ABT Chapter 163

 Before entering the space, Li Fanyu was actually a bit nervous because the pre-requirements for each upgrade were difficult to predict.

Sometimes the system was in gentle mode; for example, upgrading existing skills or technology levels just required spending more research points or wasting some time. Moreover, each upgrade of X technology could bring him huge returns.

So this mode was like a lover's caress, incredibly gentle.

But sometimes, the space would directly switch to hell mode; for example, challenging a major competition or achieving certain honors in the automotive field. Just like when he went to Germany for the first upgrade, as long as he handled it well, there wouldn't be a problem.

If one failed to manage it well, who knew when they would have another chance. If encountering such a dilemma, it would be like being locked in a prison; one could only watch as attractive opportunities passed by outside the iron bars, feeling nothing but regret inside the cell.

So Li Fanyu deliberately washed his face in the bathroom, looked at his reflection, and found that apart from slightly dark circles under his eyes, the rest of his face was quite fair. Only then did he grit his teeth and enter the space.

"I am the King of Luck, not a rookie. Please don't activate hell mode for the upgrade task."

He clasped his hands together, muttered twice, and then opened the system interface.

"Hint: User's current research points have reached 100,000. Please complete the pre-requirements to proceed with system upgrade. The next level is level 6. Click to view pre-requirements."

"The pre-requirements for this upgrade are: Expand the company's brand portfolio to two..."

That's it! Li Fanyu's heart sank halfway upon reading this line; this was definitely activating hell mode.

Was it asking me to establish two brands and then achieve certain achievements or honors?

Brother, that would take quite a long time! Managing a brand isn't that easy, you know?

But despite Li Fanyu's half-hearted complaints, the system had no further instructions.

"And then? Why stop here!" Li Fanyu tapped the panel with his finger, but found that after this sentence, there was a period.

Was that it? Expanding the brand to two, such a simple task? Okay, it seems like washing my face wasn't in vain. Not only was it not in vain, it was quite effective!

So what was he waiting for? He immediately exited the space, greeted Lao Zhang and An Ning, and then returned to his office.

The company was now on the right track. Although it couldn't be considered large-scale, it was like a sparrow with all five internal organs. Various functional departments were now quite well-established.

Li Fanyu was deliberately cultivating the office capabilities of these departments, so whenever there was a decision to be made in the company, everyone was invited to come together and discuss.

This not only promoted internal communication but also assessed the capabilities and attitudes of department heads.

Moreover, involving employees in company decisions made them feel valued; in their minds, Li Fanyu was a self-made man and a genius in the technical field. In the initial stages of the company, almost all major decisions were made by Li Fanyu alone.

They thought that with the expansion of the company, this would continue to be the case.

Although they didn't oppose taking orders from such a legendary figure, seeing the boss value everyone's opinions and being able to accept suggestions made them feel valued.

It made them feel like they weren't just cogs in a machine but rather integral parts of the company's brain.

From the perspective of management, this was called self-value in a team.

The meetings at Zhengxin were quite interesting and were talked about by many employees; in other companies, meetings were attended by whoever the boss needed.

But not at Zhengxin. Whenever there was a meeting, Li Fanyu or Wang Meimei would notify all department heads of the meeting topic.

For example, if the company wanted to reduce office expenses next month, and the Operations Department thought it was related to you, then you could come. If you were in finance and thought it was related to you, then you could come. Even if you were in the security team and thought it was related to you, you could still come.

There were no strict rules; everyone would just grab a chair in a temporary meeting room and discuss or provide feedback as needed. If you were right, you would receive praise from Li Fanyu; if you were wrong, no one would blame you, at most, there would be some friendly laughter.

So things discussed in meetings rarely went off track. Moreover, this way, each department knew what the company wanted to achieve and what results it wanted to achieve, so they all worked towards that goal.

Collaboration, harmony, democracy; this was the work atmosphere at the company. Therefore, employee satisfaction was very high. Making good money and enjoying work, they wouldn't trade it even for a position as a department-level cadre.

Just now, Li Fanyu had just notified everyone about the future development of the company, and a group of supervisors in professional attire came over with small chairs in hand.

After everyone was seated, Li Fanyu licked his lips; this matter was a bit difficult to talk about...

He couldn't just say that he had a system that issued him a task... he'd end up being taken to a mental hospital.

So he organized his words and said, "Um, our company currently only has one brand under its umbrella. I'm thinking of establishing another one. Does anyone have any opinions?"

