UPWR1BY Chapter 493: Even the Cows You Boasted About Flying in the Sky Were Found by You, Incredible!

After three days of negotiations with the village chief, a support plan was roughly finalized.

Then, Ye Xiu walked halfway up the mountain and called the company. The terrain here was high and uneven, making planting almost impossible. So Ye Xiu planned to start some farming to provide support. The old village chief was also very supportive.


Five days later.

On a small hill, two children, one dressed in black and the other in gray, were playing while imagining their future.

The boy in black said, "When I grow up, I must leave this mountain! I want to do great things! I want to make a lot of money!"

The boy in gray nodded slightly, "Hmm, just wait. When I grow up and make money, I'll allocate funds to you."

Boy in black: ???

Boy in gray: "That way, you'll make a lot of money."

Boy in black, annoyed: "I said make a lot of money, not for you to allocate funds to me! When I grow up, I want to be a businessman, like those big merchants from the neighboring village who build many new houses for our village!"

The boy in gray nodded calmly, "Hmm, just wait. When I make money, I'll allocate funds to you, and you'll definitely achieve your dream."

Boy in black: "..."

The two were initially talking about their dreams, but it gradually turned into a competition of boasting. The key was that the boy in black couldn't out-boast the boy in gray, which made him very frustrated. After repeatedly being overshadowed by the boy in gray, the boy in black couldn't stand it anymore. He pointed at the boy in gray and angrily said, "You're really full of hot air. You've boasted so much the cows are flying to the sky! Look! The cow flying in the sky..."

As the boy in black spoke, he subconsciously pointed to the sky.

Then, "Moo—" a cow's moo came from high in the sky. The boy in black looked up to see a black cow descending with a parachute, looking bewildered. He was stunned. The boy in gray patted the boy in black on the shoulder, "Even the cows you boasted about flying in the sky were found by you, incredible~~"

Boy in black: "..." (I almost believed it, okay?)

However, before they could react, they saw several iron baskets with parachutes descending toward the village fields. On closer inspection, they saw that the baskets were filled with chickens, ducks, cows, and geese. Roughly estimating, there were at least a thousand animals. At first glance, it seemed like their village was being invaded by poultry.

The boy in black looked at the sky full of poultry in silence. After a moment, he suddenly turned to the boy in gray and said, "Bamu, how about you boast a few more cows? It seems we don't have enough."

Boy in gray: "...???"

Seeing that Bamu seemed unwilling to boast, the boy in black quickly said, "If not cows, then chickens! If that's not possible, geese or ducks will do too. Bamu, hurry up and boast! From today onwards, I won't believe anyone else's boasting, but if you boast, I'll definitely believe you! Really!"

Bamu: →_→ (Believe my foot. I don't even believe it myself, okay? If I could conjure up living things by boasting, I'd already be up in the sky, shoulder to shoulder with the sun!)

Realizing the situation was significant, the two boys saw the sky full of poultry and quickly ran back to tell their parents. Upon learning that these animals were sent by kind-hearted people, they suddenly understood. The village chief then led the villagers to the fields. Seeing the ground covered with livestock, they were all excited. The children, especially, were thrilled to see the fluffy chickens, ducks, and geese.

"Wow, big white geese, I love them!"

"Such cute ducks, I want to touch them!"

"What a big rooster! Mom, I want this rooster. I'll have a mount in the future!"

Soon, the chickens, ducks, and geese were surrounded by the children. They started interacting with them through the large iron cages.

Goose: 'Hey! Hey! Hey! Play all you want, but don't strangle me!'

Duck: 'Stop petting me, you're making me bald!'

Rooster: 'Who am I, where am I, and why does someone want to ride me? I'm a chicken, not a horse!'

The children played happily. Then, Ye Xiu and the village chief divided the livestock and distributed them to the villagers. The villagers were very grateful. For the next seven days, Ye Xiu led the villagers in planning various farming activities, truly getting hands-on. He also taught them some farming knowledge to help them learn.

After seven days, Ba Zhe Village had undergone significant changes. Every household had livestock in their yards, making the village lively. The fields were also planted with some winter crops. After ten busy days, Ye Xiu was exhausted. The remaining issues were about village construction, which was beyond his ability to help. Professional tasks like infrastructure and road construction needed to be handled by experts, and Liu Wenyue had already contacted professionals to handle these.

Eight days later, just as Ye Xiu was preparing to leave, a fashionable young man suddenly returned to the village.


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