Chapter 006 Ye Xiu, Find a Job and Work Hard

Outside the school gate, Ye Xiu held a large broom and swept the area spotlessly clean, not a speck of dust left.

"Young man, thank you," said an old man wearing sanitation worker clothes, walking over with a smile full of gratitude.

"No problem, grandpa. Do you often clean this area? I'll come help you out whenever I see you from now on," Ye Xiu said casually.

"Ding, you helped the old man sweep the street, rewarded with one hundred thousand yuan."

Ignoring the voice in his head, Ye Xiu handed the broom to the old man and waved as he prepared to enter the school.

Suddenly, he heard someone calling out from behind.

"Oh, isn't this Ye Xiu?"

Turning around, Ye Xiu saw a BMW approaching him, stopping beside him.

He recognized the driver only after the window was rolled down.

It was Ma Jianguo, his classmate who usually didn't get along well with him.

Ma Jianguo often flaunted his family's wealth in class, especially in front of Ye Xiu, who came from a less fortunate background.

As Ma Jianguo stopped beside him, Ye Xiu knew what he was up to.

Ma Jianguo leaned against the car window, glanced around, noticed the broom in Ye Xiu's hand, and said with a smile, "What's this, are you planning to join the street cleaning team? Ye Xiu, you're one of the top students in our class, an honor student. If you can't find a job, you should let your classmates know. My dad just got promoted to department manager and can also mobilize some resources. Should I talk to him? Maybe he can arrange for you to be an intern, one or two million is still quite easy."

While speaking, he even casually patted the car, sighing, "My dad also cares about me. Before I even graduate, he bought me a car. Ye Xiu, I'm not very familiar with cars, can you check how much the top-of-the-line BMW X5 costs?"

After finishing, he looked at Ye Xiu with a smile.

Seeing Ye Xiu remain silent, Ma Jianguo said to the person in the car, "Xiao Xiao, you tell him."

Only then did Ye Xiu notice there was another person sitting in the passenger seat.

"O- one million," Su Xiaoxiao said with a somewhat unnatural expression.

Su Xiaoxiao was also their classmate and the class flower. She usually kept a cold demeanor, so it was unexpected to see her sitting in Ma Jianguo's car today.

But Ye Xiu could understand. Su Xiaoxiao was beautiful, but her family wasn't wealthy. The temptation of a one-million yuan BMW was indeed difficult to resist.

"Ah, one million for a BMW car, my dad really spoils me," Ma Jianguo said, putting on an exaggerated expression of being moved.

He seemed touched but was actually just showing off.

For a moment, quite a few people gathered around to watch.

"Isn't that Senior Ye Xiu? So handsome."

"Yeah, he's quite handsome, but unfortunately doesn't have much money, so he can only work for others."

"Isn't that Ma Jianguo over there? Looks like he's teasing Senior Ye Xiu again."

"Ma Jianguo is driving a BMW X5? My god, that car is so expensive."

Hearing the surprised voices of their classmates, Ma Jianguo became even more smug, but he knew how to act.

He knew that humiliating Ye Xiu at this time would only garner backlash from everyone.

So, he put on a different expression, even opened the car door and stepped out.

He patted Ye Xiu's shoulder, his face serious and sincere as he said, "We're classmates, if you have any difficulties, you must tell me. I'll take care of the internship matter for you and make sure you get a satisfactory reply!"

"Wow, Senior Ma Jianguo is so righteous."

"Yeah, wealthy but not ostentatious, willing to help others, so cool."

"Su Xiaoxiao is really lucky to have met Senior Ma Jianguo, such a good person."

Listening to the praises from the surrounding people, Ma Jianguo felt even more pleased with himself.

Seeing Ye Xiu remain silent, Ma Jianguo felt even more triumphant.

And many people were aware that Su Xiaoxiao had a crush on Ye Xiu.

But now, she was sitting in Ma Jianguo's BMW.

This sense of achievement made Ma Jianguo feel even more ecstatic.

Su Xiaoxiao frowned, looking at Ye Xiu standing outside the car, and spoke seriously, "Ye Xiu, find a good job and work hard."

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