ABT Chapter 4: Cheng Ke Catches a Thief

Li Fanyu felt disgusted by the filthy, blackened sock. He washed his hands several times but still felt a lingering stench in his nose.

After a while, he entered the space again. The space prompted that the skills in the production and special categories required the user to reach level two to unlock. However, the tools and user options were interesting; there were two usable tools: the "Universal Sheet Metal Repair Suction Cup" and the "Universal Paint Surface Repair Spray Gun". Judging by the names, they could repair the exterior sheet metal parts and car paint, respectively.

The user attribute class was even more impressive. Although there was only one application option, the functionality was impressive. —— "Basic Driving Skill Mastery" increases the speed of any mechanical mode of transportation by 30%.

Excited, Li Fanyu bounced around in the restroom, unable to contain his excitement.

After being questioned by the eldest brother, he found an excuse to leave the dormitory and decided to take a walk to clear his head.

As he walked, he pondered excitedly; this Xapp was amazing, not to mention the "Fault Diagnosis Specialization".

Diagnosing faults in complex machinery is often difficult. Sometimes, you have to dismantle the entire machine and inspect each component one by one.

But with this skill, you can easily find faults just by looking at the red parts. How awesome is that?

My mom doesn't need to worry about my job anymore. Conservatively estimating, becoming a maintenance engineer in the future is definitely feasible.

Thinking of this, Li Fanyu excitedly activated the "Fault Diagnosis Specialization" and looked around.

The structure of the toilet just now was too simple; he needed to find something more complex.


Whose electric bike is this?

Hmm, the motor is normal, the transmission is normal... Wait, why is the brake part red?

Li Fanyu squatted down and carefully examined the rear wheel of the electric bike. There seemed to be no problem with the surface of the brake part, but in the model in his eyes, the brake area was marked in deep red, indicating a serious fault.

Everyone who rides an electric bike knows that although there are brakes on both the front and rear wheels, people tend to use the rear brake out of habit. Because when braking the front wheel at high speed, the inertia can cause the bike to rear up.

If the rear brake is broken and the owner doesn't know, an accident is bound to happen.

Just as Li Fanyu was crouching down to observe the rear brake, he suddenly felt a kick on his buttocks.

Although the kick wasn't very strong, the person was wearing high-heeled shoes, and Li Fanyu let out a cry as he fell to the ground.

Before he could see who had kicked him, he heard a sweet yet angry voice saying, "You... will you ever stop? Last month, you stole my bike. Can't you find someone else to steal from?"

Li Fanyu struggled to his feet, still feeling a bit sore. He shouted back at the girl, "What the hell are you doing? Why did you kick me for no reason?"

The girl was originally a bit nervous. Looking around, she thought that this was still under the dormitory building, and the thief wouldn't dare to be too presumptuous.

These thieves were really despicable. The electric bike she bought at the beginning of the semester was stolen within two months. She had just bought another one, and now it was targeted again.

Today, she must catch him and take him to the police uncle!

"Why... why are you yelling at me! You sneaky guy, tampering with my bike, stealing someone else's bike, and you still have the nerve to argue? Let me tell you, there are police officers stationed at our university!" 

Li Fanyu couldn't laugh or cry. It turned out that this female knight mistook him for a bike thief.

He had been squatting in front of her bike for a long time, so it was understandable that she mistook him for being up to no good.

Struggling to stand up, Li Fanyu moved slightly, relieved that he hadn't injured his waist. He finally took a good look at the girl.

Damn, isn't she the girl from the photos on Lao San's phone? It is said that she has captured the hearts of many boys at the university, becoming a goddess that haunts their dreams.

These days, Lao San has been holding his phone every day, daydreaming about her. Li Fanyu, influenced by him, also became familiar with this girl.

Li Fanyu was the kind of person who would blend into a crowd and not stand out, and he was somewhat self-aware. When he first saw that photo, he knew that such a pure and beautiful girl would never be interested in someone like him.

