ABT Chapter 0021 Fire!

The entire morning, Li Fan Yu continuously received calls from the fleet. Since it wasn't convenient to handle them at school, he arranged for the drivers to come to the repair shop.

After a busy day, repairing nearly thirty taxis, Li Fan Yu wiped the sweat from his face and closed the shop door.

"Master, please be supportive! Run as many errands as you can. Whether we can complete the task or not, it all depends on you guys."

Just as he prayed for divine intervention, his mind suddenly felt fuzzy.

"Congratulations on successfully completing the task. Your current points are 101, and you have received a system reward: [User Class] Charm attribute +10. Your user level has been upgraded, unlocking the production class and receiving a set of universal repair equipment. You have also obtained one random draw. Would you like to proceed with the draw?"

The taxi drivers were mighty, driving over a thousand kilometers in just one day. They were truly remarkable!

Li Fan Yu returned to the shop and entered the X-Space after closing the door.

The production class icon was already lit up. He clicked on it and carefully examined the universal repair equipment.

It was... how should he describe it...

Well, it was extremely similar to a train station security scanner. But in terms of size, it was much larger.

The bottom of the device was a wide and long conveyor belt, with a rectangular structure on top, just big enough to accommodate a car.

In the dark space, Li Fan Yu circled around this imposing device several times. It looked the same from every angle, with a sleek black finish and exquisite metalwork, giving it a powerful aura.

He pulled up the instructions: [Universal Component Repair Equipment], capable of repairing damaged car parts. Place the damaged component on the conveyor belt, activate the device, and the repair time depends on the structure of the original component. (This device can be upgraded with points, starting at level 1, with an 80% repair rate for original components. Each level increase adds 5% to the repair rate, up to level 5.)

My goodness!

This meant that putting old or even broken parts in and getting them repaired to 80% new? And it could even be upgraded. If the device reached level 5, then putting in old parts would result in new ones?

My goodness! Li Fan Yu covered his mouth tightly, trying not to burst out laughing.

With this thing, all he needed to do was go to a scrapyard, take old parts, repair them into new ones, and become a millionaire overnight.

Great! Li Fan Yu picked up his phone and gave it a big kiss.

Before Li Fan Yu could finish daydreaming, he smelled a strong gasoline odor. He picked up his phone to illuminate the area and saw a large pool of gasoline flowing in from the shop door.

Before he could react, there was a swoosh, and the gasoline ignited from outside.

Flames roared along the ground, and Li Fan Yu shouted, backing away.

Outside the door, several people wearing duckbill caps were placing empty oil barrels into a car.

One of them listened for a while and muttered, "Sounds like someone's inside."

The person sitting next to the driver called out, "Hurry up!"

That person shook his head, got into the car, and fled the scene.

Li Fan Yu watched as the fire spread rapidly, realizing that the shop couldn't be saved. There were too many flammable materials inside, almost like kindling.

Amidst the thick smoke, he finally found a fire extinguisher and aimed it at the base of the flames, but it was like a drop in the bucket.

The red flames rolled, and the accompanying heatwave devoured everything.

Hair and sweat were baked into curls, and exposed skin was painfully scorched. Tears streamed down his face as he gritted his teeth and pushed open the back door to escape.

By the time the fire truck arrived, the entire repair shop was glowing red. The firefighters looked at the massive fire with helpless expressions.

Several oil drums in the garage exploded after heating up. The place where Li Fan Yu's childhood memories were stored burned to ashes in the flames.

Such a big incident prompted the police station to notify Li Fan Yu's parents. Li's parents rushed over in shock, only to be relieved when they saw that he was unharmed.

Li's mother looked at her son's disheveled appearance, unwilling to scold him, and pulled Li Fan Yu back home.

His uncle's injuries hadn't healed yet, and he was impatient at home. Seeing Li Fan Yu return, he unusually reprimanded him.

"You're already grown up, why are you still so clueless? If the house is on fire, just let it burn! As long as people are safe, what can't be rebuilt! It's just a broken house, who cares, just give it away to whoever wants it!"

With red eyes, hair curled from the fire, and clothes blackened from the smoke, Li Fan Yu gritted his teeth.

Why should we let others bully us? Why can't we even protect our own things?

"I want to become stronger, only by becoming stronger can I avoid such pain again!"

He wiped his eyes with his dark hand and bowed his head into the bathroom.

