UPWR1BY Chapter 500: Oh, a Skill Book?

"Ding, you have exposed the girl's scheme. Reward: ten million in cash. Extra reward triggered: one random skill book."

Ye Xiu's eyes lit up. He could hardly remember the last time he received a skill book. Previously, the skills were specified, like advanced driving skills or god-level insight. This time, however... random?

"Would you like to use it now?"

"Use it!" Ye Xiu answered without hesitation.


The skill book flashed with light and flew into Ye Xiu's mind. An immense wave of knowledge poured into his memory, and Ye Xiu closed his eyes briefly. Moments later, he opened them, his expression returning to normal. Internally, he was shouting in amazement. Apart from being amazed, Ye Xiu didn't know what else to say. This time, he had received god-level medical skills!

In an instant, Ye Xiu became proficient in medical arts, mastering the top-level medical skills of China, including traditional Chinese medicine passed down from the ancestors. It even included countless lost methods of treatment and acupuncture techniques.

Now, calling Ye Xiu a "divine doctor" wouldn't be an exaggeration.

"Wow, am I a divine doctor now?"

"Ding, detected that the host has acquired god-level medical skills. Generating related credentials... Credentials generated successfully."

With a clatter, a pile of certificates fell onto the car seat next to Ye Xiu. He looked at them and was amazed. They included a medical license and a series of other certifications! He was now a legitimate doctor.


Ye Xiu put down the certificates and looked at his hands, suddenly remembering something. It seemed Xiao Tian wanted Xue Qingtian to perform surgery? And this surgery was supposed to be very difficult? How about... he did it himself? After all, he was now a doctor and needed someone to test his skills. Xiao Tian would be a perfect test subject... no, a perfect patient example. How about him?

Ye Xiu thought for a moment, his lips curling into a smile. He decided: "Alright! That's settled! Xiao Tian will be the first patient of Ye the Divine Doctor!"

With this in mind, Ye Xiu hit the gas pedal. Xuan Ke Hospital, here we come~


On the other side, Xiao Tian had just arrived at the entrance of Xuan Ke Hospital when he suddenly shivered, a cold sensation running down his spine. Even his face twitched slightly, leaving him bewildered. He looked up at the big letters of Xuan Ke Hospital, puzzled: "Why do I suddenly feel so uneasy? How can a former king of soldiers feel so anxious about a surgery? This isn't right!"

As a former king of soldiers, he trusted his instincts. A shiver always signaled something bad. Could it be this surgery? Xiao Tian looked up at Xuan Ke Hospital again, wondering if there would be a problem with this surgery. Should he still go through with it?

Xiao Tian was torn but soon regained his resolve. He didn't want to continue living half-dead. Even if there was a sliver of hope, he had to try. No danger could scare the former king of soldiers! Gritting his teeth, Xiao Tian resolutely walked into Xuan Ke Hospital, as it was his hope for a new life.


Ye Xiu arrived at the entrance of Xuan Ke Hospital. A phone call confirmed that Xiao Tian had already arrived and met with the old doctor, Xue Qingtian. Hearing this, Ye Xiu decided the surgery had to be done by him personally! Immediately, he got out of the car and walked into Xuan Ke Hospital.

On his way to the third floor, Ye Xiu arrived at the director’s office. Just as he was about to knock, he heard voices from inside.

Xue Qingtian: "You're Xiao Tian, right? I’ve reviewed your case. I can perform your surgery with a success rate of over ninety percent."

Xiao Tian: "Thank you, Dr. Xue."

Xue Qingtian waved his hand dismissively, "Don’t thank me yet. I have conditions. You should know, the reason I’m seeing you is because of the young owner of Xuan Ke Hospital, who I’ve never met, not because of you or him."

Xue Qingtian, exuding an air of "I'm the most experienced person here," pointed at Lin Hongshan. Seeing the finger directed at him, Lin Hongshan just nodded with a forced smile. Despite Xue Qingtian’s arrogance, his skills were undeniable. He was the face of Xuan Ke Hospital. Even as the director, Lin Hongshan had to give him respect. If Xue Qingtian got upset and left for another hospital, it would be a significant loss for Xuan Ke Hospital.

Faced with such a highly skilled and experienced senior acting arrogant, one could only endure. Although he wanted to curse, Lin Hongshan had to keep a smiling face.

After listening to Xue Qingtian, Xiao Tian nodded, "What do you need me to do, Dr. Xue? Please, speak directly."

The usually arrogant Xue Qingtian suddenly showed a somewhat sleazy smile, "It's nothing major. Just help me with something, and I'll ensure your surgery goes smoothly and successfully. How about that?"

Xiao Tian: "What do you need help with?"

Dropping his arrogant façade, Xue Qingtian revealed a cunning smile, "When Ye Xiu arrives, help me talk him into getting together with my lovely granddaughter. If you do that, I’ll handle your surgery. It's a good deal, right?"

Xiao Tian: "Get your granddaughter and Ye Xiu together?"

He was stunned. Outside the door, Ye Xiu thought, What the heck?

"Exactly. I’ve done some research on Ye Xiu. He’s a good guy and quite decent-looking. The key is, my granddaughter likes him. Here’s a photo of her; I guarantee Ye Xiu won’t regret marrying her!"

Xiao Tian and Lin Hongshan took the photo and their eyes lit up. Despite Xue Qingtian’s shady approach, his granddaughter was indeed very attractive. In the photo, Xue Jianing was wearing a white karate uniform with a headband, looking heroic and spirited. Her big eyes, high nose bridge, and overall striking features exuded an air of confidence. She was very beautiful and had a unique charm.

Xue Qingtian laughed heartily, "So, what do you think? Will you agree?"

Xiao Tian and Lin Hongshan exchanged glances and immediately responded, "Deal!"

"That's the spirit! Don’t worry, as long as you keep this secret, Ye Xiu will never know! Hahaha!"

Xue Qingtian and Xiao Tian smiled at each other. But before their laughter could die down—


The door was pushed open. Ye Xiu strode in, passed the three of them, and went to the innermost part of the room. He pulled up a chair, sat down, and looked up at them with a grin, "Hehehehehe…"

Xiao Tian: "…"

Xue Qingtian: "…"

Lin Hongshan: "…"

Strangely, all three felt like they had been caught red-handed, their tails tugged by a clever fox.


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