ABT Chapter 15: Internet Famous Bread Van Guy

"Speed Crisis" was originally scheduled to be released in a month, and Ma Rao's editing work was already halfway done. Those big scenes of driving and chasing played a very important part in the movie. But these days, the computer special effects he received were so disappointing, how could he not be anxious?

Ma Rao's decision to find Li Fan was truly a last resort. Professional racing stunts were available, but one had to go to Hong Kong to find them. He made preparations on both fronts, asking the production team to find someone in Hong Kong while also bringing Li Fan over.

What he didn't know was that Li Fan had already become an internet sensation. After the edited surveillance video was posted online, major content creators immediately reposted it, sparking discussions among netizens.

"WTF! Why doesn't this guy just fly up into the sky?"

"What does that mean?"

"It means, isn't this van driver amazing?"

"Even if it's just a bread van, please bring me a dozen!"

"This van may not be fancy, but in the hands of a master, every move can be deadly. From now on, I only worship Bread Van Guy's driving skills!"


In just one night, the video's views surpassed two hundred thousand and kept gaining momentum, almost hitting the top headlines. Although Li Fan didn't show his face, he became an internet celebrity, affectionately called "Bread Van Guy".

Before the assistant arrived, he called Ma Rao to inform him that Li Fan had arrived.

Ma Rao was already waiting at the gate. As soon as Li Fan got out of the car, he hurriedly walked over and grabbed his hand. Li Fan naturally recognized the big director.

Li Fan looked bewildered; this situation seemed a bit strange. Why was he as popular as the special agents sent by the organization?

Was Ma Rao shooting a spy film about our party's underground work?

Li Fan asked, "Director Ma, I don't quite understand. Why did you call me?"

Ma Rao couldn't close his mouth. If his eagerness for Li Fan could be described in a short poem, it would be like this:

In the depths of winter, awaiting the spring;

At midnight, longing for the dawn;

Hoping for a rich man's appearance;

Yearning for a scoundrel's visit.

Time was tight, and the task was heavy. News came from Hong Kong that there was a big scene in a Hong Kong film recently, and the special effects were in urgent need. The earliest they could come was a week later.

His hopes were now all pinned on Li Fan.

Ma Rao succinctly explained the situation.

After hesitating for a moment, Li Fan said, "Um, Director Ma, it's true that I was the one driving in the video, but you know, that was a special circumstance. I'm not sure if I can do it now."

Ma Rao was disappointed to hear this. Yes, why didn't he think of that? But he wasn't giving up yet and tentatively asked, "I don't expect you to drive at the same high speed as in the video. Besides, the cars we use for shooting are all sports cars, with better performance than a bread van. Why don't you give it a try?"

Li Fan shook his head. "Honestly, Director Ma, I don't even have a driver's license. The captain of the traffic police asked me to go to their station last night to receive education and told me that I can't drive dangerously anymore."

What? You don't even have a driver's license, and you drove so skillfully? Why did you do that? Why?

Ma Rao was a little overwhelmed, releasing Li Fan's hand and remaining silent for a long time.

The assistant next to him saw this and had an idea. He leaned over to Li Fan's ear and said, "Brother, the pay for this stuntman is not low."

Li Fan became interested. "How much is it?"

The assistant said, "There are five scenes in total. Let me put it this way, it costs 1.5 million for the special effects for those five scenes. You know, what's done with special effects is different from reality. The pay is only high, not low."

Li Fan's eyes lit up instantly. He stepped forward, grabbed Ma Rao's hand, and said, "Director Ma, I think I can give it a try."


Tiancheng City Racing Club.

Li Fan sat in a sports car, wearing a race suit and safety helmet for safety. He had everything he could for protection.

"Can you do it? Don't force yourself if you can't," Ma Rao said, looking worriedly at Li Fan, who didn't even know how to buckle the X-shaped safety belt.

"It's okay, I'll go slower," came the muffled reply from under the helmet.

"Good! Remember, safety first," Ma Rao emphasized.

Li Fan nodded and gave a thumbs-up, but deep down, he wasn't sure. The drift from yesterday was too accidental. Li Fan himself wasn't sure if it was due to his expert driving skills or just instinct.

Today, he agreed to Ma Rao's request for two reasons. Firstly, he was indeed thinking about the payment. To tell the truth, Li Fan's family situation was average, and his uncle was hospitalized, so there was a lot of financial pressure.

Secondly, Li Fan also wanted to verify whether the attribute bonuses from Xapp were really that powerful.

Li Fan ignited the engine and glanced at the trackside workers, who nodded in acknowledgment, indicating that he could start.

His left arm was still slightly sore, but it seemed that the plaster was working. It wasn't as swollen this morning when he woke up.

Li Fan moved his body slightly and adjusted his sitting posture.

Shifting gears and stepping on the accelerator, the sports car emitted a low roar as it shot out.

The workers looked amazed. "Wow, what a catapult start! Maestro, where did you find such a badass?"

Ma Rao smiled slightly, his confidence in Li Fan increasing.

This was a racing car named Ferrari, which Li Fan had never seen before. But when the car started, Li Fan felt that this car was really good.

He silently counted, 0-100 kilometers in 5 seconds.

After experiencing the performance of the car, Li Fan calmly drove around the track for two laps.

Ma Rao and his assistant were getting anxious. "Drifting! Anyone can do it like this," the assistant muttered under his breath.

A glance from the club's staff made him curse inwardly and say, "He's just warming up."

Ma Rao and the assistant blushed simultaneously.

After two laps, Li Fan slowed down. During these two laps, he wasn't just warming up.

His consciousness about driving techniques kept flooding into his mind. He absorbed these things quickly and comprehensively.

Yesterday, due to the urgency of the situation, Li Fan didn't feel it. But today, he was completely shocked.

What does it mean to have skill without learning? This is it!

Specifically, now Li Fan didn't need to think when he wanted to do something with the car. His body would respond directly.

It felt refreshing.

Ahead was a U-shaped bend, Li Fan slowed the speed to around 70.

With a gentle push of the steering wheel, when the car's posture was corrected, Li Fan suddenly pulled the handbrake, turned the steering wheel in the opposite direction, and floored the accelerator.

The engine roared, and with a piercing screech, the tires emitted bursts of white smoke. This Ferrari, like a speed skater, with fierce momentum, executed a perfect drift!

Sitting in the car, Li Fan felt the tremendous inertia, watching the surrounding scenery fly by with the windscreen, feeling like he was flying.

After the first bend, Li Fan's confidence soared, and he performed consecutive drifts on the subsequent S and Z-shaped bends.

The speed increased, and the movements became smoother. The performance was like flowing clouds and flowing water, stunning the audience.

After a brief moment of shock, Ma Rao turned around and slapped his assistant hard, shouting, "Make a call! Call back the actors for those five scenes and reshoot!"

Ma Rao ran to the side of the track and gestured from afar. Li Fan slowed down and stopped beside him.

Turning off the engine, pulling up the handbrake, Li Fan took off his helmet and grinned at Ma Rao.

Ma Rao opened the car door for him, reached out his hand, and solemnly said, "I officially invite you to join the filming of 'Speed Crisis.' You will replace Ha Lu and Zhou Qingyu as the vehicle stuntman. As for the payment, let's say two hundred... no, three million!"


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