ABT ### Chapter 152: Opening Ceremony of the Auto Show

As the date of the auto show approached, more and more people gathered in the neighborhood surrounding the exhibition hall. The local residents, spotting a business opportunity, came up with various ways to make money.

One of the most distinctive methods was the creation of various souvenirs made by welding small car parts. Some were in the shape of Transformers, while others were samurai with light bulbs for heads. Although not meticulously polished, the punk metal feel was quite expressive.

On the bustling streets, people with different hair colors, eye colors, and skin tones mingled. This added a cosmopolitan flavor to the area, which was plastered with automotive promotional posters.

It felt like time had turned back twenty years.

Li Fanyu and Cheng Ke spent a leisurely day wandering around, speaking very little to each other.

Having learned her lesson from the "traumatic" experience, Cheng Ke borrowed a large pillow from the hotel to place between them while they slept, ensuring that any midnight cuddles wouldn't come with any potential dangers.

Li Fanyu, too, was embarrassed—not because he had any ill intentions towards Cheng Ke, but simply because the previous incident was awkward.

Without a word, they both went to bed. The next morning, Li Fanyu put on his suit and dress shoes, while Cheng Ke dressed casually in jeans and a shirt. They arrived at the convention center early.

Today marked the official opening of the 2016 North American International Auto Show.

Various automakers gathered here, and the host, Mr. Mearsapp, Chairman of the Detroit Automobile Dealers Association, was scheduled to preside over the opening ceremony at 8:30 a.m.

Due to the cloudy weather, the originally planned outdoor ceremony was moved indoors.

At 8:30 a.m., Mearsapp, dressed in a blue striped suit, took the stage. Looking at nearly a thousand auto industry professionals and visitors from around the world, he waved slightly in greeting.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Motor City!"

Looking at the sea of people, he felt a bit emotional and nostalgic: "Friends, this world is constantly changing in ways we never expect. However, among the unending stream of historical changes, the most unexpected one is the advent of the automobile.

It changed our travel, our lives, and even shortened physical distances, expanding the breadth of our lives. It is no exaggeration to say that it changed the world.

In fact, even Mr. Karl Benz and Mr. Daimler could not have imagined that their inventions and experiments would lead human society, which had relied on animal power, into a comprehensive era of transformation.

For more than a century, automobiles have brought us countless unexpected changes and countless unexpected problems.

But it is precisely because of these that we have the opportunity to gather here.

The North American International Auto Show has always been committed to bringing better changes to the automotive industry and solving the existing problems.

This is an expansive platform and an opportunity for exchange.

Here, I announce: The 29th North American International Auto Show is officially open! On behalf of the Automobile Dealers Association, the American Automobile Association, and the city of Detroit, I welcome you and wish you an enjoyable ten days here.

Thank you all again for coming, and may God bless you."

Applause thundered from the audience.

Representatives from several global manufacturers then took the stage to give brief speeches, subtly boosting their brands' reputations.

It wasn't until after 10 a.m. that the opening ceremony concluded amid a round of applause.

Wiping sweat from his forehead, Li Fanyu returned to his booth. Cheng Ke's cheeks were flushed. When Li Fanyu looked at her, she pouted and turned her face away.

"Hmph, big pervert."

Li Fanyu shook his head and sat on the car's hood, bored, watching the crowd pass by the booth.

Today was the opening day, so most of the attendees were tourists and journalists—window shoppers, essentially—so he wasn't too enthusiastic.

During the closing of the opening ceremony, the organizers announced that the show would proceed with a themed format. Starting from tomorrow, there would be a different theme each day for seven days.

These themes would break down various car types and technologies, grouping different booths based on the elements introduced to visitors, dealers, and suppliers.

The final two days of the exhibition would feature a business negotiation banquet. Although major brands usually settle their deals before the show, this banquet was primarily for small and medium-sized automakers and dealers.

The seven themes, covering the history of automobiles from their invention to the present, showcased the century-long evolution of the industry.

The first day's theme: The Golden Age of Inventors. The second day: The Era of Unleashed Horses. The third day: Engines of the Empire. The fourth day: The Power of Innovation. The fifth day: Dreams Extended. The sixth day: Further Distances. The seventh day: Unparalleled Speed.

When Li Fanyu applied for the booth, he categorized it as a supercar/racing car booth, so his promotion was scheduled for the seventh day.

Just as Li Fanyu was feeling bored, he heard a shout, and a cheer rose from the central aisle of the outer booths.

Li Fanyu looked over, bewildered: "What the heck? You can do that at a car show?"

It turned out that several barbecue grills had been set up in the middle of the booth area, and a large group of people was gathering there.

Judging by the scene, it looked like they were about to have a BBQ!

"Want to check it out?" Li Fanyu turned to Cheng Ke for her opinion.

Cheng Ke had already noticed the commotion and jumped off the car: "Sure! I'll go see if anyone can join in."

Before long, she returned, looking excited: "Wow! Fanyu, we can move the grill to our booth and have our own BBQ!"

It turned out that this was a unique feature of the North American International Auto Show—BBQ at the car show.

The organizers provided grills and utensils, and the booths prepared their own materials for a barbecue party.

This way, the outdoor booths resembled American backyard gatherings. Visitors, journalists, and car dealers could stroll around, chat about cars, and maybe even do some business while eating and drinking.

Li Fanyu didn't know that this tradition had been around for nearly fifteen years, becoming one of the show's most attractive features. Many foreign visitors came specifically for this atmosphere.

So the two of them quickly divided the tasks: Li Fanyu went to get the grill, charcoal, and utensils, while Cheng Ke went outside to buy food and ingredients.

Suddenly, these two people, who had come for a car show, felt like they were on a spring outing.


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