Chapter 005 Overnight, Internet Celebrity

"Young man, be careful, if you really get involved in a scam, you're done for."

"Yeah, the ambulance is on its way, let's wait a bit longer."

"It's okay, if we wait any longer, it might cost someone their life, let's just bear the consequences if we get scammed."

Ye Xiu smiled faintly and took the initiative to help the old lady up, hailed a taxi, and headed straight to the nearest hospital.

The old lady was obviously genuinely injured, but those people were too afraid to help.

It couldn't really be blamed on them, especially with the recent rise in scams.

After sending the old lady to the hospital room and busying himself, Ye Xiu felt exhausted.

"Ding, you saved the old lady's life, rewarded with 50% shares of Horizontal Vision Group!"

Hearing the voice in his mind, Ye Xiu's eyes lit up instantly, the fatigue swept away.

Horizontal Vision Group was valued at three billion, and fifty percent of the shares amounted to fifteen hundred million!

In an instant, he would become a billionaire?

"Ding, to the host, saving a life is worth more than building a seven-tiered pagoda. Fifteen hundred million for the host is not considered much."

Hearing the system's reply, Ye Xiu nodded slightly.

Indeed, a life is priceless.

But these fifteen hundred million were also rightfully his.

However, why did Horizontal Vision Group sound so familiar? It seemed like he had seen it somewhere before.

After the initial excitement, Ye Xiu soon fell asleep again due to exhaustion.

However, he didn't know that someone had already uploaded the scene of him saving the old lady to a certain video-sharing platform.

"Wow, such a handsome young man, saving a life is more precious than anything! Just because of this, I'm a fan!"

"Yeah, with so many people around, this young man stood up, just looking at his back should be handsome. I really want to know his name!"


Suddenly, the video's views skyrocketed, breaking through a million followers overnight!

In dormitory 4235 of Yan Mountain University, the second oldest was bored scrolling through a certain video-sharing platform when he suddenly saw this short video.

"Damn, isn't this our big brother? He's saving someone, so awesome!"

"Damn, I saw it too, a million followers, big brother is famous!"


In the CEO's office of Horizontal Vision Group, Liu Yanrou, who had just finished a meeting, rubbed her temples casually and opened a certain video-sharing platform.

A short video of a teenager saving someone caught her eye.

Liu Yanrou was taken aback. This scene looked familiar. Wasn't that young man the one who helped her park earlier?

She hadn't expected him to also have such a kind heart, so benevolent.

A smile crept onto Liu Yanrou's lips.

Wait a minute, why did this old lady also look familiar?

Liu Yanrou suddenly froze, then her face changed drastically, and she hurriedly left the company.


Ye Xiu had no idea that overnight, he had become an internet sensation.

"Positive Energy Ambassador," "Most Handsome Young Man," and so on.

The whole internet was searching for him.

Inside the hospital.

"Young handsome, wake up."

Ye Xiu opened his eyes to see a nurse smiling at him.

"How's the situation?" Ye Xiu asked anxiously.

"The danger has passed," the nurse smiled. "Luckily, you arrived in time, or else things could have gone south."

"That's good, take good care of her, I'll cover all of the old lady's medical expenses."

"Okay." The nurse nodded slightly, blinking her eyes as she stared at Ye Xiu.

Kind-hearted and handsome, where could you find such a young man?

A rare encounter!

"Nurse, do you have anything else?" Ye Xiu felt a bit uncomfortable being stared at like that.

"Young man, could you give me your contact information?" The nurse didn't beat around the bush, blushing as she boldly asked.

"Well, sure."

Ye Xiu smiled and exchanged contact information with the nurse, then paid the medical expenses and left.

Watching Ye Xiu leave, the nurse opened a certain video-sharing platform and left a comment below that video.

"I have the young man's contact information, leave a message if you want it."


Shortly after Ye Xiu left.

Wearing high heels and a burgundy dress, Liu Yanrou quickly walked into the hospital.

After inquiring about the room, Liu Yanrou entered a ward.

Seeing the old woman lying on the bed, Liu Yanrou affectionately called out, "Grandma..."


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