The cold water sprayed onto his body, but it couldn't extinguish the fire in Li Fan Yu's heart.

Baocheng Company, Baocheng Company... besides them, who else could it be?

He had mentioned Baocheng Company as a suspect at the police station, but he was frustrated by the lack of evidence. A lump formed in Li Fan Yu's throat, making him feel suffocated.

Seeing Li Fan Yu's disappointment, his family didn't say anything more.

He curled up on his bed and took out his phone.

There was still one lottery draw left in the space. Li Fan Yu opened the roulette and started the draw. To seek revenge, he needed to use all the power he could get!

System: Congratulations on obtaining a mechanical mosquito. Click to view the description.

【Mechanical Mosquito】Special class item; after application by the user, can control mechanical mosquitoes for reconnaissance and espionage. The mechanical mosquito is less than 1mm in size, completely silent, and user skills (such as specialized troubleshooting) can be applied through the mechanical mosquito. It can be upgraded, and after upgrading, it equips a super micro-paralysis needle, which can paralyze the target for 60 minutes.

Li Fan Yu immediately applied it, and the mechanical mosquito hovered around the room. When he connected to it through the space, Li Fan Yu found himself seeing through the eyes of the mosquito.

Using his consciousness to control it, he flew it around for a while before retracting the mosquito. It only needed 50 points to upgrade, and Li Fan Yu's current harvest points were basically useless, so he immediately upgraded the mosquito. The mechanical mosquito was small in size and came with attack skills, which would definitely come in handy in the future.

After everything was done, he picked up his phone and searched for information about Baocheng Company.

Baocheng Company, the largest second-hand car trading company in Tiancheng City. It was formerly Tiancheng Auto Parts Factory, and the general manager of the company was Zhao Baocheng.

During the privatization of state-owned enterprises, Tiancheng Auto Parts Factory, which was originally a public institution, was contracted by Zhao Baocheng's father.

After taking over the factory, it had been tepid until Zhao Baocheng took over. He gathered a group of idle people from society and monopolized the auto parts business in Tiancheng City, gradually expanding his profits. With the increasing profitability of the factory, Zhao Baocheng also ventured into the second-hand car business. In recent years, he had gradually whitewashed his image and established Baocheng Company.

At the same time, in a luxurious office.

Zhao Baocheng held a cigar and was furious with his deputy: "Dongzi is just useless! He can't even handle such a small matter, and I have to intervene personally! He still has the nerve to ask me for money?"

The deputy general manager wore a smiling face and said, "Yes, yes, yes, Dongzi's ability is a bit lacking. But after all, we've been through a lot together, haven't we? Dongzi is hanging by a thread now, but he can still be saved. Otherwise, it would be over."

After speaking, he sneakily glanced at Zhao Baocheng's expression.

Zhao Baocheng sat on the sofa, giving him a sharp look. "Hmm?"

The deputy manager quickly averted his gaze and wiped his sweat, saying, "I know what to do, Mr. Zhao."

Zhao Baocheng watched him leave and pressed the cigar forcefully into the ashtray.

These bastards! They always hold me back. When things don't go well, they ask for money as if it's nothing.

Brotherhood loyalty, can brotherhood loyalty feed me?

In Zhao Baocheng's mind, Dongzi and his group had become his burden. It was okay when they were brave and ruthless, but now they couldn't keep up with his pace.

If you can shake off one, then shake off one.

He took out a satellite phone from the drawer and dialed the only number on it.

"Mason, is the job done?"

"It's done. Mr. Zhao, when will my payment be transferred?"

"Haha, dear Mason, we Chinese value relationships the most, but you Americans can't seem to say a sentence without mentioning money. It saddens me."

"I've already burned down that shop for you for free. Isn't that a favor?"

"I appreciate your favor, but you also know that Chinese police are very powerful. They've been conducting strict investigations recently, and smuggling cars isn't something easy to do."

"Alright. If you don't like my cars, I can sell them to my Russian friends."

"NO NO NO... I'll transfer the payment to you tomorrow, my dearest friend."

In the hospital, Dongzi lay in the ICU, and the deputy general manager of Baocheng Company stood by his bedside.

"Dongzi, brother has already fought for you, but... Cheng Ge is no longer the same Cheng Ge as before."

It seemed like Dongzi heard him, as his fingers moved slightly, and tears streamed down his face along the breathing apparatus.

Half an hour later, the hospital removed all the equipment, and Dongzi passed away.


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