ABT Chapter 160

 Anning's heart was currently very complicated.

After mistakenly believing that Li Fanyu and Cheng Ke were together, she didn't actually harbor any resentment. That night, Li Fanyu had already made his feelings clear, and it was her own concerns that led her to avoid the situation. Now, seeing that Li Fanyu had made another choice, her heart felt like a small piece had been cut out. But this was also her own choice. Besides silently wishing Li Fanyu well, she could only swallow the bitterness with a heavy heart.

She was trying to slowly let go.

Facing Li Fanyu's attempts to please her, she just smiled and accepted the key. She made up her mind to move out as soon as she found a house, to avoid getting entangled with him any further.

However, Li Fanyu didn't notice her unease and was secretly happy to finally resolve a matter that had been weighing on his mind.

Because today had been exhausting, he bid Anning goodnight and went back to rest.

Early the next morning, after he had finished getting ready, he knocked on Anning's door. But after waiting for a while, there was still no response from inside.

After calling her, he found out that Anning had already gone to the laboratory.

When a man falls in love, what does he most hope to do with a woman?

It's nothing more than going to work together, eating together, spending weekends together, watching movies together, and finally, waking up together.

He sighed; the first step of his fantasy with Sister An had not been realized, which made him slightly annoyed.

But this feeling only lasted for a moment, because today he had to muster all his energy to face the crisis at Zhengxin. Now was not the time for love and longing.

Moreover... they were already so close, weren't they? He would have plenty of opportunities in the future, right? Heh heh heh, Sister An, sooner or later, you'll be mine.

He slapped his cheeks, pumped himself up, and then strode confidently to the company.

Almost as soon as he arrived at the company, Wang Dazui and Xiao Wu also arrived.

Because of their consistent positive coverage of Zhengxin, Pinche.com had also been significantly impacted by the so-called "anti-heretical war" incident.

Although they didn't rashly defend Li Fanyu, some meddlers still brought up various connections between the two companies and labeled Pinche.com as "Zhengxin's lapdog."

Of course, Pinche.com had to defend themselves. As a portal website, they always had to maintain their independence and objectivity, which had been their principle of conduct all along.

In fact, internally, Pinche.com also hoped that Li Fanyu could safely navigate through this crisis. Not only because of the relationship between the two companies, but also because as a growing independent car company, they didn't want to see Zhengxin prematurely perish and fall from the path to glory. In a sense, they saw the hope of the Chinese automobile industry in Zhengxin. It was for this reason that they repeatedly bolstered Zhengxin's reputation.

So for Li Fanyu's interview, Pinche.com specifically arranged for Wang Dazui and Xiao Wu. Although they didn't explicitly express their support, the choice of these two individuals indirectly indicated their stance.

After setting up the camera in Li Fanyu's office, Wang Dazui quietly said to him, "Bro, take it easy and speak naturally, but don't be nervous. I'll handle the editing. If anything's not right, I'll remind you, and we can redo it."

Li Fanyu nodded with a smile, but said, "Brother Wang, no need. With a clear conscience, there's nothing I can't say."

And that was indeed the case, just a small matter. Faced with this situation, instead of trying to cover up for himself and risk being caught later, it was better to say whatever needed to be said now.

Moreover, who cares about what others think!

Therefore, focusing on the foreign media's insidious report, Li Fanyu explained it thoroughly.

Because the situation was urgent and they didn't have a deep discussion with Li Fanyu beforehand, Wang Dazui initially felt unsure. But as Li Fanyu spoke, Wang Dazui also felt a surge of indignation.

This is blatant fabrication, this is blatant slander!

Although Li Fanyu's academic performance was mediocre, he was proud of one thing, which was his good memory. After about half an hour, he recounted the interview from start to finish.

Recording completed, Wang Dazui came forward to encourage and comfort Li Fanyu. After that, he and Xiao Wu intended to return to the company to expedite the editing of the video to clarify the facts.

But at that moment, a salesperson rushed in anxiously.

"Mr. Li, there's trouble outside!"

Li Fanyu immediately stood up and walked to the window in a hurry. He leaned out to take a look outside; my goodness! A gathering?

Dozens of people had gathered outside Zhengxin's entrance, where several security guards and company staff were confronting them.

"Let's go! Let's see what's going on."

As he spoke, he quickly went downstairs and arrived at the entrance. As he got closer, he heard the group of people who seemed to have appeared out of nowhere shouting loudly.

"Smearing our country, they've lost all conscience!"

"Brothers, don't be polite with them. These security guards won't dare to do anything to us."

"Yeah, just a bunch of sellouts, let your boss come out!"

Wang Yonggui, the captain of Zhengxin's security team, was a nearly forty-year-old man. Faced with this situation, he was also extremely angry. But out of responsibility and consideration for the company, he repeatedly restrained the young security guards and workers to prevent the conflict from escalating.

These troublemakers had gathered at the company's door as soon as the employees had arrived, and they immediately started splashing paint on the company's sign without any explanation.

After being stopped by the security guards, they became even more provocative and tried to stir up trouble.

Wang Yonggui knew that the company had been restless these past few days, but he only thought it was happening online. Online, there were all kinds of people, and things usually calmed down after a while.

But he didn't expect that there were actually people coming to cause trouble for the company!

Adjusting his hat that had been knocked askew, he warned loudly, "What you're doing is illegal! You're disrupting public order, and we've already called the police!"

"Call them! A company like yours, which sells out the country for profit, still has the nerve to talk about disrupting public order!?"

"Yeah, your boss is a traitor, and yet you have the audacity to accuse us of disrupting public order!"

"Brothers, look! That person in the black jacket is Li Fanyu. Let's go, brothers, let's spit in his face!"

With that, these people swarmed forward, heading straight for Li Fanyu.

If it were only the five or six security guards from the company, they wouldn't be able to stop them. But don't forget, there were also those like Zhu Zi among them.

Although they couldn't openly teach these people a lesson, a little trickery, a footstep here and a push there, should do the trick, right?

So, in the eyes of outsiders, it seemed like a group of hooligans fiercely attacking the employees' line of defense. But the truth was, not one of these people managed to set foot inside the company's gate, and instead, cries of pain filled the air.

Li Fanyu looked at the scene and immediately became alert;

Something's not right! Even if netizens are impulsive, they might crash a server or flood comments, but it absolutely can't be the situation like it is now.

With that in mind, he quickly took out his phone and called Lin Lei.


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