Chapter 20: The Enormous Black Bear!

After a night of fright, Xiumei was starting to resemble a startled bird.

But it was understandable. After all, she was just a little girl who had gone through such cruel events yesterday. She must have been terrified.

Wang Dali was also quite scared.

Suddenly, a beast's roar almost made Wang Dali drop his bow.

In that split second, the viewers watching the live stream were also terrified.

"What the heck is that sound—"

"It sounds like a tiger—"

"It's too terrifying, this place is not suitable for humans. There are ferocious beasts everywhere—"

"Host, pray, may God keep you safe—"

"Don't panic, I recognize this sound, it's a bear's roar—"

"Definitely a bear, a giant black bear—"

"Host and Xiumei, play dead quickly, you might fool the dumb bear—"

"Don't mislead the host, playing dead is just suicidal—"

Wang Dali shielded Xiumei behind him, took a deep breath, and calmly said, "Don't worry, it's just a bear, nothing to be afraid of. Judging by the sound, it's by the river. I think it's fishing and hasn't noticed us!"

Xiumei immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and some color returned to her face.

"I'll go out and take a look!"

"Don't go!"

"Don't worry, there's no danger. This native bow isn't just for show!" Wang Dali chuckled. To be honest, he wasn't afraid of a bear. He had faced giant apes; a bear was like a harmless pet in comparison.

"If you're going, then I want to go too?" Xiumei suddenly grabbed Wang Dali's clothes.

"Aren't you scared?" Wang Dali was surprised and looked at the little girl with a newfound respect.

"I'm not scared anymore. Compared to the giant apes, bears aren't scary!" Xiumei forced herself to sound calm.

"Alright, but listen to my commands and don't act impulsively. We don't want to alert the target!"

"I know, I'll be good and quiet!" Xiumei promised obediently.

"Good, let's go!"

Wang Dali loaded his arrow onto the bow and carefully walked out, hiding behind a rock to observe the riverbank.

There, on the brightly lit cobblestones by the river, a giant black bear, measuring three to four meters in height, roared repeatedly while battling fierce large fish in the water.

"So big!"

Xiumei turned pale when she saw it.

Wang Dali whispered and then turned to the camera, "Dear viewers, as expected, it's a black bear. However, strangely, this black bear's size is enormous. As you know, black bears in the world are generally less than two meters tall, but this one, I estimate, is about four meters tall!"

"Oppa, it seems like the animals here are all bigger!" Xiumei said fearfully.

"Exactly! I have the same feeling. Especially that terrifying giant ape, nearly ten meters tall. If an ordinary person, just over a meter tall, stands in front of it, they would only be able to look up to see the giant ape's head. Such a stark contrast is even more shocking!"

Wang Dali nodded.

"Perhaps you have already noticed, dear viewers, that this island is full of mystery and is in the most primitive ecological environment. Not only are the plants particularly large and robust, but the animals are also unusually large. Take this black bear, for example, which is much larger than polar bears. This cannot fail to astonish people!"

"I think there might be some unknown secrets on this island."

"Why are the animals and plants here so large? This size has already exceeded the boundaries of species. For example, that giant ape, is it still an ordinary giant ape? Or is it a new species, a giant creature that has mutated in the process of evolution?"

Wang Dali paused, leaving time for contemplation.

His words immediately sparked global contemplation among all internet users.

"I have a concern. If that giant ape is not a mutated giant creature, not an exception, but the normal ecological life on this island, what does that mean?"

Wang Dali shrugged helplessly. "I don't know if there are any experts on wild animals among the viewers who can give me some advice?"

The screen immediately quieted down, and nobody posted any messages.

After a few seconds, dozens of messages appeared.

"I'm Paul, a Russian expert in ancient fossils. Everything the host has shown has kept me in constant shock. I am completely unable to think. The giant ape has already subverted my knowledge base. Even the black bear outside, its size has completely subverted my understanding. I can't imagine how it grew to be so huge. This is unscientific—"

"I'm an expert too, Mike. I can say with certainty that Mr. Wang's discovery will be a global discovery—"

"Too shocking, it's unscientific—"

"The host has discovered a primitive ecological island, everything is subverting our human understanding. If possible, I am willing to take the risk and go investigate. But now, I need more detailed information—"

"Can the host catch the black bear for study?"

"I need to study its DNA. I suspect it's a mutated species—"

"Mr. Wang, can you catch some animals and plants from the river for observation? I think I just saw something interesting, but I'm not sure if I'm seeing things—"

Before the experts finished, the ordinary viewers were no longer calm, and they started cursing.

"What nonsense are these brickheads spouting? Useless—"

"So much talk, all bloody rubbish—"

"God help us, don't let that bear discover you and the little girl—"

"Wang Dali, don't listen to those brickheads' nonsense. Listen to me, Bob. I'm a hunting expert. Don't move, just stay quiet. The bear will leave on its own in a while—"

Wang Dali shook his head, feeling amused and exasperated.

Damn it, these so-called experts are all talk and no action, spouting nonsense for so long, not even as constructive as a hunting expert's words!

Listening to the experts, what's the difference between that and courting death?

Damn it!

Wang Dali spat fiercely.

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