ABT Chapter 161

 Fifteen minutes later, Lin Lei and Yao Yao Ling arrived together and quickly subdued the group of people. However, because they couldn't determine who had splashed the paint, and they all claimed not to know each other, they could only take them back to the station for filing.

Watching the chaotic scene, Li Fanyu asked Lin Lei, "Captain Lin, how will this matter be handled?"

Lin Lei stroked his chin and smirked, "Just a bunch of hooligans, causing minor damage. They'll be released after being brought in, at most fined a bit. These people know their limits; they're just here to annoy. In my opinion, they're just cannon fodder."

This statement was already quite clear, reminding Li Fanyu that someone was targeting him. However, Li Fanyu couldn't ask Lin Lei to use his private authority to help him find the mastermind behind the scenes, so he thanked him and let them go.

Turning back, Li Fanyu approached Zhu Zi and lightly kicked him with the toe of his shoe. "Zhu Zi, these people are trouble."

Zhu Zi nodded calmly, "I noticed it a long time ago. Boss, someone's after you."

"Can you find out who?"

"Don't worry, leave it to me. But this might require some extra effort, and I'll need a bonus."

"Nonsense, when have I ever shortchanged your salary!"

"Cough cough, isn't it because I'm planning to get married soon... can't raise a family without money."

Li Fanyu sighed and stared at him, "I remember the average salary for your maintenance department last month was over ninety thousand?"

Zhu Zi's face turned red, "Got someone pregnant... Xiaoyu is pregnant..."

Seeing him squirming, Li Fanyu kicked him over, "You're quick on the draw! Go on, and I'll give you both a nice gift later."

"Got it! Boss, you take care," Zhu Zi took off his work clothes, changed into regular clothes, and drove the company's car to catch up.

Meanwhile, Wang Dazui returned and quickly worked to publish Li Fanyu's explanation of the "selling out" incident on the Pincar forum.

The old users of Pincar suddenly became enlightened; I knew it, how could Fanyu do such a thing? Didn't I say so?

In fact, many of these old users stood by Li Fanyu's side in this incident. But strangely, many new accounts flooded in, using their numerical advantage to drown them out. Even when Pincar forum temporarily implemented new user phone verification, it couldn't suppress this trend.

At the time, they thought it was really Li Fanyu who had stirred up public anger. But now that the truth had been clarified, there were still many mindless critics active on the platform, which aroused suspicion on the website.

Clearly, these were water armies!

It wasn't until almost the end of the workday that Zhu Zi returned to the company with a cigarette in his mouth. He returned the car to the procurement department and went straight to Li Fanyu's office.

"Boss, it's been sorted out."

Li Fanyu hurriedly poured him a glass of water, "What happened?"

"Hehe, what else could it be, we snatched someone's rice bowl again," he took out a "confession" from his pocket; four full pages of A4 paper, detailing the facts on the first two pages and full of signatures on the next two pages, with rows of handprints.

Li Fanyu glared at Zhu Zi, "Did you use force?"

Zhu Zi extinguished his cigarette in the ashtray, disdainfully saying, "Need to use force against them? Boss, if it weren't for the confidentiality regulations, I'd let you know about the glorious history of me, Zhu Zi."

Li Fanyu waved his hand, "Alright, no need to dig deeper with you. You're just like that idiot Cha Bi Er in the starting point who always beats around the bush and never gets to the point. Go back now, Xiao Yu is pregnant, you need to take care of her. After you finish your current tasks, I'll have the HR department arrange for her to take early maternity leave. If you two encounter any difficulties in getting married, just let me know. I won't mistreat anyone in the workshop."

Zhu Zi listened and smiled happily, flattering a bit before returning to the workshop.

Only then did Li Fanyu carefully read through the pages of paper, which seemed like a dog's crawl, and it took some effort to understand.

Heh, as expected.

Bai Ge Used Car Trading Network, Fu Lai Used Car APP, Northern Used Car Trading Center.

Very good, I'll remember you.

He immediately called Wang Meimei and several leaders of the e-commerce team to his office for an impromptu meeting.

"How's our used car trading platform been doing recently?" Li Fanyu asked, crossing his arms.

