ABT Chapter 138: From the Little Chinese Rascal’s Schemes

He agreed! He actually agreed!

Li Fanyu immediately fell into a state of ecstasy. This was a golden opportunity for X-power to rise to fame. If they could win the challenge against the V12, it would surely boost their reputation once again.

Since the surprise success of the China Heart engine and the subsequent surge in reputation and sales after the axle-breaking incident, Li Fanyu had realized something important: no matter how good the product, it still needs to be promoted. Modern businesses need marketing; otherwise, it’s like walking on one leg.

So when he challenged Resfast, it was merely to create a buzz.

This guy had a sneaky plan in mind: if Resfast accepted, he would go head-to-head. After all, with the X-modification workshop, he could always tweak the acceleration and top speed. If Resfast declined, he would say they were afraid to compete, claiming that “Resfast lacks confidence against X-power.” This would be great for publicity either way.

He couldn’t lose, haha.

But nothing beats a direct confrontation for drama and impact!

Haha, Godfrey, you old fool, you’re just too adorable. I need to lock this down before you change your mind.

Li Fanyu sprang up, pacing back and forth in the assembly line workshop, pondering how to stylishly defeat the V12.

However, he was very clear about one thing: the competition would have to focus on acceleration.

In terms of top speed, the ZGX8882.0Tfsi engine’s maximum horsepower was set. Even with possible tweaks in the modification workshop, extensive changes wouldn’t work. Experts would easily spot discrepancies, making any victory seem unfair.

That wouldn’t do.

But when it came to acceleration, he was confident; the car already clocked under 4 seconds for 0-100 km/h. The Resfast V12’s stats showed a 4.4-second time.

Already ahead, he could fine-tune it to reach 3.5 seconds... hehehe…

The plan was set, but where to race? They needed a good track to fully showcase the car’s performance, providing a clear and impactful comparison.

Suddenly, while pacing, Li Fanyu remembered an ad from another time and place, where McLaren raced against a fighter jet.

Although the jet eventually overtook the car, the visual impact of the car leading at the start was unforgettable for Li Fanyu.

Yes! On the airport runway. This idea is brilliant!

He immediately called Wang Dazui. After explaining his idea, Wang Dazui was thrilled.

“You’ve got a genius brain! You came up with this! You’ll need to handle the airport arrangements yourself; I can’t manage that. As for the challenge, leave it to me! But remember, exclusive live coverage for Pinche.com; no other media gets the scoop.”

Li Fanyu needed this commitment. “Deal, it’s a promise.”

That same day, Pinche.com’s homepage featured X-power once again. But this time, the promotional image was split, with a silver Resfast V12 on the right.

The main headline read: “Come on, airport runway, let’s have a real fight!”

Subheadline: “Li Fanyu formally challenges Godfrey: ‘Go-kart’ versus ‘lawnmower’ showdown in two days.”

This hit the internet’s nerve center. Things were escalating too fast to keep up with! Resfast had just finished mocking them, and now X-power was stepping up. This was explosive news…

A flood of comments began to fill the screen. As children of China, they had to support their homegrown sports car. Within fifteen minutes, the comments section formed a neat row:

“Support X-power, crush them!”

“Support X-power, crush them!”

“Support X-power, crush them!”

“Support X-power, crush them! The person above didn’t follow the format, drag them out for five minutes.”

“Support X-power, crush them!”

Meanwhile, Li Fanyu headed to the airport to meet the manager. After explaining his intention, the manager warmly received him.

The airport’s nature is similar to a large bus terminal, just with higher-value infrastructure. They sell planes; leasing the runway is no big deal. So, when Li Fanyu offered 50,000 yuan to rent a runway for a day, the manager happily agreed, signing the contract on the spot.

Li Fanyu left the airport, watching planes take off and land on the runway, smiling to himself; everything was ready, just waiting for the final push. Godfrey, don’t you dare back out now, come and fight!

On the other side, Godfrey was eager too. He was at Resfast’s China headquarters in Beijing, enthusiastically addressing a group of executives.

The old gentleman, legs crossed, sipped whiskey, laughing heartily.

“Gentlemen, do not worry. Don’t you see this as a perfect opportunity to promote the V12? Beating China’s first sports car will undoubtedly prove Resfast’s heritage and solidify our market position. I’ve already planned my victory speech; it’s thrilling!”

“Mr. Godfrey, you might not know. This X-power is a freak. Online test videos show it can reach 0-100 km/h in under 4 seconds; it’s an undeniable track car. However, our V12 takes 4.4 seconds. You shouldn’t have accepted their challenge; if we lose, it could damage our brand value.”

Godfrey set down his glass and wagged a finger. “Son, I’ve seen that blurry video too. Without professional testers and no onboard telemetry, do you really believe it’s accurate? That 2.0-liter turbo engine producing such performance, you think it’s an F1 car?

As a member of a world-class sports car manufacturer, I hope you remember the company’s motto: never let caution hinder your progress.”

He stood up, scanning the room, elegantly raised his glass, and said, “Gentlemen, unleash your desire to conquer. Do not let this old man’s wrinkles best you. To our victory!”

The room, inspired by his confident demeanor, raised their glasses in unison.

“To our victory!”


Two days flew by. Early in the morning, Li Fanyu and Wang Dazui’s team arrived at the airport.

Wang Dazui, having learned from past experiences, brought five high-speed cameras, ensuring no blind spots in the recording. Additionally, three photographers with HD cameras were there for live coverage.

They set up a big scene, making it look as serious as a duel between two swordsmen.

While adjusting the equipment, Wang Dazui noticed a line of cars approaching, led by a truck adorned with the Resfast logo.

He looked up and called out to Li Fanyu.

“Li, they’re here!”

Li Fanyu squinted at the white car beside him, the one with the “GT” logo on its rear wing, and smiled.


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