ABT Chapter 0022: Going to Collect Debts

Li Fan Yu put on a duckbill cap and arrived at Baocheng Company.

After getting out of the car, he saw a large crowd gathered at the company's entrance. He struggled to squeeze through the crowd, earning some complaints along the way.

When he finally reached the front, he saw a Silver Pheasant!

A black car was blocking the company's entrance, with a banner hanging on it that read: "Baocheng Second-hand Cars Deceive Consumers, Flooded Cars Sold as Premium Cars, Breaks Down Every Twenty Kilometers!"

Ha! It seemed like he wasn't the only one causing trouble for them today. My path is not lonely, my path is not lonely!

Perhaps the man's actions were too sensational, as a group of people quickly emerged from the gate and rushed to his side, ignoring his protests, and dragged him into the company.

A security guard ripped off the banner and attempted to drive the car into the company. However, to his embarrassment, no matter how hard he tried to start it, the car just wouldn't start.

The crowd watching burst into laughter and began to discuss.

"Haha, it looks like what that guy just said was true. This car really breaks down often."

"That's right. It looks pretty new from the outside, but I didn't expect it to be like this."

"Do you see how much this car looks like Ge You sitting on a sofa? It's authentic Beijing slouch!"

"I agree, now that you mention it, it really does. It's like it's saying, 'You don't have to try so hard, I just don't want to move.'"


While the crowd was discussing, Li Fan Yu had already activated his Troubleshooting Specialization and scanned the car.

The internal structure was riddled with problems, similar to the Mercedes Y-Class he encountered before. It seemed that the flooded cars sold by Baocheng Company were more than just a few.

He slipped away to a quiet corner near the gate and released a mechanical mosquito.

The perspective of the mosquito was very peculiar, as if the whole world was round, and the colors were different from the human perspective. But fortunately, the field of view was larger, making it clearer to see things in the air.

After searching for a while, Li Fan Yu headed straight to the company's parking lot.

Rows of various types and colors of cars were neatly parked there, numbering no less than a thousand.

The cars were parked in an orderly manner, with small economy cars in the front rows, followed by some B-class cars and small SUVs, and the rear two rows were filled with CD-class and mid-to-large SUVs.

Li Fan Yu hadn't seen the car that was parked at the door just now, but judging by its size, it was a mid-to-large SUV, similar to the Mercedes Y-Class Dongzi used to trick him. Li Fan Yu inferred that the flooded cars sold by Baocheng Company were likely concentrated in the rear two rows.

There was no other reason; small cars had the largest sales volume, attracting customers. In terms of profitability, there wasn't much profit.

There were many tricks in the used car industry, such as refurbishing components, falsifying mileage, and selling various accident and flooded cars repaired to pass as good as new.

But only high-grade, high-priced used cars could contain more water and make huge profits.

So, considering all this, Li Fan Yu focused on the cars in the rear two rows.

Controlling the mechanical mosquito and activating his Troubleshooting Specialization, Li Fan Yu scanned through each car one by one.

As expected, out of the approximately 150 cars, nearly forty had issues. The internal structure diagrams showed red spots scattered all over.

The rest of the cars in these two rows weren't much better either. But most of the issues were concentrated on wear parts. Compared to flooded cars, they were still relatively good.

Li Fan Yu retracted the mechanical mosquito and pretended to be a customer looking to buy a used car, swaggering his way to the sales department.

Seeing a customer coming in, the sales lady warmly greeted him.

"Hello sir, are you looking to buy a car or just browsing?"

Chapter 0022: Going to Collect Debts

Li Fan Yu pressed down on the brim of his cap and said, "I'm just browsing. Could you tell me what models of used Mercedes-Benz cars are available now?"

The saleswoman glanced at Li Fan Yu, disdainfully pursing her lips; he was dressed too casually, looking like a poor guy asking about Mercedes-Benz? Probably just here to wander around without buying anything.

Naturally, she didn't have a good attitude and led Li Fan Yu to the parking lot, casually pointing, "There, go take a look yourself. Don't touch anything if you're not buying, or you'll have to pay for any damages."

Li Fan Yu was happy to be left alone and walked over to observe.

From above, he couldn't see the brand of the cars, but he wanted to confirm the prices of these flooded cars. Although the history of the cars had changed, consumer protection laws hadn't.

Selling flooded cars disguised as normal used cars without the customer's knowledge constituted fraud.

The best way for Li Fan Yu to teach Baocheng Company a lesson was to ruin their reputation!

He walked along the aisle, comparing each car's price to the new car price listed online.

Hey! They're not cheap, generally priced at around 70% of the new car price.

D-class cars usually cost around 600,000 yuan, mid-to-large SUVs about 700,000 yuan, and some high-end models were even over a million.

After the development process of cars was disrupted, most cars needed to be imported, resulting in much higher prices for used cars.

Due to the lack of tariffs and consumption taxes, used cars were much cheaper than new cars, and since cars were depreciating assets, Chinese people were still quite keen on buying used cars.

This was in line with market rules, so Li Fan Yu wasn't surprised.

After appraising all the cars, Li Fan Yu had a plan in mind.

Leaving Baocheng Company, he called Mason.

After chatting with Mason for a while, Li Fan Yu asked, "Mason, do you know any contacts in the car media?"

After rummaging around for a while, Mason gave him a phone number.

Li Fan Yu thanked Mason and dialed the number.

When the other party heard that it was recommended by Mason and that the "Bread Brother" was on the line, they immediately became enthusiastic.

After exchanging pleasantries for a while, Li Fan Yu said, "I want to host a live broadcast through you to educate the public on how to choose a used car."

Hearing this, the other party was excited. With Li Fan Yu's current popularity, they couldn't even afford to invite him through their own media, but now he had taken the initiative to come to them.

They readily agreed.

Before hanging up, the other party asked, "Where would be the most convenient place for you to do the show?"

Li Fan Yu chuckled inwardly and replied, "Baocheng Company, after all, it's the number one used car trading company in Tiancheng City."

"Okay, I'll contact Baocheng immediately and let you know the schedule."

Li Fan Yu hung up the phone, looking at the large signboard of "Baocheng Company" on the office building, with a cold smile on his face.

Punk, your grandpa is here to collect debts!

As Li Fan Yu left Baocheng Company, he happened to see the man who had caused a scene at the entrance.

The man covered his face and walked out of the security room with his head down. He seemed to be walking unsteadily, as if he had been beaten.

Li Fan Yu wanted to follow, but he saw two security guards following from afar.

He cursed inwardly and turned away.


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