ABT Chapter 0005: Targeted by All

 Cheng Ke lay horizontally in Li Fanyu's arms, feeling the sweat seeping from Li Fanyu's arms at the bend of his elbow. She felt like scratching herself like a cat. And, by the way, the pain in her legs didn't feel as intense anymore.

But she was still angry; today had been too unlucky. First, she was accosted by three lunatics outside the dormitory confessing their love to her, and she missed her best friend's birthday celebration because of it. Then, this incident happened, and unfortunately, all her dorm mates were out celebrating.

She sighed; it seemed like no matter how much she called for help, there was none to be found. So she had to let this jerk take her to the off-campus clinic. Her leg was bumped by an electric bike, and it hurt whenever she moved. So she ended up being carried like this, in such an embarrassing position, by Li Fanyu.

Oh, it's what they call the princess carry.

Thankfully, this jerk's hands were quite well-behaved, not wandering around everywhere. Otherwise, Cheng Ke would have felt like biting her tongue to death.

There were a few small clinics outside the university dormitory building. Although most of them were operating health products, they could still treat minor injuries, colds, fevers, and the like.

Li Fanyu, panting, carried Cheng Ke into the nearest one. The owner behind the counter saw potential business and hurriedly put down his mouse, smiling broadly as he stood up.

Seeing a boy and a girl enter in such a posture, the owner instantly understood and greeted, "Students, the condoms are on the first counter. Take a look at what brand you're used to?"

Li Fanyu was taken aback; damn, boss, you don't have to be so forward. We're here to treat injuries, okay?

In an instant, Cheng Ke's face turned bright red, and she pinched Li Fanyu like a mosquito, humming like one, "Put me down. Are you addicted to carrying me?"

"Ah, oh!" Li Fanyu carefully put her down and said to the boss, "Boss, this classmate has injured her leg. Can you please take a look?"

After all, the boss was originally a doctor, and seeing there was an injury, he immediately put on a serious face and examined Cheng Ke's condition.

"It's nothing serious, didn't hit the bone. I'll give you a bottle of red flower oil. Take some Sanqi tablets and anti-inflammatory medicine, and you'll be fine."

While examining her, the boss's eyes quickly scanned Cheng Ke's body, and then he said, "But it's quite swollen. With it looking like this, it might hurt for a week or so. Don't hide it; my family has a tradition of massaging and setting bones. I can guarantee it'll recover in three or four days."

Cheng Ke looked at the boss's ill-intentioned gaze and instinctively grabbed Li Fanyu's arm. "No, it's okay. Just go back and take medicine."

As she struggled to get up, she felt a sudden pain in her calf and sat back down with an "ouch".

At this moment, Cheng Ke's heart was in turmoil; on the one hand, she really didn't want this lecherous boss to lay hands on her. On the other hand, the swelling was really painful.

In her dilemma, Li Fanyu gently tried to pull his arm back, which reminded Cheng Ke of a solution.

"You teach him, let him massage me!"

On the way here, Cheng Ke had already gone over the situation and realized that she might, in all probability, have misunderstood Li Fanyu.

Thinking of the kick she gave him, she also felt a little guilty. Her injury was also a result of her stubbornness, and she didn't feel as hostile towards Li Fanyu anymore. Plus, being carried by Li Fanyu all the way, she found that he was actually a pretty honest guy.

Since she didn't want anyone else to touch her leg, logically, Li Fanyu became the best choice.

Li Fanyu was surprised and pointed to his nose, "Me?"

Cheng Ke was a little annoyed. She had already let him take advantage of her, and he still had an unwilling expression. Blushing, she waved her small fist and said, "Stop talking nonsense. My current situation is all because of you."

Li Fanyu acknowledged with an "oh" and, under the guidance of the boss, picked up Cheng Ke's leg and placed it on his lap, awkwardly massaging it.

Seeing Cheng Ke's beautiful legs, the boss looked regretful, and his eyes towards Li Fanyu were full of jealousy.

Half an hour later.

Two guys from the dormitory, Lao Er and Lao San, were strolling near the entrance of the university, but these two didn't go for any spa treatments.

Lao Er was a big talker but not that brave. After eating and drinking at a barbecue restaurant, they returned to the university.

As they were walking, Lao Er suddenly pulled Lao San and said, "Lao San, look, isn't that Cheng Ke? Hey? Why is she limping? Could she be injured?"

Lao San pushed up his thick glasses and asked, "Where, where? I have to go help her; there might still be hope!"

Lao Er pointed with his hand, "Over there. Oh my god, she's with a guy! She's talking to him, and they seem pretty close! Damn, that guy even lifted her up!"

Those two were so blatantly lovey-dovey, Lao San saw it at a glance and suddenly felt heartbroken.

Heaven! Why are you punishing me like this? You've already made me miss out on love, why do you have to rub salt in my wounds?

Oh my god! What did I do wrong?

In an instant, tears blurred Lao San's eyes. But what Lao Er said next filled Lao San with endless anger.

"Oh my god! Isn't that guy with her our Lao Si, the silly one? My god, Lao Si has always been low-key, turns out he's the hidden dragon of our dormitory!"

Lao San was furious, feeling like he was a goose being beaten all day but had his eyes pecked out by a chicken.

Li Fanyu escorted Cheng Ke back to the dormitory, just in time to run into Cheng Ke's roommates coming back. They left in great interest after scrutinizing him.

He smelled the faint fragrance Cheng Ke left on him and suddenly felt a bit restless. But when he thought about his own condition, he dispelled this absurd impulse.

As he pushed open the door of the dormitory, Li Fanyu noticed that the atmosphere was not right.

The air was filled with the sour smell of jealousy. When he turned on the light, three pairs of eyes turned green as they stared at him intently.

Li Fanyu waved, "Hey, you're back?"


"Uh... Lao Er, Lao San, how was your game?"


"Why aren't you playing? Why are you staring at me like that? Do I have something on my face?"

The three beasts suddenly roared in unison, suddenly rising and pressing Li Fanyu onto the bed.

Lao San held down his legs and interrogated him like a criminal, "Speak! When did you start dating Cheng Ke? You know how deeply I love her, and yet you flirt with her. Do you know that you're seducing someone else's wife? You're going to be dunked in a pig cage!"

Li Fanyu struggled, "I didn't! Her leg was injured, and I just took her to the clinic!"

Lao San took out his phone from his pocket and shoved it in front of Li Fanyu, shouting, "Take a look at this! Is this 'taking her'? You were 'carrying' her! Waaah, my goddess..."

Li Fanyu looked closely and saw the photo of himself carrying Cheng Ke back to school.

Damn, this paparazzi-like photography style is quite sensational. It feels like a celebrity affair.

It's just that I'm missing a duckbill cap and a mask... otherwise, you know, it's quite like those celebrity photos...


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