—basically, it was everywhere.

Seeing the X-power thoroughly beat the RF-V12, Chinese netizens, particularly car enthusiasts, went wild.

"Bravo, our mighty Power!"


"Well done!"

"Chinese brand, rise up!"

At that moment, under tens of thousands of comments, there were two prevailing sentiments—pride and excitement.

This scene was reminiscent of the moment when the Dongfanghong satellite was launched.

No longer did we have to envy products with foreign labels, nor did we have to endure their lofty arrogance, nor be looked down upon with disdain and called "weak."

We said goodbye to this domain's void, achieved a breakthrough from zero, and from now on, we could proudly compare our products with those from abroad.

We, too, can do better!

And this is what the X-power stands for.

Taking advantage of this topic, a wave of interest in sports cars quickly swept the internet. The attitude of netizens was straightforward: whether they buy it or not, they just wanted to praise the X-power. Simply because it feels great to boast about something from our own country.

Just like the classic line from Sun Tao's 2009 Spring Festival Gala skit "Auspicious Three Treasures": "I'm proud!"

With such a huge advertising effect, Zhengxin had to deal with customers from all over the country coming to order cars every day, all paying in full, and some even giving red envelopes to staff to get their delivery moved up the queue.

However, Wang Meimei wouldn't dare do that. She pointed to the pre-order contract number and firmly told customers that orders were strictly in sequence and absolutely fair.

Pinche.com absolutely adored Li Fanyu. Ever since he entered the auto industry, he had been creating continuous buzz, bringing massive traffic to the site.

Although it had always been the largest automotive portal in China, Pinche.com previously focused mainly on content and user interactions. Since Li Fanyu appeared, everything changed.

Continuously featuring news about Zhengxin and Li Fanyu on the homepage, accompanied by huge user traffic and engagement, the prices for various ad spots skyrocketed.

Take the homepage banner ad, for example: it used to rotate twice a day for 100,000 yuan daily, but now it had risen to 300,000 yuan with three rotations daily.

This wasn't Pinche.com being greedy; it was entirely due to clients competing for promotional resources and driving up the prices themselves.

The most trafficked video pre-roll ads on the site were being bid up to a sky-high 450,000 yuan per hour. And even at that price, many companies were vying to get in.

There was no other way; Pinche.com was just too popular riding this wave.

Thus, a good business not only makes money for itself but can also drive many related aspects, forming a virtuous ecosystem.

Pinche.com, having tasted the benefits, naturally reciprocated. They pushed Zhengxin's promotions with all their might, and Wang Dazui and Xiao Wu, who had a good relationship with Li Fanyu, were generously rewarded.

Having finally wrapped up their tasks, they could now leave work on time every day. Wang Dazui immediately contacted Li Fanyu, eager to make up for the missed dinner.

When Li Fanyu answered the call and remembered how Wang had abandoned him last time, he was furious.

"You have to come! Even if Ban Ki-moon invites me to a meeting today, I'm not going. We'll go to the most expensive restaurant in Tiancheng!"

"Oh, come on, Brother Li, have mercy. I've worked hard for ten days and only got a 50,000 yuan bonus. I know a place with whole roast lamb that's really tasty. What do you think?"

"Whole roast lamb... okay! Oh, and bring Xiao Wu too. It can't just be the two of us, or it'll be too easy on you."

"Sure thing! Grassland Lamb at the corner of South Third Road and Jingyang Street. I'll head over now, and you come quickly!"

Half an hour later, Li Fanyu arrived at the restaurant's private room. Wang Dazui and Xiao Wu were already waiting.

Wang Dazui: "Oh, Mr. Li is here, please take the seat of honor!"

Xiao Wu: "Wow, my first time dining with a billionaire. Brother Wang, should I use chopsticks or a fork and knife?"

Li Fanyu: "Cut the crap. The sign says it all, hand-grabbed lamb! Wang, you cheapskate, our seafood dinner has turned into lamb."


Seeing him enter, the two stood up to greet him, and naturally, some joking and banter ensued.

Li Fanyu wasn't one to put on airs. Although his net worth had increased, his personality remained the same, not feeling superior because of his wealth. If a net worth of over a billion was a benchmark, he had already surpassed it.

Wang and Xiao Wu were both comrades in arms. Wang Dazui, in particular, had been with Li Fanyu since before he made it big, battling against Baocheng together. Xiao Wu had also found him to be straightforward and upright during the broken axle incident.

So, they were friends who shared a genuine bond, making the atmosphere at the dinner table relaxed and joyful.

Lamb without alcohol is too gamey to eat. After two bottles of beer, fueled by Wang Dazui and Xiao Wu's alliance, the mood was lively.

Wang Dazui, his mouth greasy, said, "By the way, the X-power has even gone viral overseas. Our video has over a million views on YouTube. Have you figured out your follow-up promotion strategy?"

Li Fanyu burped, "Burp... The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is reviewing it now. I think there won't be any major changes. The results should be out soon. The first batch of a hundred cars is almost sold out, but our production capacity is limited."

Wang Dazui quickly said, "You must keep up the promotion, not just for the X-power but for Zhengxin as a whole. Take advantage of this momentum to promote the brand. Pre-sales should never stop. I’ve already told the editor-in-chief, all your ads are covered on Pinche.com, free of charge."

Li Fanyu nodded, "Thanks, Brother Wang. I've already contacted Director Ma Rao and Zhou Qingyu for TV commercial shoots. By the way, do you know how much CTV charges for ads?"

Wang Dazui gulped down some beer and nearly choked, "How much did you pay to get those two? No need for that. Your target audience for sports cars is young adults. Online ads are more effective than TV. Besides, TV ads are quite expensive. Prime time slots cost over a hundred thousand yuan for a 5-6 second spot. Assuming five slots a day, it would cost seven or eight hundred thousand yuan."

Xiao Wu and Li Fanyu were both astonished, "Damn, that expensive?"

Wang Dazui wiped his hands with a napkin, "Indeed!"


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