Chapter 14: Escape!


The natives howled, each holding a long spear, running towards the cave.


Wang Dali pulled Xiumei and ran towards the stone wall.

Behind the stone wall was the wilderness and dense forest, which, for the natives, was also a dangerous zone. In the current situation, Wang Dali had no way out but to enter the forest to have a chance of survival!

"Run faster, faster!"

"Damn it, this is all the host's kindness causing trouble!"

"We must be ruthless next time!"

"We've doomed ourselves!"

"I've prayed to God to bless you and Xiumei, don't let the natives catch you!"

In front of the live video, everyone was in a panic!

Just a few hours of respite, and another thrilling crisis occurred, it was simply nerve-wracking and unsettling!

In a cold country far away, when Pei's mother saw it, she almost fainted. Fortunately, her family supported her and gave her a few tranquilizers.

"No, I have to go find our Xiumei, I have to bring her back. My poor Xiumei, what if something happens to her?!" Pei's mother couldn't stay calm.

"The search team still can't determine their location!" Pei Xiumei's sister said.

"I don't believe it, on such a big island, the search team can't find them?!" Pei's mother cried, "I can't bear to watch anymore, my poor Xiumei, how much suffering will this child endure?!"

Pei's father snapped shut the laptop. The family couldn't bear to watch the impending tragedy in the live video anymore!

Like the Pei family, the Wang family in China was also extremely anxious. They sat in front of their laptop, each of them nervous, their hearts pounding.

"Xiumei, hurry—"

Wang Dali pulled Pei Xiumei out of the stone wall and ran towards the forest.

The forest had no paths, only primitive jungle everywhere, and with the sky darkening, the entire forest was pitch black.

"Faster, Xiumei—"

Wang Dali exerted all his strength, pulling Xiumei along in a frantic dash for their lives.


Behind them, countless natives with torches and spears chased swiftly.

Occasionally, one or two spears flew towards them from afar, landing not far from where they were.

Wang Dali's mind was bombarded with messages on the screen.

"Host, Xiumei, run faster—"

"Wuwuwuwu, it's too scary to watch—"

"You have to promise me, Wang Dali, protect Xiumei—"


Xiumei tripped and fell.

Wang Dali couldn't hold onto Xiumei's hand.

"How are you, Xiumei!" Wang Dali was shocked and quickly turned around to help Xiumei up.

"Oppa, I can't run anymore, I'm too tired!" Xiumei gasped for breath.

"I'll carry you, come up!" Wang Dali immediately picked up Xiumei and fled again.

Because he was carrying someone, Wang Dali's speed decreased significantly, and the sound of pursuit behind them grew closer.

"No, this won't work, Xiumei, let me down, you run by yourself!" Xiumei cried out.

"Shut up!"

Wang Dali became resolute, and his pace quickened even more.


Wang Dali's foot was caught by a vine, and he fell forward. Ahead of them was pitch darkness, and unexpectedly, there was a slope.

Xiumei screamed, and the two of them tumbled down to the bottom.

"Xiumei, are you okay?" Wang Dali quickly stabilized them.

"I'm okay, but I think I twisted my wrist!" Xiumei's face turned pale from the pain.

Wang Dali felt relieved after checking. There were no fractures, but there were some scratches!

"This won't do, you hide in the tree hollow, I'll lead them to the other side!" Wang Dali made a prompt decision.

"I'm scared, Oppa!"

"Don't be afraid, I won't let anything happen to you. Stay in the tree hollow and don't move. Don't come out!"

Wang Dali hid Xiumei in a nearby tree hollow, then leaped away in another direction.

He pulled his bow, and the arrow shot out with a swish, hitting the leading native man in the chest, who fell to the ground.

The natives were furious and immediately changed direction, chasing after Wang Dali.

Wang Dali kept pulling his bow, and the arrows flew out without return, hitting several natives, making them roar in anger.


Wang Dali suddenly plunged into a large river.

"Wuwuwuwu" faintly came the sound of horns from behind, and the natives checked and shouted by the river for a long time before gradually retreating.

Wang Dali emerged from the water, climbed ashore, and returned to the tree hollow.


Wang Dali called softly a few times and crawled into the tree hollow, only to find it empty.

"Damn it!"

Wang Dali cursed loudly.

The most worrying situation finally happened, Xiumei was almost certainly discovered and captured by the natives!

Perhaps that's why they sounded the horn and withdrew.

Wang Dali felt extremely frustrated.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I made a huge mistake. The natives are skilled trackers, and Xiumei is almost certainly captured by them!"

Wang Dali took a deep breath, shook off the fear in his head, and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, as you can see, the situation couldn't be worse. I've decided to go back undercover and rescue them while it's dark!"

Next Chapter

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