Chapter 7: Artificial Respiration!

At this moment, Wang Dali was in a dilemma.

Pei Xiumei was also a celebrity. If he did anything offensive during the live broadcast, he reckoned he'd be drowned in saliva by her fans!

But now, saving lives came first, and he couldn't worry about that anymore.

"Dear viewers, Xiumei is very lucky. Although she's still breathing, it's very dangerous if we don't administer treatment. Also, I can't climb the cliff with an unconscious person, so I must wake her up!"

Wang Dali said.

"Stop the nonsense, Anchor, and quickly use your skills!"

"Hurry up with artificial respiration!"

"Saving lives is the priority!"

"I allow the live broadcast to perform artificial respiration on our Xiumei, but there must be absolutely no evil thoughts, otherwise, I'll immediately—"

Wang Dali looked at the flood of comments in his mind, feeling amused and helpless. What time was it? Who would still have the mind to have evil thoughts?

"Wake up."

Wang Dali held Pei Xiumei, trying to transfer his body heat to her as much as possible, then gently patted her chubby little face.

But she didn't wake up. Wang Dali furrowed his brows slightly.

"Dear viewers, saving lives is urgent. Please don't hate me!"

Wang Dali quipped, then bent down to start artificial respiration on Pei Xiumei.

The live broadcast screen immediately filled with messages.


"The Anchor is really going too far. Our Xiumei was violated—"

"Anchor, are you going to do that? Count me in!"

"Get lost! Dare to be lecherous towards my goddess, I'll beat the crap out of you when I see you!"

"Do it, as long as Xiumei is okay, that's all that matters!"

With a slight cough, Pei Xiumei moved slightly and spat out some seawater, then slowly woke up.

"Hooray, the Anchor saved her!"

"The Anchor isn't bad. Although he did something to our Xiumei, I'll forgive him since Xiumei woke up!"

"Giving the Anchor a big sword as encouragement!"

"Thank you, thank you all for your support! Luckily, my luck, Wang Dali, is pretty good. Our Xiumei woke up!" Wang Dali grinned. He glanced at the online viewers and saw that there were already 2.5 million, and the number was increasing every minute.

Wang Dali had reason to believe that there was still enormous potential in the number of online viewers. After all, the live broadcast had just started, and probably ninety-nine percent of the world still didn't know about the sinking of the Queen Consort of Brunei.

Otherwise, his live broadcast viewership would definitely skyrocket to a terrifying astronomical figure.

Give the live broadcast some time, give the world some time, and he would ignite the world's attention!

Wang Dali heaved a sigh of relief. He had been really worried just now. After all, Xiumei was the first love of the citizens of the cold country, and she was a goddess in his heart. He didn't know why, but among the many big stars in the world, the ones he liked were few and far between, and Xiumei was one of them.

"Xiumei, are you okay?" 

Wang Dali hugged Xiumei tightly.

"Are you the waiter?" Xiumei said weakly.

"Uh, yes, it's me, Wang Dali. I'm sorry earlier for handing you champagne several times at the party. Wasn't that impolite?" Wang Dali felt a little embarrassed.

"It's okay."

Xiumei looked around. The rain was still falling, and the large raindrops stung her face. The wind blew, making her body extremely cold.

"Where are we?"

"I don't know. It's a mysterious island!" Wang Dali shook his head. "Do you remember the ship sinking?"

Xiumei nodded, tears streaming down her face. "Are they all dead?"

"I don't know. Maybe someone else was saved like you!" Wang Dali's mood was somewhat heavy. He looked at the black rocks of the cliff and said, "Don't think too much. Let's leave here first. We need to climb up the cliff!"

Wang Dali pointed to the high cliff made of black rocks.

"Ah, can we go up there?" Xiumei was surprised and hesitant.

"With me here, there's no problem!" Wang Dali turned his head to look at the stormy sea. "I have a feeling of danger. This ocean is very dangerous!"

"Alright then!" Xiumei agreed.

They began to climb the cliff. Wang Dali protected Xiumei as they climbed, sometimes using his head to support her, sometimes using his hands to protect her, and sometimes giving her a hand.

The two struggled to climb up in the wind and rain.

This scene touched the viewers of the live broadcast. They were comfortably watching the video at home, but Xiumei and Wang Dali were struggling hard in the dangerous sea for survival.

"Come on, Xiumei!"

"Dali, Xiumei, come on, we support you!"

Many people sent words of encouragement.

"Dali Oppa, I can't do it anymore—" Xiumei gasped for breath and looked down, feeling scared due to acrophobia.

"Be strong, don't look down!"

Wang Dali was about to comfort her, but as he turned his head, he sensed an extremely dangerous sign. He saw a surging sea, and a sea snake tens of meters long was swiftly approaching with the long waves.

"Oh no, there's a monster in the water!"

Wang Dali yelled, immediately shielding Pei Xiumei. Pei Xiumei screamed and closed her eyes, too scared to look.

The super camera had already turned its lens to capture a panoramic view of the fierce sea snake in the sea, as well as a close-up shot.

Viewers who were watching the live broadcast were also startled, some turned pale with fright, and some jumped up directly. Those who were holding their phones to watch the video almost dropped their phones in shock.

"There's a monster, Anchor, run—"

"Xiumei, run, there's a monster below!"

"Such a long sea snake, is it a hundred meters long? So terrifying, scared the pee out of me!"

"Danger! Danger!! Danger!!!"

"Oh no, the Anchor and Xiumei are about to be eaten—"

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