But now, upon seeing her in person, Cheng Ke still managed to slightly impress him. 

Some girls, when they put on makeup, are goddesses, but without it, they're ghosts. But Cheng Ke was the kind of girl who looked even more beautiful without makeup than with it. If she wore heavy makeup or none at all, it would seem out of place.

Her skin was tender, even under the streetlights, it looked fair and delicate. Her eyelashes were long, her nose petite, and she had a lively aura about her. Seeing Li Fanyu staring blankly, she thought that her stern appearance had intimidated the bike thief, and she felt a small sense of satisfaction.

Hmph, who says I'm weak? If I get tough, even thieves will be afraid.

She confidently placed her hands on her waist, forming a cute circle with her arms, and sternly said, "I've already called the security office. Don't even think about running away!"

Others might not know, but Li Fanyu knew exactly what the campus police at the university were like. They even had another title, called the Deputy Principal of Legal Affairs, whose daily work involved educating students on the law and eliminating campus crime. The person currently stationed in the security office was Mr. Wang, the night watchman.

If he were really a bike thief, relying on Mr. Wang's capabilities... Heh heh!

Li Fanyu inexplicably thought of the tortoise and the hare race and couldn't help but laugh. "You better stop now. When Mr. Wang arrives, I could have already kidnapped you and taken you back to my hometown to get married."

Cheng Ke's bluff was immediately punctured, and she couldn't help but deflate. Then she reacted, "You're from our university? Great, the university even produces scum like you!"

Li Fanyu was a bit impatient; although she was very pretty, her unreasonable behavior was unbearable.

He pushed aside Cheng Ke's hand that was blocking his nose and said, "Get your facts straight. I saw that the brake on your bike was broken. I thought if the owner didn't know, it could be dangerous. I was just trying to see if I could fix it. But instead of asking questions, you kicked me. I think you're the scum of the university, right?"

Ah ah ah! This person is too rude, he must be trying to argue! How could he know that the brake was broken? He clearly didn't dismantle it to check. He's just lying! And he called me scum, I'm so angry!

Cheng Ke stamped her foot, "How do you know the brake is broken? You're clearly up to no good. When you got caught, you got angry and tried to argue. You shameless scoundrel!"

Cheng Ke had strict upbringing and never cursed at people. But her family and close friends knew that when she started spouting idioms one after another, she was extremely angry.

Li Fanyu listened to Cheng Ke's string of idioms and couldn't help but sigh inwardly. I wonder if your class teacher knows that you, a science student, are using so many idioms?

He immediately thought of teasing her and said, "Why are you so stubborn? What I said is true. You'll find out tomorrow when you ride your bike. Don't blame me for not warning you then. The rear brake is already severely damaged. If something happens to you, don't hold a grudge in the afterlife."

Cheng Ke, furious, pulled out her keys and got on her electric bike. With a quick start, she zoomed off. Following closely was her angry shout, "I'm going to verify it now. If you're lying, I won't let you off the hook!"

It was dinner time, and there weren't many people in front of the dormitory.

Cheng Ke rode her electric bike around the flower bed at high speed, accelerating, braking, accelerating, and braking.

But on the third lap, things took a turn for the worse. Because the brakes had worked fine the first two times, Cheng Ke was convinced that Li Fanyu was lying.

So she accelerated suddenly, intending to catch up to Li Fanyu and teach him a lesson. But... the brakes did indeed fail.

In her panic, Cheng Ke forgot that there were front brakes as well.

As a result, with a scream, Cheng Ke and the bike crashed into the flower bed!

Seeing this scene, Li Fanyu chuckled, holding his arms. "Female driver."

Cheng Ke lay in the flower bed, feeling a burning pain in her calves, and tears couldn't help but fall.

This night was truly unlucky. As she thought about it, the tears kept flowing.

At this moment, an annoying face appeared in front of her.

Li Fanyu squatted beside her, holding back a smile, and said, "Uh, hello classmate, do you need help?"


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