Chapter Eleven: Handsome to the Point Where Girls are Swooning

Zhang Fan couldn't believe it; the system had definitely given him a boost this time.

He knew he had become famous once again.

It was on the forum again, this time with two girls posting pictures of Zhang Fan.

"I saw Zhang Fan at the field, OMG, this guy is so handsome! Let's go, girls, let's go chase after him." Where there's a gathering, there's gossip. People were glued to the forum, following the drama of Zhang Fan's breakup, which had become a hot topic of discussion. Countless people were checking the forum for updates on this kind of news.

As the pictures loaded, many people found themselves lost in thought.

After comparing, they realized it really was Zhang Fan.

"OMG, he's the campus heartthrob! Look at that face, that figure, he's just perfect!"

"What happened to Zhang Fan? How did he change like this? Even on a rainy day, he's still exercising. He's so disciplined!"

"He broke up, right? Is he single now? This is our chance! I think I'll go for it. By the way, who's this girl in the picture?" The discussions varied, but it was clear that Zhang Fan was indeed very handsome. Looks mattered a lot to students; it was a matter of justice, so to speak.

"Zhou Ke, look, is that Zhang Fan?"

Zhou Ke was in the dorm, packing up her things. Li picked up his phone, found a picture of Zhang Fan, and handed it to Zhou Ke.

"It does look like Zhang Fan. Well, Zhang Fan is... Zhang Fan," Li said with a smirk. "Let's give him some space. Even good guys are being snatched up. We should aim for a good guy too."

"What good guy?"

"Come on, how is he a good guy? He's been waking up early for days, saving seats, braving the wind and rain to buy medicine, going up and down the stairs... I remember clearly how impressive he was. He even registered an account to argue with others. Now that he's broken up, instead of drowning his sorrows in alcohol, he's working out to improve himself. He's not perfect, but maybe we've been blaming Zhang Fan unfairly this time. Maybe the problem was with the girl." Zhou Ke realized.

"Li, wake up. That's Zhang Fan, the loser Zhang Fan."

"Even if he's a loser, he's the kind of loser girls like. Don't worry, let him enjoy his popularity. If he's really a loser, let him enjoy it. Don't worry, I'm sure he'll come crawling back. Ha ha ha." Zhou Ke sighed.

"There's no hope."

"Ke, if I said I wanted to find him and come back late, would you agree?"

"Of course, any guy would agree."

"Hehe, let's go then. There are too few boys in our major. It's hard to find a hidden gem like Zhang Fan. Let's hold onto him tightly and protect him well. He's taught himself some things in that area too. Okay, let's go!" Li joked, but even in jest, he expressed his affection for Zhang Fan.

Both boys and girls were the same; they just wanted to have a good time, and they all carried a hint of the taste of Lafite '82.

However, none of this had anything to do with Zhang Fan. He returned to the dorm, watched the videos of the antiques given by Lao Huang, and gave his evaluation. Lao Huang later transferred more than 400,000 yuan to Zhang Fan.

"Bro, did you get a haircut?"

"How does it look? Handsome?"

"Um, Zhang Fan, you're so handsome, I'll get you a wife with just one look," they said, probably joking.

Without a word, Zhang Fan went straight to the bar and returned two minutes later with a girl.

Was she the class monitor?

Wearing glasses, the class monitor blushed, put the chocolate box in Zhang Fan's hand, covered her face, and ran away.

"Is this for real?"

"Hehe, of course it's real! My phone is exploding with messages, and everyone's chatting excitedly. Bro, are you going to agree to her advances?"

"Let's see, but I hope they won't disturb us too much during our conversations."

"No problem."

After saying this, Zhang Fan went to wash up bare-chested, then changed into shorts and grabbed an apple from his roommate, lying down comfortably to enjoy it while reading a book.


"Zhang Fan."


"Zhang Fan, my wife, just came."


"Sure, let her in. This is a boys' dormitory."

"It's a common occurrence now."

The door opened, and Zhang Fan looked at his classmates, saying, "Uh, what's up, guys?" Zhang Fan intended to cover himself with a blanket.

"Wow, he's really handsome! So handsome!"

"Is that muscle? The V-line, the abs, and the arms!"

"Zhou Ke was right about him in that aspect. This guy is definitely worth it."

Zhang Fan knew they were just joking, but it was clear that his classmates were on his side, cheering him on and hoping that Zhou Ke would regret her decision.

Feeling warm inside, Zhang Fan realized that the simplest form of friendship was the best.

"Society, contact the class monitor. Let's have a dinner party tomorrow night, my treat."

"That's what I've been waiting to hear. Let's get started on the official business."

"Okay, got it."

Zhang Fan picked up his phone, opened the remaining hundred messages, and randomly picked a girl.

"Hey, are you free tomorrow? Let's meet up and chat."


Huh? Why is Zhang Fan suddenly so popular?

Next Chapter 

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