Chapter 23: Paleozoic Era - Trilobites!

"What's wrong?" Xiumei couldn't understand why Wang Dali looked so shocked.

"It's amazing, Xiumei, you're really amazing!"

Wang Dali was excited, his face flushed as he grabbed Xiumei's arms. "Xiumei, do you know what you've discovered? This is a miracle, an absolute miracle, the greatest archaeological discovery in human history!"

Xiumei was puzzled, "Oppa, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine, I've never felt better."

Wang Dali coughed and then turned to the camera with the utmost seriousness.

"Dear viewers, dear viewers, I am Wang Dali, and Wang Dali is me!"

"I am now very solemnly announcing to everyone that Xiumei and I have found a relatively large trilobite in this river! That's right, it's a trilobite!"

Wang Dali pointed at the strange creature in the water, and the super camera immediately gave a close-up of the creature from all angles. Wang Dali cooperatively turned the trilobite around, allowing for detailed shots.

"What on earth is a trilobite—"

"Isn't it a fossil from middle school biology class—"

"Is a trilobite some kind of rock? I've seen them—"

"No, it's a bug, right—"

"Dear viewers, stop babbling nonsense. It's time for me, Wang Dali, to educate you all!"

Wang Dali coughed twice and then pretended to be knowledgeable, "Trilobites are representatives of the Paleozoic Era, extinct about two hundred and fifty million years ago. They are almost as famous as dinosaurs."

"That's right, there are many trilobite fossils in the world now, but we would never see a living one. However, now, on this mysterious island, we have found a living trilobite!"

Wang Dali became more excited as he spoke.

"This is definitely not an isolated case. Since there is one, then there might be a few trilobites in this river, or even in the ocean near the island. This is definitely possible!"

Wang Dali was ecstatic.

"Species from the Paleozoic Era actually survive on this island. Then, wouldn't dinosaurs from the Mesozoic Era also exist on this mysterious island?"

Wang Dali's expression became serious, "Although I don't want to speculate like this, because it means that we, two living people, will be in great, great, great danger on this mysterious island. If it's just other beasts, that's one thing, but if there are really dinosaurs, then it's terrible!"

"Oh my God, I googled it, and I'm shocked—"

"The discovery of an extinct species from two hundred and fifty million years ago—"

"There might still be dinosaurs—"

"Host, stop bullshitting. Are you sure it's a trilobite—"

"Wang Dali, show us the evidence."

Wang Dali sweated.

"Okay, okay, if it's not, then it's not. Actually, I've never seen a trilobite before, I just thought it looked like one. Since it's not, I'll just kill it and make kebabs out of it?"

Wang Dali raised his stone axe, ready to chop down.

"Wait a minute, I'm Professor Harry from the prestigious Cambridge University's Paleontology Department. After careful confirmation, I can preliminarily confirm that it is indeed a trilobite! Oh, my God, you can't kill it, that trilobite is a common heritage of all humanity!"

Harry from Cambridge.

Professor Harry was excited and nervous, his heart almost having a heart attack.

Fortunately, his assistant immediately gave him a rapid-acting heart pill.

The usually gentle and polite professor now wanted to curse. God bless, these ignorant people almost destroyed the world's only living trilobite!

God, if that precious creature were killed, it would be a huge loss for all humanity!

"Sophie, you quickly condemn Mr. Wang severely, condemn him as a executioner, as a devil, as the enemy of all humanity."

Sophie turned her head and shrugged.

"Professor, isn't that a bit too much? What if you anger him and he kills the trilobite?"

Professor Harry slapped his forehead and shouted, "I'm really confused. Oh, God, this devil. How about this, you praise him vigorously, say that he has made an indelible contribution to all humanity, his discovery will be the great discovery of all humanity, and his every move now will witness history, no, create history!"

Sophie, typing rapidly on her laptop without looking back, gave messages to Wang Dali.

Wang Dali's axe froze in mid-air and couldn't come down.

Damn it, a genuine professor appeared, not those unreliable internet trolls, but an authority from Cambridge.

"Oh my God, is it really a trilobite? Is our discovery, mine and Xiumei's, really such a great discovery in the world?" Wang Dali became excited.

"Yes, this is the Paleontology Department of Cambridge University. Professor Harry has always been an authority in the research of Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic organisms, and of course, also an authority in the stratigraphy of paleontology."

Sophie was about to introduce the great Professor Harry.

But the professor couldn't wait any longer. He grabbed the laptop, put on his reading glasses, and quickly typed in English with two fingers.

"Dear Wang, I am Harry. I now solemnly inform you that you and the young lady have indeed discovered a living trilobite. This will be a world-shaking discovery!"

"Can I make it to the front page of the prestigious newspapers like The Times or The Daily Mail with this? Just once, that's all I need!" Wang Dali suddenly felt the urge to be featured in the newspapers with the highest circulation.

Damn it, he had been an insignificant figure all his life. If he didn't seize this opportunity to shine, wouldn't it be a waste?

Seeing Wang Dali's eagerness, Professor Harry chuckled and joyfully replied:


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