ABT Chapter 157 That's My Motherland

Maxwell straightened his body and transferred the cue cards from one hand to another.

The staff familiar with his working state were slightly surprised to see this. Because this subconscious movement only occurred when Maxwell was extremely focused. Whenever this happened, he would gradually guide the interviewee into his rhythm, achieving the interview results he desired.

He wiped his slightly sweaty fingers and flashed a smile that could still charm young girls, starting his questioning: "Fanyu, how do you view the automotive manufacturing environment in China? Or rather, how does your government treat this industry?"

Li Fanyu frowned, here it comes again!

It's a common problem with Westerners, ignoring politics when dealing with Chinese people. Always trying to dig up something, make some big news. Previously, when facing those journalists, he could dodge the questions or just smile dumbly if necessary. But this time, he didn't intend to evade such questions anymore.

Because this was the first voice from the Chinese automotive industry to the world. In a sense, his attitude and answers would influence how the world views the domestic automotive industry.

He pondered over this question for a while before slowly speaking up, "The automotive industry can become a pillar industry for a country, and we are on the road to self-strengthening. Although the current foundation is still weak, I believe we will catch up in the not-too-distant future."

Maxwell raised a finger and shook it, "Sly Fanyu, you've overlooked the key part of my question."

"Max, I believe I've answered it clearly enough. If you insist on getting an answer regarding the government's decision-making, then I can tell you with certainty: the country fully supports the automotive industry, and it will always be our strongest backing."

Maxwell smiled, his eyes seeming to glint with a hint of coldness—he got the crucial point!

So, he sharply interrupted Li Fanyu, "But I understand that most of your domestic automotive industry is controlled by the government, with almost sixty percent of the enterprises being state-owned. If I'm not mistaken, you call this a state-owned enterprise. Can I interpret this phenomenon as state monopoly?"

This was simply a trap! But Li Fanyu wasn't afraid because he had anticipated this question.

Li Fanyu shrugged, "Max, you're viewing China through colored glasses."

Maxwell leaned forward, "Oh? I'd like to hear more."

"It's just an economic form, like religious ideology. You Westerners believe in God, while we Easterners believe in Buddha. Although the methods are different, they ultimately advocate for goodness. Even if we step back, it's always better for the government to control enterprises than for enterprises to control the government. You see, the state machinery operates for the people, but capital operates for fulfilling personal desires, which is cold-blooded."

When Maxwell heard Li Fanyu redirecting the conversation to the political system in the United States, he quickly interrupted, "OK, OK, I understand your point. I just want to know, in this environment, how can private enterprises like your independent brand develop? Do they have opportunities to grow?"

"I feel there are no obstacles. We are facing unprecedented opportunities. We have the world's largest consumer market, and this is a well-known fact. Max, I suggest you visit China when you have the time and see it for yourself. I think after that, you won't ask such boring questions to other Chinese anymore. China is no longer the closed country you imagine; it's open and inclusive now, allowing all sorts of creative ideas to flourish. This, like the United States."

Maxwell extended his hand for a mock press gesture, "You've said so many good things about your country, but your automotive industry is still weak. Sorry, I don't mean any disrespect, you know I'm speaking the truth."

Li Fanyu took a deep breath and stared directly into his eyes, "Max, our economy was once weak, our aerospace industry was once weak, our international status was once weak. But we are developing, we are progressing. This is like human dreams, like the trend of the times, it's unstoppable and undeniable."

Seeing Maxwell about to retort, he interrupted firmly, "You mentioned the issue of government policy just now. Twenty years ago, the government did indeed prohibit private car manufacturing. But even in that environment, there were still people who persisted in their dreams and embarked on the path of independence through various means. Although they didn't succeed in this timeline, they still laid the foundation for progress for people like me who came later. Max, it won't take long before you see the Chinese automotive industry getting stronger. I assure you of that."

Maxwell was thrown off rhythm by this rapid-fire response, and after a while, he chuckled, "You seem to resent my questions, why is that? Is it because I'm nitpicking about China?"

Li Fanyu didn't conceal it, nodding, "Because, that's my motherland."

Maxwell looked at the emotions flickering in his eyes and chuckled self-deprecatingly, "Okay, let's talk about your strange car."


The interview lasted a full hour, almost three times longer than the allotted time for other car companies. By the time everything was done, it was late at night.

Li Fanyu woke up Cheng Ke, bid farewell to Maxwell who came over, and then returned to the hotel.

Li Fanyu was actually a bit worried about this interview. Because it touched on too many political aspects, and almost no country would want to see the rise of China, this behemoth. A slight misstep could trigger foreign resistance towards him, towards Zhengxin, towards X-power.

But even if he had the chance to do it again, he would still answer the same way.

Some things can be ignored, but there are some things that must be upheld.

This was his bottom line.

Cheng Ke saw his expressionless face and couldn't quite wrap her head around it; how could someone accept an interview and become so serious in character?

This state continued throughout the day until the business matchmaking banquet, where Li Fanyu finally snapped out of it.

As Mason had predicted, X-power caught the attention of several dealers and traders. Its unique design language, combined with a much lower price compared to similar cars, and the positive reviews from the media at the auto show, all became its selling points.

Actually, Li Fanyu negotiated with some medium-sized dealers. But even so, he still received intention orders for over 200 vehicles.

As a niche sports car, this was indeed a substantial harvest.

You see, even the V12 from Reisfast, despite the brand premium and strong publicity, only sold around two hundred cars at this auto show.

The next day, after a busy day and negotiating with several dealers, with the help of hired lawyers, Li Fanyu signed purchase contracts.

Then, holding nearly ten million dollars' worth of prepayment deposit slips from Swiss banks, he boarded the plane back to China, full of riches.


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