ABT Chapter 0006 Sudden Changes at Home

 Chapter 0006 Sudden Changes at Home

Brothers are like limbs, women are like clothes.

This saying clearly does not apply in Room 401, where Li Fan was subjected to torture by three beasts that night. Dealing with Li Fan didn't require anything else; his Achilles' heel was his feet. Li Fan was tickled for over an hour, laughing so hard he nearly passed out...

The next day, the sun rose high.

Sunlight pierced through the curtains, casting threads of light into the messy dorm room. The dust in the air swam like microorganisms in the ocean.

The four people in the dormitory had not yet awakened.

This tranquil scene, however, was shattered by the ringing of a phone.

Feeling the vibration in his pocket, Li Fan quickly sat up.


There was silence on the other end of the phone.

Li Fan glanced at the screen and then put the phone to his ear again. "Mom, what's up? Why are you calling so early in the morning and not saying anything?"

A choked voice came from the other end of the phone, "Son, come home for a bit. Your uncle has had an accident, he's in the hospital now."

With a thunderous roar in his mind, Li Fan sprang up from bed, urgently asking, "How is my uncle? Which hospital? I'll come back right away!"

After jotting down the hospital address, Li Fan frantically tossed and turned on the bed, causing the bed frame to shake — he had been tied up with a belt by three beasts last night.

This commotion woke up the other three people in the dorm room.

Seeing him in a frenzy, the three couldn't figure out what was going on, so they helped him untie himself.

With his hands and feet free, Li Fan got off the bed in a flash.

As he handed him his coat, the leader asked, "Hey, what's up, little brother? What's going on?"

Li Fan didn't say a word; he just wanted to get to the hospital right away.

In his childhood, his uncle was both a relative and a friend to him. In Li Fan's heart, his uncle's position was the same as his parents'.

Receiving the call from his mom, Li Fan's heart was suspended.

His mom didn't specify the extent of his uncle's injuries over the phone, but you have to know, Li's mom is a tough woman.

When she first came to dinner at their house with Li's dad, the rice cooker short-circuited. Without a second thought, Li's mom fixed the rice cooker in minutes and also checked all the household appliances.

Grandpa and grandma were impressed by this girl whose life skills were off the charts, and after Li's mom left, they urged their son to cherish her.

After the two got married, whether they argued or fought, Mom's success rate was 100%, and Li Fan swore he had never seen Mom cry.

It was usually Dad who knelt on the washboard, with bruises on his face, repenting for his mistakes.

Now, Mom was crying on the phone, which meant the situation was quite serious.

As Li Fan pushed the door to leave the dorm, he was immediately stopped by someone.

The person's face was full of hostility. "I heard you've been trying to get with Cheng Ke recently? Who the hell do you think you are, trying to steal a girl from me?"

Li Fan was now desperate to fly to the hospital, so being held back by someone now, he had no patience left. He twisted his body forcefully, breaking free from the person's grasp. Unexpectedly, the person didn't give up and lunged at him again.

This time, Li Fan was thoroughly enraged. He grabbed the person's collar, pushed hard, and slammed him to the ground. Damn it, what do I care about you!

Caught off guard, the person's head hit the wall, and he let out a painful cry. He picked up his phone and started calling for backup from his roommates. In no time, shouts came from the third floor — his reinforcements had arrived.

Li Fan felt it was ridiculous; he had no real connection with Cheng Ke in the first place. After sending Cheng Ke back to the dormitory yesterday, he hadn't thought about contacting her again.

This person just wouldn't let it go. Damn it, if I can't afford to provoke you, can't I avoid you either!

Like a rugby player, he used all his strength to dodge left and right, breaking through the crowd and running out of the dormitory.

The five or six people behind him, seeing him escape, cursed angrily and chased after him.

At this time, it was class time, and the students of the university quickly noticed this strange scene. A large group of disheveled male students were fervently chasing another disheveled male student.

Some girls who had watched too many foreign dramas immediately associated it with some scandalous plot.

Li Fan ran with all his might, soon panting for breath.

To leave the male dormitory and enter the university, he had to pass by the female dormitory. Li Fan ran to the bottom of the female dormitory and saw a girl leisurely riding an electric bike towards the gate.

He immediately sped up and caught up with her.

"Classmate, can I borrow the electric bike for a moment? I'm from Room 401... Oh, it's you? Is your leg better? Why are you riding an electric bike?"

The one riding the electric bike was none other than Cheng Ke.

Suddenly, a person appeared behind her, startling Cheng Ke. She turned around and saw that it was him again!

Oh my god!

Was this person destined to be her nemesis?

Last night, someone posted the picture of the two of them returning to the dormitory on the forum, and then a lunatic gathered downstairs in the female dormitory, crying and asking her to abandon the darkness and turn to the light.

After finally dispersing the girls in the morning, Cheng Ke thought she couldn't stay in the dormitory anymore, so she was preparing to ride to her relatives' house to stay for a while.

Unfortunately, she ran into Li Fan again.

"No! Stay away from me! You're the lowest point in my life!"

Li Fan couldn't care less about whether it was the lowest point in Cheng Ke's life or not. Desperate times call for desperate measures. He grabbed Cheng Ke and snatched the handlebars, riding the bike himself.

Just as they were about to leave, the pursuers caught up. Seeing Li Fan and Cheng Ke "intimately" together again, they immediately turned red with anger.

Oh no! It's that guy from last night!

And he brought several people with him!

Seeing this situation, Cheng Ke's heart trembled. She hurriedly slapped Li Fan's back, "Go, go!"

Li Fan smirked, "Watch me."

He twisted the throttle, and the electric bike suddenly accelerated forward.

With the bonus from Xapp attributes, Li Fan managed to make the electric bike feel like a Kawasaki Z1000.

The bike instantly accelerated, the wind whistling past their ears.

Cheng Ke held onto Li Fan tightly, pressing her head and body against his back.

In her mind, she kept repeating: Ahh, this guy is definitely the lowest point in my life. Even the combination of him and the electric bike feels so strange!!!


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