Wang Meimei pondered for a moment, "Mr. Li, it was doing fine. Because we've already done preheating and promotion in the regional market, we've cultivated a group of users. The activity where users could exchange petrol cards based on their activity levels attracted a batch of new users. Coupled with the policy of being able to return the car within twenty days if unsatisfied within four provinces, our sales have exceeded an average of fifty cars per day. We're preparing to release the beta version of the client in the middle of the month and promote it nationwide."

Li Fanyu handed her the A4 paper, "Do you know these three names?"

Wang Meimei carefully examined them, "Yes, Mr. Li, these are our direct competitors. Among them, Bai Ge Used Car is from our province. Its predecessor was an automobile intermediary agency. It copied our platform after seeing our success."

Li Fanyu slammed the table, "Alright, your current advertising budget is two million, right?"

Wang Meimei and Huang Qi from the operations department nodded.

"The plan to launch the beta client can't change. I looked through your planning document before, and it seemed fine then. But now, it seems we need to rapidly expand, so we can only adopt a predatory strategy. Start promoting now, change the policy of dissatisfaction return and exchange to one month nationwide, except for remote areas like Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, and Tibet. I'll allocate fifty million for promotion, make sure to do it well!"

Wang Meimei felt hesitant, "But boss, the storm hasn't passed yet. Isn't this risky..."

Li Fanyu waved his hand, "Fear the crabs making noise and not plant crops? Those targeting us are just some clowns. Retreating is falling into their trap. If we don't eliminate them, they'll keep bothering us whether we're in trouble or not! In one word, can you handle this matter well?"

A group of leaders, feeling aggrieved by the recent grievances, stood up, "Mr. Li, rest assured, we promise to do it well!"

Li Fanyu waved his hand, "Go, I want to see results."


At the end of the workday, Li Fanyu received a mysterious phone call. The caller claimed to be a director from the news department, inquiring about the foreign media interviews at the auto show.

Li Fanyu thought this was no joking matter, so he quickly clarified the situation again.

The other end remained silent, just listening to his explanation.

After Li Fanyu finished explaining for a long time, the person spoke very slowly, "I'll tentatively believe you on this matter. You're young and inexperienced in dealing with foreign media. Here's a list for you, I'll send it to your email later. Be careful with these media in the future, don't get yourself into trouble again, understand?"

Li Fanyu naturally expressed his understanding. Damn it, they've already made me suffer so much this time, why would I be stupid enough to give them a second chance?

After pondering for a while, the other person chuckled and said, "It's a good thing for you to participate in international exhibitions. The country advocates for enterprises to stand up and go global. But next time, remember to report it. You're not bad, I hope you don't forget your original intentions and work hard."

After saying that, the other end hung up.

Li Fanyu was puzzled, partly understanding and partly not... What exactly does this old guy want to express?

But the parts he didn't understand, he soon figured out.

The next day, at 7:30 in the evening, Li Fanyu, who was working overtime with the entire e-commerce department in the company, received a call from his mother.

He thought it was another reminder to go home and visit, so he lazily answered, "Mom, I'm working overtime here tonight, I can't go back tonight. I'll come back to accompany you after this busy period is over."

"Who told you about this! Son, quickly turn on the TV, your company is on the news broadcast!"


Li Fanyu quickly took out another phone and opened the official website of CTV. Due to the delay in online broadcasting compared to television, he happened to catch that news.

"Next, we have a brief news update. China's first independently developed sports car participated in the North American Auto Show on November 1st. This is the first time a Chinese company has participated in such an auto show, and the model exhibited is the X-PowerGT developed by Tiancheng City Zhengxin Automobile Company. It is reported that this independently developed and produced sports car has an acceleration of only 3.5 seconds per hundred kilometers, meeting the standard of a super sports car. Zhengxin Automobile's participation in this exhibition also demonstrates that China's automotive industry is advancing to a higher level, realizing the grand goal of industrial enterprises standing up and going global. Alright, let's focus on domestic..."

After a while, Li Fanyu put down his phone.

He looked up and found that the bustling office had become silent. The employees seemed to be under a spell, staring blankly at him.

If it weren't for the faint buzzing of computers on the desks, the entire office would probably be able to hear a pin drop.

He didn't know who started it, but applause broke out, from sporadic to deafening.

This news was undoubtedly a huge hammer, with just one blow, it could silence all voices.

Li Fanyu was truly moved, and Li Baoku's famous saying immediately came to his mind.

He held the phone and murmured, "The golden monkey lifts a thousand-jin rod, and the jade universe clears a million miles of dust..."


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