ABT ## Chapter 148: The First Batch Delivery Ceremony (Please Subscribe and Vote!)

This is a driving school called Shunxing.

As soon as Li Fanyu got out of the taxi and approached the entrance, a small, thin man grabbed him.

"Hey, buddy, here to get a driver's license or learn to drive?"

Li Fanyu frowned and pushed his hand away. "What about it?"

"Hey, our driving school has connections. We can expedite the process for you. Guaranteed to pass all subjects in one go and get your license within a month. Interested?"

Ridiculous! You think you’re a delivery service with express options? This sounds like a scam!

Li Fanyu had seen plenty of people like this—selling train tickets outside stations during holidays, hawking appointment slots outside hospitals, offering test answers before civil service exams, and secretly selling iPhones outside malls...

Eighty percent of them are scammers.

You want to trick me? Comrade, your skills are lacking.

"Must be expensive, right?" Li Fanyu teased, feeling mischievous.

The man waved his hand dismissively. "Not expensive at all. You look like a good guy, so it’s 4,500 yuan for you instead of the usual 4,700."

4,500 yuan? You’re kidding! Normally, a driver's license costs around 3,200 yuan all-inclusive. You’re charging 1,300 yuan more and calling it cheap? Go scam someone else. I’m not interested.

Li Fanyu smirked. "No thanks. I can pass on my own. Go scam someone else."

The man was unhappy with that response. He grabbed Li Fanyu angrily, "Hey, who you calling a scammer?"

Li Fanyu shrugged off his grip, making the man stumble back a few steps. "I’m busy. No time to argue. Get lost."

Without looking back, he walked into the driving school.

The man, barely 1.6 meters tall and thin as a stick, stumbled several steps before steadying himself. Watching Li Fanyu's back, he angrily shouted, "I bet you won’t even pass the first subject! You’ll come begging me later!"

Li Fanyu treated him like air, completely ignoring him as he entered.

After going to the second floor of the office building, paying the fees, and signing the documents, he was informed he’d take the first subject exam in two weeks. With that, Li Fanyu returned to his company.

Although An Ning hadn’t agreed to help manage the company, realizing his own shortcomings meant there was no reason to delay further.

Even if there were obstacles and difficulties, he had to deal with what could be addressed immediately.

Gathering all the company's management personnel, Li Fanyu shared his thoughts. To his surprise, everyone supported him immediately.

The company’s current rapid growth meant they were severely understaffed, and everyone had long felt constrained. Moreover, this restructuring granted most managers more authority, so they naturally supported it wholeheartedly.

As the boss, Li Fanyu set the tone, and the details of the division of labor were left to the team to discuss. The intense discussion in the small office lasted until after 7 PM.

Wang Meimei took notes on all the opinions, compiled them overnight, and presented them to Li Fanyu the next day.

Seeing no issues, he approved it immediately.

Running a business is challenging not during the growth phase but when it reaches a certain scale or faces adversity.

During growth, everyone works hard. Also, with a small scale, personnel and direction are easy to adjust. There are no major groups’ interests to consider, nor is there the issue of a large enterprise being difficult to steer.

This is why Li Fanyu wanted to handle this now—the sooner the foundation is set, the better.

Once the company grows larger, addressing these issues will cause significant pain.

This was only smooth because the company was fully owned by Li Fanyu. Otherwise, even a small company with just a dozen managers would face considerable difficulty in personnel changes, not nearly as smooth as now.

When An Ning returned with the documents and procedures, she left in a hurry.

Seeing her like this, Li Fanyu found it amusing. “Hide all you want. Once the apartment is ready, I’ll see where you can hide.”

With two major concerns resolved, he finally had some downtime. With the vehicle catalog and brand registered, theoretically, X-power was ready for sale.

However, Wang Meimei, in charge of website operations, believed that X-power was a milestone product. As the first domestically developed supercar, it deserved a grand launch, not a quiet release.

