UPWR1BY Chapter 496: Ye Xiu, Revered by the Anti-Drug Police as a Genius

That night.

The police were at the police station at the foot of the mountain, interrogating Balue through the night.

In the interrogation room, Balue sat at a table with handcuffs on. Two policemen sat across from him, their expressions stern.

Policeman: "Balue, I'll ask you again, where are the rest of the drugs hidden?"

Balue feigned distress: "I really don't have any more. I only had that little bit on me, and you took it all."

Policeman: "Is that so? I'll ask one last time, where are the drugs hidden?"

"I really don't have any," Balue insisted, thinking to himself: As long as I stick to my story that I only had that small amount, my sentence will be lighter, and I'll get out of prison sooner. Once I'm out, I'll be back in business! What can they do to me? 

I've got this all figured out!

Balue felt smug and defiant.

But clearly, tonight, he had met his match.

Seeing Balue's resolute expression, the two policemen exchanged a glance and said, "Let's call in that guy."

"Yeah, I think so too."

Balue was puzzled: What do they mean, calling in a guy? I'm not into that, thanks!

"Handsome guy, please come in."

The policemen turned and opened the door to the interrogation room, revealing a tall, handsome young man.

It was none other than the strikingly handsome Ye Xiu.

Balue immediately panicked: What the hell are they bringing him in for? What do they want to do!?

Despite the sunny appearance of the young man entering, Balue felt a surge of inexplicable fear, especially recalling Ye Xiu's ruthless tactics. His face twitched with anxiety.

Mixing flour with chili powder and mustard powder, only you could think of something so insane!

Ye Xiu greeted the two policemen and then turned to Balue, flashing an incredibly bright smile. "Balue, long time no see, I've missed you."

Balue: "...What do you want?"

Ye Xiu didn't answer. Instead, he pulled out a small bag of white powder from his pocket and shook it in front of Balue. "Wanna try some?"

The two policemen beside him already had sinister smiles on their faces.

Balue's heart pounded with fear, and he shouted, "Don't even think about it! I won't fall for it again!!"

One policeman, smiling, said, "Don't be nervous, this is real white powder. Don't you want a taste? It's very satisfying."

"Like hell it is! I don't believe you! You guys are all terrible!"

At that moment, it was as if the roles had reversed. The policemen and Ye Xiu seemed like drug dealers, tempting the "innocent and pure" Balue into a life of crime.

Ye Xiu: "Are you sure you don't want to try it? This really isn't flour. Just smell it."

"Hah! Over my dead body! There's no way I'll fall for it again! I..."

Balue's resolve was firm, refusing to take even a single sniff. But the next second, he shuddered, and his face tightened with anxiety.

Because the drug cravings had kicked in!

The policeman next to him noticed: Oh ho, is it kicking in? Let's see if you can resist this.

Ye Xiu: "You really want to take a hit, don't you? Come on, come on, this is top-quality white powder. You'll get your fill."

Balue clenched his teeth: "Dream on! I'd rather die than take your flour!"

His words were bold, but his eyes were fixed on the white powder in Ye Xiu's hand.

Ye Xiu could tell he was holding back. Without another word, he casually tossed the bag of white powder in front of Balue and smiled, "Go on, try it. If you don't get your fix, you'll be in agony."

At that moment, tears welled up in Balue's eyes. He looked at the grinning Ye Xiu and the policemen who were looking up at the ceiling and cried out, "You guys are monsters!!"

Then he lunged at the table, sobbing, and began to snort the "white powder" like crazy.

He had no choice; the drug cravings were too strong. He couldn't control himself, especially with something that looked just like white powder in front of him. It was almost instinctual for him to grab the straw and start snorting furiously.


Ten seconds later.

Balue's face turned red, his eyes bulged, and he stuck out his tongue, tears streaming down his face. "Water, give me water! I need water! Please, give me some water~~"

Tears streamed down his face. It was unbearably spicy and choking. Ahhhh---

Seeing that it was about time, the policeman handed over a prepared bottle of mineral water. Balue unscrewed it and gulped it down in one go. He downed the whole bottle in a grand manner.

However, after finishing it, he sat on the floor, feeling like he was going to burst.

He looked up, his face filled with resentment and bitterness, staring at Ye Xiu.

Ye Xiu: "Feeling good? Wasn't it thrilling and exciting?"

Balue: "..." (Exciting my ass! You try drinking chili powder! Damn you!)

One of the policemen stepped forward slightly and said sternly, "This is your last chance. Where are the remaining drugs hidden?"

Balue glared at the policeman fiercely and said stubbornly, "I don't know. This is prisoner abuse! I'm going to sue you."

The policemen burst out laughing. You, a long-time fugitive drug dealer, are talking to us about prisoner abuse?

Seeing Balue still being stubborn, the policeman turned to Ye Xiu and said, "Buddy, I think your formula is pretty good. Why don't you write it down for future use?"

Balue:!!! ∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Ye Xiu shook his head with a smile: "No need to write it down. I have plenty more. Knowing it could help with the case, I made a dozen more packets."

With that, Ye Xiu pulled out a handful of "white powder" from his pocket.

"Nice job, young man," the policeman chuckled, then turned and smiled at Balue.

Balue was utterly panicked, terrified. "W-what do you want to do?"

The policeman didn't answer. He casually picked up a packet of white powder and walked toward Balue with a smile.

Balue screamed in fear, "I'm telling you, this is prisoner abuse! I'm going to sue you! Sue you! Waaa... I was wrong! I won't do it again! Please take that stuff away! I never want to taste it again in my life! Waaa... I'll tell you where the drugs are hidden, okay?"

Balue broke down completely. There was no choice; this fake white powder was truly life-threatening, worse than death.

That night, the police followed the clues provided by Balue and found the remaining drugs buried under a big tree at the foot of the mountain.

The two policemen smiled. A long-standing unresolved drug case had finally been solved. For them, this was a major achievement and might even bring a reward. They were delighted.

At this point, the two policemen took out the formula Ye Xiu had left behind and exchanged a glance.

"This stuff is quite effective. Do you think we should try it on other drug dealers?"

The other nodded, "Yeah, I think it's very creative. Let's try it when we get back."

"Let's go!"

Immediately, the two policemen, following Ye Xiu's formula, prepared the "white powder" and brought it back to the police station.

They began to test it on other drug dealers.

That day, the cells were filled with screams. That day, countless drug dealers wept bitterly and began to repent. That day, countless drug dealers wailed to the sky: Fake stuff is ruining us!!!

Subsequently, numerous drug trafficking cases were solved.

Ye Xiu was revered by the anti-drug police as a genius.

Awesome Plus.


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