ABT Chapter 0007 Strange Events Must Have Demonic Causes

Chapter 0007 Strange Events Must Have Demonic Causes

The electric bike weaved through the congested streets, astonishing bystanders and infuriating traffic police. Once out of the city, Li Fan let loose, speeding all the way to the Third People's Hospital.

When they arrived, the bike ran out of battery.

Li Fan looked at Cheng Ke, still disheveled, and said, "Um, sorry about that. I really had an emergency. Since the bike is out of battery, let's just leave it here. Why don't you take a taxi back?"

Cheng Ke, resigned to her fate, said, "When you snatched the bike just now, my wallet fell out, and you didn't stop even though I called out to you several times..."

Li Fan felt guilty, but now was not the time for apologies. He intended to give Cheng Ke money for a taxi ride back. However, when he reached into his pocket, he realized he had left his wallet behind in his rush.

With no other choice, he took Cheng Ke into the hospital, planning to borrow some money from his family to cover her transportation.

The Third People's Hospital of Tiancheng City was a secondary hospital. Despite being in a remote location, far from the city center, the ward was still crowded.

There was a long line in front of the elevator, but Li Fan was too worried about his uncle to wait.

He informed Cheng Ke of his uncle's room number and told her to wait in line while he rushed up the stairs.

People are strange; when you have nothing urgent, climbing six flights of stairs feels exhausting. But when your house is on fire and your wife and children are still inside, climbing twelve flights feels like it takes only two minutes.

That was how Li Fan felt at the moment; gasping for breath, he sprinted all the way to his uncle's ward, pushed open the door, and walked in.

It was a four-bed surgical ward, and all the beds were occupied.

Looking around, each bedside was cluttered with various temporary daily necessities.

In order to save money, the caregivers of the patients slept on the floor or on folding beds beside the beds. Perhaps they hadn't woken up from their restless sleep.

At a glance, Li Fan saw his uncle lying on the bed.

His uncle, Dong Jianguo, had bandages on his head, casts on his hands and feet, and bruises on his nose and face.

He was still asleep. Li Fan's parents were by his bedside. When they saw Li Fan come in, they made a silent gesture to him.

Suppressing his tears, Li Fan quietly approached.

"Dad, Mom. How's Uncle doing? How did he end up like this?"

His mom, with red eyes, wanted to speak but couldn't hold back her tears. Afraid of waking up his sleeping uncle, she covered her mouth and turned her face away.

His dad's cheeks twitched, forcing a smile, and said to Li Fan, "He broke some bones in his hands and legs, and there are some external injuries, but they've been taken care of. After tossing and turning all night, he just fell asleep. The doctor said it's nothing serious. Don't mention this to your grandma; her health isn't good, she can't handle this."

Li Fan nodded, looking at his uncle's injuries, tears finally streaming down his face.

He squatted by the bedside, and memories from his childhood flooded back with each drip from the IV.

In Li Fan's memories, his uncle always had a smile. Whether he was working or playing with him, he always smiled, even when scolding Li Fan for being mischievous.

His uncle never offended anyone. Although life was not affluent, he never argued with anyone. He'd rather take a loss than have a confrontation with someone.

Back then, his uncle was still young, like a carefree big boy. Although he couldn't be called handsome, seeing him made Li Fan feel like he was basking in sunlight.

But over the years, the hardships of life and an unsatisfactory marriage had aged this man.

White hairs poked out from under the bandage on his head. There were faint wrinkles around his bruised eyes.

These injuries were clearly caused by someone's beating.

Although Li Fan's name contained "fool," he wasn't stupid. He understood that his parents were afraid he would act impulsively and had concealed the true cause of the injuries.

He was angry, he was furious. But he suppressed these feelings, because cursing and resenting were meaningless.

Especially without knowing the full story.

Li's dad and mom looked at Li Fan and locked eyes.

Li's father knew his son too well. Just as he was hesitating whether to tell him the truth, the door to the ward was suddenly pushed open.

A stunningly beautiful girl stormed in, looking visibly annoyed.

Cheng Ke hadn't voluntarily entered the elevator; she had been forcefully squeezed in by the crowd. 

The elevator was packed like sardines in a can, but luckily Cheng Ke, being slender, managed to find a corner and squeezed her way up.

To put it bluntly, if she had eaten more that morning, she probably wouldn't have fit. Cheng Ke, experiencing this for the first time in nineteen years, naturally blamed Li Fan for it.

She had planned to explode as soon as she entered, but seeing Li Fan squatting beside the bed, wiping away tears, her heart softened, and she held back her anger.

However, her entry was too forceful, waking Dong Jianguo from his sleep.

Dong Jianguo opened his swollen eyes and saw Li Fan.

He hoarsely said, "Little Fan, I've told your mom everything. Don't worry about it. Uncle's fine. You can go back in a while."

Li Fan, seeing his uncle awake, immediately approached and grabbed his casted hand. In doing so, he inadvertently revealed Cheng Ke, who was standing behind him.

Dong Jianguo saw Cheng Ke, then glanced at Li Fan, raising his eyebrows.

"What a good boy! You've got good taste," he joked, pulling Li Fan to his side with his uninjured hand.

Li Fan stammered, "Just a classmate. Don't think too much about it, Uncle."

"Not telling your old uncle anything, huh? Never mind, seeing you brought your girlfriend to see me, I feel like I'm already halfway healed."

Li Fan chuckled awkwardly. He thought, "As long as you're happy, Uncle. Let the misunderstanding continue."

After a brief chat, Li Fan tentatively asked Dong Jianguo about who had beaten him up like this.

Dong Jianguo dodged the question, but Li Fan refused to give up and asked several times.

Finally, Dong Jianguo sighed and explained what had happened.

The day before yesterday, when Dong Jianguo was about to finish work, a customer came to the repair shop. The customer drove a Mercedes-Benz Y-series SUV and said the windshield washer fluid was running out and asked him to refill it.

It was a simple task, and it only took a few minutes. Dong Jianguo also had a bottle of washer fluid to sell.

After refilling the fluid, the customer said he was from out of town and planned to go out for dinner that evening. He was worried he might drink too much and couldn't drive, so he asked if he could leave his car in the repair shop's garage overnight.

Dong Jianguo was initially hesitant because the car was too expensive, and he was afraid of any potential trouble. But the customer kept insisting and even handed him a hundred yuan, promising to pick up the car early the next morning.

So, the car was parked in the garage.

The next day, the customer never came to pick up the car. Near the end of the day, trouble ensued.

Five or six burly men came to the repair shop, claiming their car had been stolen. Without a word, they barged into the garage and pointed at the Mercedes, accusing Dong Jianguo of stealing it with someone else.

Dong Jianguo tried to explain, but the men didn't listen and immediately resorted to violence.

In the chaos, someone accidentally knocked over a tool rack. The rack contained heavy parts, and Dong Jianguo happened to be nearby. When the parts fell, they hit him, resulting in his current condition.

After Dong Jianguo finished speaking, Li Fan immediately felt that something was off.

—This incident seemed too coincidental!


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