ABT Chapter 0029 Go for it, young men!

In fact, the school had received the invitation from Germany three days ago, but due to disagreements among the school leaders, it was not announced to the whole school.

After some agitation from Old Zhang, the principal finally made a decision to provide some support. Of course, no funds would be provided, only assistance with the students' visas and passports.

Regardless, since the school had made an effort, there was no need for concealment anymore, so the school announced it to the whole school instead of keeping it under wraps. However, the school's attitude was perfunctory, only praising the students' enthusiasm and subtly criticizing Old Zhang.

This matter had a significant impact on the students at the university. If it was organized by the school, there would definitely be many participants. Faced with such an opportunity, many were tempted.

But upon inquiry, they found out that everyone was paying for it themselves, so the students couldn't help but complain openly or in private.

With discussions about those who could go, there were also some rumors.

"Tsk, I heard someone rich is footing the bill, just treating it as a vacation with a few people."

"That's right, I heard Cheng Ke is also participating. It must be some rich second generation trying to make a move, using the competition as a pretext. So you see, people either have money or looks. For people like us, we can only stay in the dorm and watch anime."

"Do you know? The one who's paying is called Li Fanyu, the one who was recently seen hanging out with Cheng Ke! That guy knows nothing about car design, I've had classes with him, he doesn't even understand the history of cars, he even gets car brands wrong."

"Really... so going there is just for sightseeing?"

"Hey, you said it. You have to think, in the current state of the domestic automotive industry, who wouldn't just be sightseeing if they went? You have to see it this way, someone is representing our university, it's also a chance to show our face. As for winning awards, ask which industrial department of any university in China dares to guarantee they can win?"

"Sigh... that's true."

In short, the school's attitude was similar to the thoughts of the students. Even if they went, it was just for sightseeing, winning awards was unlikely.

After Old Zhang explained some details of the competition to the group, he left Li Fanyu alone.

Seeing Old Zhang's hesitant appearance, Li Fanyu couldn't help but laugh.

Li Fanyu's bank account still had the four million given by Mara, not a penny of which he had touched. Li Ma had paid for Uncle Li's hospitalization, and the old couple still had some savings, which were meant for finding a wife for Li Fanyu.

He originally wanted to give the money to Li Ma, but suddenly getting such a large sum would definitely make her worry unnecessarily.

If he fooled others, it would be fine, but telling Li Ma that the money was earned through special effects would definitely expose the truth.

Ah! You never drove from a young age, suddenly became a car genius?

Li Fanyu's affairs, as long as Li Ma couldn't understand with her brain, she would definitely try to understand with a chicken feather duster.

He wasn't someone who could withstand being beaten, maybe if he relaxed his mouth a bit, he would spill the beans about Xapp's affairs.

Moreover, the old couple were accustomed to a simple life, playing a few games of mahjong for a few cents was their biggest expense. Suddenly seeing so much money, Li Fanyu was afraid she would get high blood pressure.

So the money had been kept with him all this time.

Having money in his pocket and not having it are definitely different. Although Li Fanyu couldn't be considered wealthy, he didn't really care about the tens of thousands of yuan for going abroad to participate in the competition.

It was Old Zhang's hesitation and embarrassment that made him feel uneasy.

For someone as straightforward as Old Zhang to ask students for money, it was difficult for him.

Li Fanyu pretended to suddenly remember something, "Oh, Professor Zhang, the time for the competition is too tight, I have to leave first. Give me your ID card, I'll go buy the tickets."

Old Zhang's lips twitched a few times, looking at Li Fanyu gratefully, he grabbed his hand and patted it gently twice.

"I won't go, one less person means one less expense. Li Fanyu, you may have the worst qualifications among these five people, but you are also part of the team. This time's competition, you help out... I thank you on behalf of the other four." Li Fanyu's cheeks twitched. So I'm just going to be the nanny? Hey, I have a temper too! I'm going for the prize!

