ABT ### Chapter 193: Annual Automotive Industry Conference

Despite the soaring sales of the Audi A4, the investment costs have yet to be recovered. Therefore, even though Li Fanyu is keen on investing more in production to expand capacity, it's not feasible in the short term.

Additionally, An Ning suggested that now that Zhengxin Audi has opened up the market with the A4, the next step should not be to hastily increase production for peak sales. Instead, they should leverage this momentum to invest in research and development for new models and markets.

After considering her proposal, Li Fanyu found it quite reasonable. However, the R&D points in the system were slightly insufficient. Although there is a user point exchange feature in the system that allows for converting currency into R&D points, with the New Year approaching, payments to parts suppliers need to be settled, and bonuses and benefits for outstanding employees in various departments need to be distributed.

Hence, the funds at Li Fanyu’s disposal were also somewhat limited. As a result, the development of new models would have to wait until after the New Year. This matter couldn’t be rushed.

An Ning's idea was that given the company's current scale, ensuring the development of at least one new model next year would be sufficient to maintain the brand’s momentum. After all, the A4 was still selling hot, and as long as the plan for new models was included in the company’s development plan for the next year, there was no immediate urgency.

Since there was no rush, Li Fanyu was hoping to take a break and relax before the New Year. He even had the extravagant idea of taking his whole family to the Maldives for the holiday, as he had always dreamed of visiting that jewel in the Indian Ocean. 

Before, financial constraints prevented him from going, but now that he had the means, he was eager to enjoy a family trip to experience the island’s beauty. 

However, plans often can’t keep up with changes. As the head of a nationally prominent automotive company with surging sales of the A4, Li Fanyu was receiving increasing numbers of interview and invitation requests as the New Year approached. 

Dealing with journalists was quite frustrating because Zhengxin's situation was unique. Some things could be discussed, but questions about certain advanced technologies would require him to concoct a few fabrications to dodge the details. Li Fanyu had little fondness for journalists who pried into every aspect of his life, including embarrassing childhood incidents.

Online, there were numerous exaggerated stories about him, portraying him as a genius designer and an exceptional manager, making him seem like a prodigy born with car-making skills. These tales were mainly the work of bored individuals who found amusement in such embellishments.

Therefore, Li Fanyu generally avoided interviews unless they were from significant authorities. He adhered to a policy of only responding to calls from the Party or central authorities, ignoring lesser entities. However, it wasn’t as if the central authorities had invited him.

Nonetheless, some invitations couldn’t be declined, such as the invitation to the upcoming annual conference of the China Automotive Association in Pu City.

Although the China Automotive Association hadn’t been established for long, it had grown significantly, encompassing virtually every notable automotive-related enterprise in the country. Given Zhengxin’s impressive performance over the year, the association sent a special invitation to Li Fanyu to attend the annual conference.

Aware of Li Fanyu's preference for online appearances over public events, the association even approached An Ning, who served as the vice president, requesting that she ensure his attendance.

The annual conference was particularly significant this year because the former president of the China Automotive Association, Zhang Yong, had recently been imprisoned for corruption, casting a shadow over the organization. To restore its image, the association aimed to host a grand conference and highlight positive role models to mitigate the negative impact of Zhang Yong's actions.

As influential figures in the automotive market, Li Fanyu, Xue Jinmai of Guangqi, and Lu Heming of Hongqi were the key individuals the association wanted to spotlight at the event.

Every year, the association selected the industry’s “Person of the Year.” When inviting Li Fanyu, they informed him that he was among the recipients of this award, asking him to prepare an acceptance speech. The implication was clear: they had already reserved the honor for him, making it hard for him to refuse.

Given the respect shown by the association, Li Fanyu couldn’t decline, even though he wasn’t keen on traveling around during the New Year. Besides, as An Ning, the vice president, was bound to attend, he felt compelled to accompany her.

After discussing with An Ning, he confirmed his attendance. 

A week before the New Year, after wrapping up affairs at the company, Li Fanyu and An Ning flew to Pu City. It was Li Fanyu’s second visit to Pu City. Compared to the frequent heavy smog in Tiancheng, Pu City’s climate and air were much fresher.

Their flight arrived in the morning, but the conference was scheduled for the evening. During their long acquaintance, Li Fanyu and An Ning had never taken the time to relax and explore together. Seizing this rare opportunity, they took a taxi to the Old City God Temple.

Locally known as the Old City God Temple, it is often referred to as "Yu Garden" in tourist guides and attractions. Most visitors came for the picturesque gardens and ancient architecture, but Li Fanyu had a different motive—his travel guide app indicated that the place was famous for its variety of snacks.

Once inside, Li Fanyu ignored the traditional Jiangnan-style blue tiles and white walls, focusing solely on the snacks, munching away continuously. An Ning, surprised, began to wonder if her daily cooking was insufficient, leading to his ravenous behavior.


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