Li Fanyu didn’t mind; X-power was just something he made due to insufficient research points and a rush to produce the first car. What was the big deal? He had many classic models yet to be unveiled.

With this mindset, he rejected the team’s proposal for a grand delivery ceremony.

Unexpectedly, this decision angered the enthusiastic staff.

Wang Meimei, her face flushed, stood up and reprimanded her boss, "President Li! You can’t be so casual about this. This attitude is wrong! We know you’re talented and perhaps don’t think much of X-power. But this car is of great significance to our company and the Chinese auto industry. I personally believe this ceremony is very necessary!"

"Exactly, President Li! Even if we’re modest and don’t claim to be the best in the country, X-power shows we can make supercars! This proves our strength to the outside world and gives our team pride. Plus, the ceremony enhances customer experience and brand loyalty!"

"Right, this matter shouldn’t be understated. I agree with Manager Wang and Manager Huang."

Seeing the indignant staff, Li Fanyu was touched. You guys really know how to butter me up...

You’ve flattered me well. Alright, let’s do it then!

Thus, to ensure the ceremony’s scale and impact, Li Fanyu used points to speed up the production line, gathering thirty X-powers.

The final decision was to hold a gathering-style ceremony.

October 24th, clear skies.

A simple yet unique delivery ceremony took place at Tiancheng’s largest exhibition center.

The company prepared a buffet and drinks for the attendees, with dozens of black and orange ribbons adorned with the Zhengxin logo and X-power projections decorating the bright hall.

That day, invited customers and media gathered to receive China’s first supercar, X-power.

The invited media initially didn’t think much of the event, assuming it was just a brief news item about the first domestic supercar being delivered.

But with the arrival of famous director Ma Rao, international supermodel Zhou Qingyu, real estate tycoon and richest man Wang Kangseng’s son Wang Congming, renowned host Zhou Bobo, famous writer, director, and racer Han Han, and lesser-known internet writer Er Chun, the reporters went wild!

It turned out the X-power’s customers were so prestigious! This news excited them, and they took countless photos, giving the event a film festival red carpet vibe.

Since the cars were pre-ordered online, these people didn’t know they had all ordered X-power. Despite some being familiar and others only knowing each other by reputation, they found it interesting and chatted freely.

Non-public figures among the customers felt proud seeing so many celebrities choosing X-power. Look, the car I picked is also favored by stars.

What a face!

Some even cleverly brought markers, getting autographs on the racing helmets provided by Zhengxin.

With such a good atmosphere, the celebrities were happy to oblige. After signing, they posed for photos with the car owners, creating a celebrity party vibe.

However, the less famous writer Er Chun felt very frustrated. Holding a marker, he kept trying to approach the car owners.

Finally, seeing no one paid him any attention, he mustered the courage to make the first move.

Grabbing a man in his thirties, he smiled, “Hey, buddy, can I give you an autograph?”

The man hugged his helmet, “Who the hell are you? My helmet has signatures from big stars. What would your scribbles mean?”

Er Chun was stunned, the marker dropping from his hand as he covered his face and ran to the corner, sobbing.

“Boohoo, being a minor writer is tough…”

Li Fanyu, posing for photos with Ma Rao and Zhou Qingyu and a group of car owners, felt his face stiffen from smiling.

The delivery ceremony was a huge success.

Everyone left satisfied, with broad smiles as they exited the exhibition center.

At the end of the ceremony, the first batch of thirty X-powers, driven by their new owners, formed a convoy and roared out of the hall. This display immediately attracted attention on the streets.

Seeing this, Li Fanyu felt immense pride. The Zhengxin employees were also inspired, witnessing the glory and rise of their company firsthand. This feeling couldn’t be given by material rewards alone.

This is called a sense of belonging.

That afternoon.

News of the “X-power first batch delivery ceremony held in Tiancheng, with star-studded owners” appeared on major media websites.

On automotive and entertainment pages, this news was headlined.

After the news was published, the Zhengxin X-power ordering website experienced another peak in traffic.


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