ABT Chapter 25

 After confronting each other for a while and seeing that neither side dared to make a move, Li Fan Yu quickly pulled the cameraman and jumped over the wall.

Wang Dazui struck a pose with arms outstretched like a white crane spreading its wings until he jumped over the wall and ended up sprawling on the ground.

The three of them ran wildly after jumping over the wall and quickly disappeared in a cloud of dust.

This delayed arrival infuriated Zhao Baocheng, who grabbed the manager by the tie and slapped him repeatedly.

After the three of them escaped, they looked at each other and laughed, resembling a gang of river pirates who had just succeeded in robbing the rich to help the poor.

Li Fan Yu and Wang Dazui exchanged contact information and agreed to have a meal together sometime. Li Fan Yu then returned to school and turned on his computer to follow the developments.

After bidding farewell, Wang Dazui sent the video of Baoceng Company attacking the three of them to the website while in the car.

The website quickly posted it on the homepage, "Baoceng Company openly attacks our host, arrogant to the extreme, this cannot be tolerated!"

This explosive news immediately sparked a new round of discussion among netizens. Upon seeing the video of Wang Dazui's invincible performance, they immediately worshipped him.

"Oh my god! So Wang Dazui is this kind of person!"

"Brother Mouth is mighty, his kung fu is amazing! Please give me more hosts like him!"

"Baoceng Company is too audacious, actually openly attacking journalists! Thank goodness Brother Mouth's martial arts protected him, otherwise he would have suffered. @Tiancheng City Public Security Bureau."

Baoceng Company was once again placed on the fire, roasted by the flames of public opinion.

Baoceng immediately entered crisis PR mode, claiming ignorance of the submerged cars and vowing to investigate thoroughly. They promised to handle any submerged cars immediately and ensure they don't enter the market.

As for the attack on journalists, they shifted the blame, claiming that the three individuals misunderstood the company's security guards when they left and that all personnel involved had been dismissed.

Li Fan Yu watched these statements, feeling secretly delighted to see Baoceng's internal turmoil.

However, he had learned from his past mistakes. Last time, he was too careless, thinking that a minor setback would make the other side back off. He didn't expect them to play dirty and burn down his shop.

This time, Li Fan Yu decided to take the initiative and strike back!

In the evening, he quietly sneaked into Baoceng Company again. The entire company was brightly lit, with everyone working overtime to prepare for upcoming interviews and inspections.

Controlling the mechanical mosquitoes, Li Fan Yu patrolled the office building. After about ten minutes, he found Zhao Baocheng's office.

Zhao Baocheng had calmed down at this point, realizing that the cat was out of the bag and Baoceng Company's secrets had been exposed.

After all these years of experience, Zhao Baocheng had connections and money. He mobilized all available resources to try to control the situation to an acceptable level.

The mechanical mosquito lay quietly on the chandelier, while Li Fan Yu, on the other end, closely monitored Zhao Baocheng's every move through the mosquito's eyes.

After making several phone calls in a row, Zhao Baocheng slumped into his chair in frustration.

These bastards, they call themselves brothers when they're drinking, but when push comes to shove, it's all about money.

He pinched his temples, furrowing his brows as he reviewed the situation again in his mind. After thinking for a while, he finally took out his phone.

"Hello? It's me. Contact the car dealers from other cities tomorrow and see if we can get rid of those flooded cars. I know we've been exposed, so let's cut our losses! Isn't it better to recover some of the costs? Don't touch the cars in Warehouse 11 for now. We're under too much scrutiny right now. We'll find a good time to move them later."

Zhao Baocheng hung up the phone, dragged his weary body back to the chair, and fell asleep.

Meanwhile, Li Fan Yu was digesting this information. Cheap disposal of flooded cars? Dream on! The news had already spread online, and various experts had come forward to analyze the drawbacks of flooded cars in detail. He had also spread awareness of how to identify flooded cars, and there were plenty of videos being circulated by netizens.

Who would be foolish enough to buy your junky car for a hundred grand and then spend half a million to fix it? Who would dare to be the fall guy and take it off your hands?

But what was Warehouse 11 all about? Did Baoceng Company have some shady dealings going on?

Li Fan Yu immediately controlled the mechanical mosquito and flew out of the office building, searching in the air for a long time.

It wasn't until after ten o'clock in the evening that he finally found a remote underground garage far from the company.

The number on the entrance was 11.

The garage had a rolling shutter door with several locks on the outside. Perhaps they were afraid of prying eyes from outside, as even the larger gaps were sealed shut, making it completely airtight.

However, the mechanical mosquito was less than 1 millimeter in size and effortlessly slipped through the door crack.

Inside was pitch black, but fortunately, the mosquito had a night vision function. Li Fan Yu took a quick look; it was a huge garage filled to the brim with luxury cars.

(Here are listed a few fictional brands, which are available in the store's computer.)

Wait a minute.

With so many luxury cars hidden in such a secluded place, there must be something fishy about Baoceng Company's conduct.

Li Fan Yu didn't even need to think. He immediately opened the Fault Diagnosis Specialty and randomly checked several cars.

Haha, Baoceng, oh Baoceng, I didn't misjudge you.

Looking at the virtual structure diagram, Li Fan Yu smirked.

On the diagram, every vehicle's main frame showed signs of welding, and upon closer inspection with the mechanical mosquito, the engine numbers and vehicle codes were all American.

In other words, the more than a hundred luxury cars stored here were all chopped cars smuggled from abroad!

A chopped car is a stolen car from overseas that has been dismantled into parts. The main frame of the car is cut into several segments, disguised as auto parts for customs clearance, and then smuggled into the country. Distributors receive them, weld them back together, forge vehicle identification codes, and finally sell them as imported cars.

This was blatant smuggling!

Zhao Baocheng, oh Zhao Baocheng, let's see who can help you now. You better prepare for prison!

Li Fan Yu retrieved the mechanical mosquito, withdrew his consciousness, and quickly ran to a nearby telephone booth.

"Hey, Wai, is Yao Yao Ling there? Connect me to the Criminal Investigation Team. I want to report a smuggling car sales hideout! My name? I'm a passionate resident of Chaoyang District. What? Chaoyang District is in Beijing? Can't residents of Chaoyang District come to your Tiancheng City for tourism?!"


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