When X-Power was submitted for approval to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, An Ning didn't use Zhengxin as the brand. For the sake of developing future vehicle models, she directly registered a brand called X-Car. Power was just a model code.

Upon hearing this, all the supervisors pondered seriously for a moment and then discussed among themselves.

"Mr. Li, we already have the X-Car brand. Why do we need to create another one? Are you planning to develop new vehicle models?" asked one.

Li Fanyu thought for a moment and nodded.

Vehicle models? Right now, what your boss lacks the least is vehicle models! As long as there are enough research points, I can design as many as you want!

Seeing him nod, the employees instantly became spirited - the company was going to make cars again!

But Wang Meimei furrowed her brows. She silently organized her thoughts, stood up, and said, "Mr. Li, the company should focus on launching new vehicle models now. The sales of X-Power are nearing saturation, and the growth in sales has almost stopped. But I feel that there's no need to create a new brand. After all, the existing brand has already accumulated a certain level of recognition. It would be more cost-effective to directly introduce new vehicle models, thus saving a significant amount of brand operation costs."

Huang Qi, from the Operations Department, also nodded. "Meimei makes a valid point. Mr. Li, may I ask if you have any plans for the new vehicle models? If the style and type are similar to X-Power, establishing a new brand might be redundant. However, if the style is significantly different, establishing a new brand could be justified. After all, X-Car's style has already formed a label in consumers' minds. If the style doesn't match, people might accuse our company of deceptive marketing."

Li Fanyu rubbed his chin and carefully considered it. "Is there anything else to add?"

Seeing no one speaking up, he continued, "Now, the company's business has basically stabilized. The used car platform has achieved good results, and the Power Division is currently expanding production capacity. X-Power's sales have reached saturation, so launching new vehicle models is inevitable. But we can't go into battle unprepared. Honestly, our company's two current products were just impulsive ideas from me."

The crowd chuckled.

"Mr. Li, if you keep having impulsive ideas once a month, I bet our company will be in the top 500 in the country in five years."

"Yeah, if Mr. Li, you use a 'heat pack' every day, maybe in five years, we'll be in the top 500 in the world."

Li Fanyu waved his hand with a smile. "You guys don't know how tough it was at the beginning. When the ZGX888 engine was first introduced, Anjie traveled all over the country for more than a week but couldn't find a market for it. X-Power was just lucky to get hyped online. Now I'm not working alone; I have you all, so we need to proceed steadily. Huang Qi, after you go back, organize the team and conduct research on the current domestic automotive consumer market. We won't go into battle unprepared. We'll decide whether to establish a new brand based on market demand."

Huang Qi playfully saluted Li Fanyu. "Yes, sir, I'll make sure to complete the task!"

Li Fanyu smiled and waved his hand. "Alright, that's settled. Everyone can go back now."

Huang Qi was one of Zhengxin's first employees, rising from a basic salesperson. She didn't have a high level of education, just graduated from a second-tier university in China. But her abilities were outstanding, and she was very eager to learn. Whether in sales or management positions, she tirelessly absorbed relevant knowledge and quickly applied it in practice.

At that time, Pan Qiang saw her potential and entrusted the Operations Department to her.

After returning to the Operations Department, Huang Qi immediately organized the team and collected data on various best-selling car models in the domestic market. Being adept at research, she even made a trip to the E-commerce Department and extracted data from the company's rented database.

In less than two days, a document totaling over 30 megabytes was sent to Li Fanyu's inbox. Along with the document came a brief research report from Huang Qi.

Market research, in essence, was akin to military reconnaissance. Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be defeated.

Because Li Fanyu hadn't set the direction for the next vehicle model, this information was very, very necessary. He didn't want the car to be well-received but not well-sold, like ZGX888 at the beginning.

Huang Qi's report was comprehensive, covering pricing, product features, and sales of various levels of car models. Since Li Fanyu's instructions were vague earlier, she compiled a comprehensive summary.

Li Fanyu took the document from her and nodded. "Leave it here. I'll study it carefully and then convene a meeting to decide."

Huang Qi responded with a salute and left.

Li Fanyu then picked up the report and carefully read it from beginning to end. He had been focusing on repairing, modifying, and building race cars, so he didn't really understand the domestic market of this time and space.

However, after a cursory glance for about ten minutes, he could no longer contain his frustration and slammed the report onto the table with a loud smack.

"This is ridiculous!" he exclaimed, getting up angrily.


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