But faced with Old Zhang, he couldn't say anything else, after all, he had slept in his class before... Li Fanyu could only reluctantly shake Old Zhang's hand and reassure him.

Back in the dormitory, he called for the ID cards of the others and booked the tickets online.

The group had already decided to leave for Germany earlier, as the competition organizers would provide some simple guidance for the participating teams before the designated competition tasks. For the five who had no prior competition experience, this was undoubtedly a very valuable learning opportunity.

Two days passed in a hurry, and the school specifically communicated to handle passports and visas. Thanks to Lao Zhang's intervention; otherwise, with just a few people trying to handle it themselves, it's likely that even after the competition ends, the passports wouldn't be ready.

At the airport, Lao Zhang watched anxiously as they walked out of the boarding gate. He fumbled for a cigarette in his pocket, only to realize they were at the airport.

He tightly clenched the cigarette in his hand, still standing on tiptoes, watching the boarding bus gradually disappear into the distance.

As a first-generation figure in the automotive field, he started as a designer at a state-owned tractor factory. Many years had passed, yet while foreign technology had advanced rapidly, domestic automotive progress seemed stagnant. Growing old, he pinned his hopes on this generation.

Young people, go ahead, make your mark in your era, under the bright sky.

It was Li Fanyu's first time flying. When the plane accelerated for takeoff, he grabbed the armrest tightly, sweating profusely.

Beside him, Cheng Ke stared, her hand already sore from his grip. Watching Li Fanyu's pale lips trembling in fear, she couldn't help but chuckle.

"I never knew someone your age could be afraid of flying."

Li Fanyu felt overwhelmed; airplanes were just too scary! And they had to transfer flights too!

There were no direct flights from Tiancheng City to Germany. The QR895 they were on was operated by Qatar Airways from Tiancheng to Doha. They had to transfer in Doha to get to Munich.

The entire journey involved two takeoffs and landings, with a total duration of over thirty hours, including the layover.

There weren't many people on the plane, and the three academic elites quickly gathered to chat once the plane stabilized.

Cheng Ke, rubbing her sore hand, watched anime on her iPad. While other girls watched for the plot, she watched to learn grammar, pausing frequently to ponder.

Li Fanyu, bored with this, was annoyed that Cheng Ke kept pausing whenever he tried to watch Sakamoto.

After a while, Cheng Ke put down her iPad and looked at Li Fanyu, who seemed utterly disheartened, and asked, "Aren't you going to watch something? The flight is so long!"

Li Fanyu's muscles stiffened; ever since Xapp's upgrade, his phone could only access web pages. Magazines on the plane were in English, movies were in English, even the sales flyers in the cabin were in English! What was there for him to watch!

The only thing that interested him was the pretentious world in your iPad, the great demon king, Sakamoto.

You keep pausing to learn grammar, what a nerd!

Seeing Li Fanyu's frustrated expression, Cheng Ke finally understood.

"Oh! You can't understand it! Haha..."

No empathy, no empathy... Don't spoil his mood! Li Fanyu hmphed and asked the flight attendant for a glass of water.

"Why do you want to go to Germany so badly?" Cheng Ke asked as she sipped on her orange juice, her words slightly slurred.

Li Fanyu held the cup in his hand. Why did he want to go to Germany? If it weren't for that damn mission, he wouldn't go.

He could only reply, "Um... because the award in the competition is important to me."

Cheng Ke, getting into her Japanese learning mode, exclaimed, "Ah? Is it because of your uncle... so you want to win an award to console him?"

Her imagination ran wild, and Li Fanyu, seeing the sympathy in her eyes, knew she had totally misunderstood!

Li Fanyu hurriedly explained, "Pah, pah, pah, my uncle is doing just fine. If anything happened to him, I wouldn't be here trying to win an award to console him. Finding him a wife would be more practical."

So, in Cheng Ke's mind, she automatically pictured his uncle covered in bandages, groaning, urging Li Fanyu to get married quickly...


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